Abrogate Prohibition Michigan 2016

I didn't read over the abrogate fully but from what I have seen I do think think it stands a chance at passing. The state wants control and lots of money from taxes and this gives them neither. I would much rather have this over the others though.
I think the State wants funds from 'legalised cannabis', but the true underlying villains are the corporations/rich individuals that see it as another facet to gain wealth. All while taking what little disposable income the 'Middle Class' might have. I'm all for leveling the playing field as much as possible. Let the Devos family open a huge Grow/testing facility, if there is anyone in Michigan that can run those studies on health benefits, it would be them. But, if someone/group wants to start to Grow & try their hand at the get rich quick scheme, let them try. Abrogate Prohibition Michigan is the only true answer for anything other than what we have.
We are actually kicking off the campaign drive in Lansing on the 13th, and will be having the Lansing Signing drive at Down 2 Earth with the Steve and Maria. They have graciously allowed us the area.

We are very appreciative of their hospitality allowing us to use their location at 3001 S Washington Ave, 2 miles S of the Capitol Buildings in Lansing.

If you all can make it out to Sign up in Lansing and help make a starting Statement in Our House, Join us Wednesday to sign the petition, pic them up to circulate and help kick off this event and Make History.
We are actually kicking off the campaign drive in Lansing on the 13th, and will be having the Lansing Signing drive at Down 2 Earth with the Steve and Maria. They have graciously allowed us the area.

We are very appreciative of their hospitality allowing us to use their location at 3001 S Washington Ave, 2 miles S of the Capitol Buildings in Lansing.

If you all can make it out to Sign up in Lansing and help make a starting Statement in Our House, Join us Wednesday to sign the petition, pic them up to circulate and help kick off this event and Make History.

This sounds like the best proposal. Have you talked to BDT's head shops yet? They have one of the other petitions in their shops, but I'd be willing to talk to them and try to sway them this way if you'd like...?

They get a lot of traffic through those stores.
This sounds like the best proposal. Have you talked to BDT's head shops yet? They have one of the other petitions in their shops, but I'd be willing to talk to them and try to sway them this way if you'd like...?

They get a lot of traffic through those stores.

I do not know for sure. 20,000 just went into and out with this months MMM Report magazine. Not sure if the have any loosies though, so I would be interested in putting them into their hands. Sounds Like I may be running to Detroit on Friday.

Can you post some contact info on then and who I need to speak with?
We are getting a bunch of support, but would love to find more places to stock up with petitions, and see if they would be a drop-off/pickup point, and gather sigs as well. Ya either talk to them and see what they say, and have them get ahold of me so we can chat about it.

Send them to www.michican.us they can contact me through there, and that will be our online home until Election Night!

For those interested, we have set up the Petition (both sides ofcourse) and an instruction sheet as well that can be printed off.
Find the printable files here:

You may need to check around, but there are petitions going around the state right now. I know they are in Sparta, GR and Barrien Areas. Flint, Saginaw, Bay City Midland, Clare, Alma, the Thumb, Port Huron, areas. They are in Cadillac, and going to Kalkaska. Tomorrow Mio, Traverse, and towards Cheboygan, Alpena, Ect. They are also headed up across the bridge tomorrow to Mackinac and Chippewa counties, as well as to the center of the UP, and also the West U.P. with a box heading to Robert Johnson of the O.N.A.C. up there. Have various Vape shops, Dispensaries, Grow shops, and even a few cell phone retailers that have them, or will have them shortly.

I ll be taking them to Lansing on Wednesday ofcourse as well.

From Flint south I am unsure of, but I know we have peeps all over Detroit ready to start Petitioning, so if you dont have access to one. Get on the MichICAN forum, find your county in the Petitioners non public area, and give us your address and we can get some in the mail to you until your area is stocked up. If you need to print one. Take the time to ensure it is properly setup to print correctly and if it does not match the PDF file, or your printer does not print smooth lines on the Signature side, take it to Staples/OfficeMax, or another local printer and have it printed out.

Petitions are flying around the State, but in case you can not find one, or get one out of this months MMM Report Magazine, then you'll still be able to take part in this Historic Day in Michigan and America, by Signing one, and getting 11 or more to sign with you and mail them back to us
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I didn't read over the abrogate fully but from what I have seen I do think think it stands a chance at passing. The state wants control and lots of money from taxes and this gives them neither. I would much rather have this over the others though.

No need to guess. With a Constitutional Amendment, we don't need to give 2 shits what the "state and the bastards in Lansing D.C. want.


The Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Amendment

A proposal to amend the State Constitution regarding the prohibition of the use of Cannabis.

