Abrogate Prohibition Michigan 2016

Find your county here.

If there is noone posted in your county yet, Become that contact person. Full and Total Repeal only Happens with your Help.

The Prohibition Bus is out of the mudhole. Its heading on down the road, waiting for you to get onboard so we can finally go to the party.

All we need is you, and on November 8th, we can fully repeal Prohibition in Michigan.

The Arrests, the Raids, the Kidnappings of Children, the death from cancers, the Forfeitures, the disregard for life, will continue under recreational legalized pot.

Just as a cop, Any cop, what is he going to do when he come upon 3 neighbors. All 3 are growing in a locked cage in their yards.
Each have 13 flowering beauties that are 5 ft tall each and 3 feet around.

Neighbor number 1 is a hemp guy.
Neighbor number 2 is a recreational pothead.
Neighbor number 3 is a Medical Patient fighting Chrones Disease.

Now ask that cop how he is going to handle those 3 neighbors under the MMM A, and Legalized Recreational Marihuana?

Do it, Ask them. Find out what they tell you is going to happen.

Then for shits and giggles, Ask Yourself What does the MiBARASS (Mi Bar Association) need an Entire Special Group of POT DEFENSE ATTORNEYS if you are only going to get a $100.00 fine?

I guess the recreational dopeheads are too fucking stupid to pay a Small Civil Infraction fine without paying an Attorney a 3000.00 retainer?

But what do I know, I'm just a set of Flapping lips. Isn't that right Fountainheads Leading the Community?
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Find your county here.

If there is noone posted in your county yet, Become that contact person. Full and Total Repeal only Happens with your Help.

The Prohibition Bus is out of the mudhole. Its heading on down the road, waiting for you to get onboard so we can finally go to the party.

All we need is you, and on November 8th, we can fully repeal Prohibition in Michigan.

The Arrests, the Raids, the Kidnappings of Children, the death from cancers, the Forfeitures, the disregard for life, will continue under recreational legalized pot.

Just as a cop, Any cop, what is he going to do when he come upon 3 neighbors. All 3 are growing in a locked cage in their yards.
Each have 13 flowering beauties that are 5 ft tall each and 3 feet around.

Neighbor number 1 is a hemp guy.
Neighbor number 2 is a recreational pothead.
Neighbor number 3 is a Medical Patient fighting Chrones Disease.

Now ask that cop how he is going to handle those 3 neighbors under the MMM A, and Legalized Recreational Marihuana?

Do it, Ask them. Find out what they tell you is going to happen.

Then for shits and giggles, Ask Yourself What does the MiBARASS (Mi Bar Association) need an Entire Special Group of POT DEFENSE ATTORNEYS if you are only going to get a $100.00 fine?

I guess the recreational dopeheads are too fucking stupid to pay a Small Civil Infraction fine without paying an Attorney a 3000.00 retainer?

But what do I know, I'm just a set of Flapping lips. Isn't that right Fountainheads Leading the Community?
Problem is a lot of people want something without any effort in action. Hard to get private people to sign their name. I'll spread the word brother.
People have been calling for the last week. They are running out of Petitions to circulate.
Others all over the state are finding them and getting sigs. The UP Is now nearly fully stocked up and the areas between are starting to let us know where they are. Get the Petition, circulate it and get signatures, and Be a Part of History.
Sheets are being returned every day. I am not sure exactly how many have came back so far. Many are still out in circulation and we wont know more until they more are sent back. Still getting sheets back from folks that go back near the Start in Jan.
The Verification Software has been updated last week, and we are now fully capible of all parts of the verifications.
What I can tell you all for sure is the quality signature capture rate so far has been over 70%. So out of all the sheets we have been checking thus far, over 70% of the signatures have been checking out to date.

