Abrogate Prohibition Michigan 2016

abrogate should supercede all prohibitions and limits on cannabis. so if there are parts of 4209 that are not limits, those will be ok.

kind of complicated to figure out haha.
I signed it and I have a couple petitions to pass around. If people want to change our medical marijuana laws without asking the voters and fight over patient certifications, then we'll just cut you all out. I hear mi legalize got enough signatures to get on the ballot. It would be cool to see abrogate on the ballot also. I would rather take abrogate over the others any day. Lets show these guys the will of the people is not to be trifled with. We should also update the anti mmj politician thread and get these leaches out of office.
You know these assholes don't give up power easily and I can see a scenario were they will do anything to keep this off the ballot.
Would that explain the new rec laws comin out of the cesspool in Lansing??
Not gonna be easy to get a quick count on abrogate... This is grass roots at its finest.. 5 here ;).. 100 there... No corporate flunkies to try n herd us...
I've passed out 5-600 petitions and only signed 1

Someone should get Abrogate posted up there.

Steve and Maria have 1/2 a box of Petitions at Down 2 Earth available to sign and Pick up to Circulate.
There are a few places in Lansing that have Abrogate Petitions available.

They are also available in the January, February, and now the March edition of the MMM Report. There are 17,000 monthly Circulation. So any place that has one of the last 3 months of MMM Report, will have a petition in it. If one isn't there, ask the retailer where they are at. Every piece gets a Petition, an addressed envelope, and an instruction sheet put into it before it goes out the door. as of the March Edition that makes 51,000 Sheets in Circulation in just the MMM Report Magazines. Then there are 100's or more other businesses that are around the state that also are carrying them to sign, pick up to circulate, and drop off at.
Or better yet, you can mail them back to us at

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan
3553 S. Dort Hwy
Flint, Mi. 48503

Or to the address on the bottom of the petition.

The Full and Complete Repeal Bus (literally in one sense, see coming post with-in a Few days). Abrogate Prohibition Michigan started collecting signatures on January 13th of this year. We have a bit over 120 days of Clean Signature gathering time with no worries of Stale Signatures or any other such major problems. Deadline to be on November Ballot is Monday July 11th, we plan to turn on on Friday July 8th, after hitting it hard for what will be Gravy Signatures over the 4 day 4th of July Holiday.

Look for us at many of the coming events. Now that Winter has been sprung by Spring, We have smooth sailing to November and a Historical passing November 8th 2016.
If you're not on board for Complete and Total Repeal in Michigan, and circulating the Petitions and spreading the information yet, that's alright, because there is no time like the present. That is why they call it a Gift. Todays Gift to yourself.

Full Repeal of Cannabis Prohibition in Michigan, no fines, no probable cause, no excise taxes, no regulation to diminish use, no more Arrests, Raids, CPS Kidnappings... No more Limitations except on age, and even then the Authority is left up to the Parent, not the Government.

No more Fines, Charges, Courts, Attorneys except for business, no more Kicked in doors, and no more suffering.
That is what Abrogate is bringing to Michigan right now. Get Involved, Not Government Done.

Volunteer, Donate, and Get involved today. Government and Big Money will not do it for you, but they will do you.
Don't Be Fooled Again. Abrogate.
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Is there any kind of running signature count? Any status report that gets updated regularly?
Sorry, I have been Absolutely Swamped since the Campaign Kick off. So much has been happening.

We have just started to validate Signatures from the 1st 55ish days. I do not have a number yet, but will very soon.
We have had around 250 or so Petition sheets returned so far, there are more and more coming in by the day, and we need to get a collection cycle done here over the next few weeks.

Add in the continued raids around the State I have been telling everyone was coming since last fall, and the crackdown in Detroit, and soon Lansing, then the rest of the state, as I have also been saying was on its way, now the 50.00 tax and regulate from Young. Although it is better than the other recreational petition that was trying to push for recreational pot only, which only put the Counties and Cities i a Position of Authority over that of the State. Think Dry Counties in the Southern half of America. That is what we have with the MMM Act. That other proposal would make it a Law that a county could be DRY simply by the rule of City Council and County Commissioners. It would be a sad day in Michigan if Dry Counties were Allowed and Codified into the Law you were tricked into passing. Good thing its dead. They can finally stick a fork in it, because it is done. they are 90 day over their 180 days, and now have around 1/2 of the collected signatures no longer usable because they are "Stale".

It has never been more clear, as I had anticipated, that Full and Complete Repeal and unabated opening of the market is the ONLY Solution.