This proposal would add a new Section 28 to Article 1 of the State Constitution to read as follows:
Section 28.
(1) The agricultural, personal, recreational, medicinal, commercial and industrial use of cannabis in any form by any person shall be a lawful activity.
(a) Cannabis use by any person who is; the ward of an adult, enrolled in K*12 school, a minor, shall be lawful activity requiring only parental or legal
guardian authorization.

(2) All prohibitions on the use of cannabis in any form by any person is hereby null and void, and henceforth abrogated.

(3) “Use of Cannabis” shall include:
(a) The growing, manufacture, delivery, purchase, consumption, and transport, of any seed, flower, leaf, mixture, derivative, extract, product, and or
preparation of the cannabis plant for all personal, recreational, medicinal, commercial and industrial purposes.

(4) No excise tax, no fines, no regulation to diminish use, shall be levied or allowed for use of Cannabis.

(5) Severability: If any section, subsection or part of this amendment is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining sections,
subsections or parts of those sections shall not be affected but will remain in full force and effect."
Getting the stoners, the young, the MM patients, the illuminated to 1.) Register to vote, 2.) Go find and sign a petition, 3.) Vote come November (depending on getting enough petition signings) equals a very tall order! I'm thinking college campuses would need some serious canvassing.
I do not know for sure. 20,000 just went into and out with this months MMM Report magazine. Not sure if the have any loosies though, so I would be interested in putting them into their hands. Sounds Like I may be running to Detroit on Friday.

Can you post some contact info on then and who I need to speak with?
We are getting a bunch of support, but would love to find more places to stock up with petitions, and see if they would be a drop-off/pickup point, and gather sigs as well. Ya either talk to them and see what they say, and have them get ahold of me so we can chat about it.

Send them to www.michican.us they can contact me through there, and that will be our online home until Election Night!

For those interested, we have set up the Petition (both sides ofcourse) and an instruction sheet as well that can be printed off.
Find the printable files here:


I'll swing by there tmrw and give them your contact info...
Maybe a Bernie Sanders rally would be a good place to circulate the petition :bigjoint:


Are there any petitions in the A2 dispensaries?

We do have folks down there, and they are getting petitions into them as I type this reply.

That said, if you need, I can mail you some petitions to get you going.
There are folks in A2 and you can find a list of them at www.michican.us webforum in the County List, 4th section down I believe.
Is there any kind of running signature count? Any status report that gets updated regularly?

We are in day 32 of the 180 day campaign. Filled out Petitions have been coming in for a few weeks now.
Qualified Voters File is being loaded and prepared so we can start to Validate sigs.

As of right now, I do not have any kind of detailed numbers other than to say we have a bunch of filled out sheets waiting for validating.

We are currently right on track with the Campaign, just need to get started validating sigs to get an initial count started. Being we started in the middle of winter, it may be low, it may be high. but we are getting sheets back and that is a great start.

I suspect by the beginning of March, we will have a good detailed number to report. And being a Presidential Election Season, I have put a call out to ALL Abrogate Volunteers and supporters to get out to your local Election events and Petition for Abrogate Signatures.

Every Bernie Sanders Supporter is an Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Supporter and are wanting and waiting to sign our Petition. Lets ensure they have that opportunity. Bernie has support offices all over the State. We need Volunteers, whether you are a Sanders supporter or not, to be infiltrating their campaign areas to collect signatures for APM.

Feb 19th Jesse Jackson is in Flint.
March 6th Sunday in Flint is the Clinton vs Sanders DNC Debate
March 8th Tuesday in Flint is the DNC Primary

These are just 3 of the events coming to Flint we need 100s if not 1000s of Abrogate Prohibition Michigan volunteers and supporters canvassing for signatures.
Both March 6th and 8th should pull 50,000 to 100,000 people or more to these events each.
This is where we Clean Up on Signatures. Especially from the Bernie Supporters.

Don't disregard the Republicans either. The Libertarian Party of Michigan is in Full Support of Abrogate Prohibition Michigan, as is a large proponent of the Tea Party Republicans, as well as the True Small Government, Less Taxation Republicans.
Of Course we are also getting much support from the Independents as well in Michigan.

Add in all the spring events, spring concerts and shows, and spring holidays, including the July 4th, 4 day long weekend,
Abrogate Prohibition Michigan has poised itself to make State and National History when we put full repeal on the 2016
Presidential Ballot for the State of Michigan to do what it is Ready to Do. Fully Repeal Cannabis Prohibition entirely in Michigan, being the 1st State in the union to do so, just as our Grandparents and Great-Grandparents did with Alcohol Prohibition in 1933.

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because More LansingD.C. Creates More Criminals.

Timothy Locke - Founder and Treasurer A.P.M.