There is so much shit happening being tossed out there. its frickin nuts. heh.
I have started to put out the call a little over a week ago for everyone to send in their current petitions so we can try to get a more solid number. The last 3 weeks of cold weather has been a bit of a shitter. Lets hope Mother Nature is done with this cold front.
I will also be attending the Expo in Lansing. And plan to also get to the Expo happening in Detroit as well.
Anyone willing to volunteer with Abrogate at either of these events would be most welcomed.
I will also be attending the Expo in Lansing. And plan to also get to the Expo happening in Detroit as well.
Anyone willing to volunteer with Abrogate at either of these events would be most welcomed.
If I can make a couple connections (no Vechicle) I'll have some White Noise (the white x Darlins Net) seeds for the Cause... I hear the strains I dropped all got killed ; (~
So according to news MI Legalize has lost the 180 day window to get the initiative on the ballot. I doubt the Republicans will allow them to slip through a loophole. Will that also fuck with Abrogate?
The 180 day rule effects all Statewide Petitions. Yes, we also have to contend with this hurdle.

As far as where we are at, that depends on how fast Petitions are coming back in.

The 180 day issue is a hurdle no doubt. If Milegalize is turning on on June 1st now, that means Dec 5th, 2016 is their new start date. Thus any signatures prior to December 5th, 2015 are going to be Stale per the 180 day rule

I am listening to a Planet Green Trees Show dated Dec 11th I believe, where Jim Powers, MiLegalize Board Member is stating they are well on Track for their 1st 180 day window which ended December 23rd, 2015. His exact comment is
" I can tell you that ahh... the campaign is on track. Umm. and we're well, well, well. above 100,000 signatures at this point, and definitely on track to make our 253,000 signatures by the 20th of December.".

It seems that was not the entire truth, 6 months later.

So, if they lost 100,000 signatures to stale signature policy, opposed to as Mr. Power said on Dec 11th, "well well well over 100K", and they are planning on turning on 300K sigs on June 1st, and 100K are "Stale" then they are only turning in 200K VALID non stale Signatures.

That is a FAIL by the 180 day rule and the required numbers of 253,300ish needed.

So the only real question at this point is how bad do you all want to Actually Repeal Prohibition?

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan has put out over 80,000 petitions. Enough for over 1 Million signatures. The MMM Report has them from January 2016, and the Abrogate Prohibition Michigan petition can be found all over the state listed on the supporting website here:

We require 315,654 valid sigs and our deadline to be on Novembers Ballot is July 11th.

Should we miss that Deadline, we will continue and shoot for the Next Election, which will be March or May 2017.

Collecting sigs in Winter sucks, but it is what it is.

At any rate. it is up to We the People at this point... Like it has always been.
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not so easy to get on the ballot... maybe instead of fighting between abrogate and milegalize, you guys should work together.

Well, If the Recreational Legalized Pot groups were not working against the Citizens of the State of Michigan, that may have been a doable thing. Sadly, the Recreational Legalized Pot Groups want to give Lansing D.C. total Control of Cannabis, including continuing Prohibition. Ironically their Attorneys say they want to End Prohibition, but their actions are to make more Legislation that will create more Criminals.

Yesterday it was reported that 200,000 of the 300,000 signatures MiLegalie will be turning in on June 1, 2016, were collected prior to December 5, 2015, and are therefore considered STALE. Thus will be considered Null and Void by the State. That means they only have 100,000 signatures A far cry short of the 252,536 valid signatures they need.

Besides, When I was told last July "You just want to see people Die because you won't support MiLegalize". It was pretty clear there was going to be no working with such shallow and small minds.
Some of the comments on the site kountdown posted are unreal, I have heard it all now. go and look at what some of these people believe it is just nuts
Well, If the Recreational Legalized Pot groups were not working against the Citizens of the State of Michigan, that may have been a doable thing. Sadly, the Recreational Legalized Pot Groups want to give Lansing D.C. total Control of Cannabis, including continuing Prohibition. Ironically their Attorneys say they want to End Prohibition, but their actions are to make more Legislation that will create more Criminals.

Yesterday it was reported that 200,000 of the 300,000 signatures MiLegalie will be turning in on June 1, 2016, were collected prior to December 5, 2015, and are therefore considered STALE. Thus will be considered Null and Void by the State. That means they only have 100,000 signatures A far cry short of the 252,536 valid signatures they need.

Besides, When I was told last July "You just want to see people Die because you won't support MiLegalize". It was pretty clear there was going to be no working with such shallow and small minds.
Yo timmahh, do you have any updated numbers on those signatures yet?