You can give it to Lansing D.C. with Recreational Legalized Pot,

Or you can take it for yourself, and your posterity with Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
I signed it and I have a couple petitions to pass around. If people want to change our medical marijuana laws without asking the voters and fight over patient certifications, then we'll just cut you all out. I hear mi legalize got enough signatures to get on the ballot. It would be cool to see abrogate on the ballot also. I would rather take abrogate over the others any day. Lets show these guys the will of the people is not to be trifled with. We should also update the anti mmj politician thread and get these leaches out of office.

Being they are now 90 days over the 180 day sliding scale collection period (their 180 day mark was like December 24, 2015), the signatures they collected since their kick off around June 4, 2015 through September 4th are all considered stale by the state.

The BoC made No changes to the 180 day stale signature validation clause in last Mondays meeting. The rule stand as is so far. I would say they have had a fork stuck in them, and they are done. It is unlikely they will be able to recover from the poorly organized campaign being ran by the fountainheads. Sad considering they have had over $600,000.00 donated and appears it still pretty much failed.

Good thing Abrogate is there to actually Repeal Prohibition and not leave you all wet from 6 years of Spraying Fountainheads.
Even though our monetary support has only been around 2000,00 besides the cost of petitions we are off to a great start. Especially considering A.P.M. started in the middle of a snow storm. That said, We need donations now more than ever.

Yet it sounds like Milegallize are saying they are going to keep petitioning but I dont see how. Dead Dogs don't hunt.
3 Dispensaries Raided and Shut down on Wednesday. All 12 raided in Gaylord today.

Hardcore Harvest In Montrose 2 weeks ago, and Clio Cultivation 2 days later.

3 GR patients and CGs Raided last week.

Detroit is shutting them down, Lansing Is Next, then AA and GR.

The writing has been on the wall for a year. Been telling you all this.

Now, as I previously stated. 4209/4210, Seed to Jail Tracking will be passed out of the Legislature with Warrantless Compliance checks.
Those have been going on for over a year.

Full Repeal = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
No More Raids = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
No More CPS Kidnappings = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
No More Arrests = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
No More Fines = Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.

No other proposal does this, nor will any other proposal be able to get to the ballot. the last 9 month of not getting it done just proves it.
Why isn't this shit making the media :confused: Do they believe there is nothing to report, absolutely no chance the state is violating the law (MMMA sec 4) and unlawfully threatening our state's medicinal patients and caregivers ...
Why isn't this shit making the media :confused: Do they believe there is nothing to report, absolutely no chance the state is violating the law (MMMA sec 4) and unlawfully threatening our state's medicinal patients and caregivers ...

Fuzzy laws pertaining to dispensaries makes this a none issue. This will be the status quo until something comes out of MI Congress. Abrogate will get rid of some law enforcement but eventually something would be re-written regarding growing, selling, processing, transporting.

Let's face it, only way to get MM is from your caregiver or yourself. That's the MMMP bottom line.

It will be a beautiful thing if Abrogate gets on the Nov ballot.
Is anyone talking to the Media on this Subject ? If not they should be, This needs to be seen by all the People in Michigan Not just People on these sites, I know there are Radio shows but the Mainstream Media needs to be following this very closely so everyone can see what is going on, What the Government is doing to everyone that is trying to do it by the book and was Legally excepted by the People Of the State is unjust to all.
You have to wonder when a law is passed why we still live in fear. What more can we do ?
The first thing a defense attorney (great or worthless) will tell you is stfu. Both sides have economic interests in the lack of transparency within our "justice system" and it's ability to keep on keeping on ...
Fuzzy laws pertaining to dispensaries makes this a none issue. This will be the status quo until something comes out of MI Congress. Abrogate will get rid of some law enforcement but eventually something would be re-written regarding growing, selling, processing, transporting.

Let's face it, only way to get MM is from your caregiver or yourself. That's the MMMP bottom line.

It will be a beautiful thing if Abrogate gets on the Nov ballot.

They cant rewrite a Constitutional Amendment.
Abrogate gets rid of way more than Some. When we Repeal, we remove all Fines, All Penalties including arrest, jail, court, RETAINERS of 5000.00 and more just to have the liar, err Attorney have you take a Plea for being Innocent. No Excise Taxes. and anything they try to write will be arguable as a Diminishing of Use. Therefore, fully Unconstitutional.
Is anyone talking to the Media on this Subject ? If not they should be, This needs to be seen by all the People in Michigan Not just People on these sites, I know there are Radio shows but the Mainstream Media needs to be following this very closely so everyone can see what is going on, What the Government is doing to everyone that is trying to do it by the book and was Legally excepted by the People Of the State is unjust to all.
You have to wonder when a law is passed why we still live in fear. What more can we do ?

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan is the Solution. Get the petition, circulate it, and lets put 1 million sigs into the State..... They wont be able to deny it.