Abrogate Prohibition Michigan 2016

Anyone wanting to donate to any political campaign, including a Ballot Question Committee like Abrogate Prohibition Michigan, must supply their full name and address. Any donations of 20.01 or more, requires to be made in check or money order and made out to Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
Any donation of 100.00 or more also requires the name of your employer. These are Rules as provided for by the Ballot Election Committee for donations are mandated.

Also, certain donations can not be accepted such as donations from foreigners, or anyone with a Financial Interest in Any Casino.

If you can help, we need to come up with 5,000.00 to 10,000.00 dollars for the printing of petition costs and the related expenses to distribute and pick them up once filled out, train petitioners, house the petitions in a safe location until they can be turned in at the end of the signature campaign ect.

If you are serious about fixing the cannabis issue for the whole state, and not just a handful of 'beautiful people', then support Abrogate Prohibition Michigan with your signature on the Petition, helping to Circulate the Petition and collect viable and valid signatures, and if you can see your way to do so, a donation of some funds to help Repeal Prohibition in Michigan 2016.

A Tax deductible receipt can be given to anyone that would like one for State Tax Purposes as well.

Donations to Abrogate Prohibition Michigan are Legal Donations to a State recognized Official Ballot Question Committee.

Thank you for your consideration and thinking of our children's posterity in this matter.

Contact me and I will give you the required information to help on the petition campaign or how to donate.

Timothy Locke - Treasure Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
FYI, I have deleted the GoFundMe account and refunded the donations made through it.

GoFUCKMe wanted over 8% of the total Donations. They can kiss my Lily White Irish Ass.

I have setup a Paypal Direct Donation Button for ease of Donations to Abrogate Prohibition Michigan, which only charges 3% total.
Please find the new and far better Paypal Donation Button here:
All the old drafts have been replaced with language that is consistent with Constitutional Language.
The previous drafts were crafted in the way of indirect Statutory Legislation. AKA Color of Law.
That just would not suffice, and could not do the job properly, or was it even the correct way to approach the process.

This needs a True Constitutional Amendment, which Constitutionally minded language.

And here it is.. Game On.
Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Ballot Question Committee Amendment...

Has been sent in to the Bureau of Elections for Board of Canvassers for 1st round approval process 11-12-15. Game On.
The chess moves over the next two weeks are going to be quite interesting, and kind of revealing I suspect...

You can view the Constitutional Amendment as submitted here:

It is open to view. To reply, or to help on the signature campaign you will need to join the Michigan Independent Cannabis Action Network at the above link.

If clicking the link is too much, here is a 5 point synapses of the language.

1. Makes use of the cannabis plant lawful by anyone, wards/minors use requires parental guardian authorization only.

2. Abrogates All forms of prohibition on the cannabis plant.

3. Defines use of cannabis in broad scope including purchase.

4. Prohibits Excise Taxes and Fines and disallows regulation that may diminish use.

5. Severability Clause.

but its a quick read Under 250 words total.
On 12-2-2015. Abrogate Prohibition Michigan was sent this Reply from the Staff of the Board of Canvassers, Bureau of Elections, Michigan Secretary of State, and I quote


Please make the following changes to the signature side of your petition:

· Print the phrase, “Certificate of Circulator,” in 8-point type.

· Enlarge and/or bold the check box for out-of-state circulators.

· Enlarge the spaces for the circulator to enter his or her signature and city-twp/state/zip – additional white space is needed to ensure that when the circulator signs the petition and enters his or her address, it is legible.

With these changes, staff will recommend that the Board approve your petition as to form. In order to make the agenda for Thursday’s meeting, please ensure that the printer’s affidavit (with original signature and notarization) and 15 proof copies of the petition are delivered to our office by 5pm today. We are located in the Richard H. Austin Bldg., 430 West Allegan, 1st Floor, Lansing, MI 48933.

If you are unable to meet this deadline, the petition will be presented as an agenda item at the Board’s next meeting (but no date scheduled at this time).

Please let me know if you have questions."

I have made said simple changes, printed the15 copies with noted changes, had the Printers Affidavit Notarized, and sent them to Lansing for the next Board of Canvassers Meeting.
I called today to get an update as to when the next meeting is scheduled, but did not receive a return call today. I will call in the morning and post when I know the next BoC meeting is occurring, at which time we should be getting approval from the BoC...

Game On. Are You?

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because Michigan Laws Create More Criminals.

Timothy L. Locke
i have a couple of questions on the wording.
(1) The agricultural, personal, recreational, medicinal, commercial and industrial use of cannabis in any form by any person shall be a lawful activity.

nothing in this wording protects people who drive. or work.

(2) All prohibitions on the use of cannabis in any form by any person is hereby null and void, and henceforth abrogated.

does "any person" include corporations?

(3) "Use of Cannabis" shall include:
(a) The growing, manufacture, delivery, purchase, consumption, and transport, of any seed, flower, leaf, mixture, derivative, extract, product, and or
preparation of the cannabis plant for all personal, recreational, medicinal, commercial and industrial purposes.

personal, recreational and medicinal "purposes" probably does not include driving while having thc in the blood.

edit: not defining "purposes" is also a foolish move.

you can consume, lawfully, but nothing in this wording protects a person from being arrested for any ng limit of thc in the blood while driving.

(4) No excise tax, no fines, no regulation to diminish use, shall be levied or allowed for use of Cannabis.

what about regulation to enable use?
what about regulation and fines to protect "public safety"?
what about fines to diminish use?
what about excise tax to enable use?

why the words "diminish use"? this is a loophole for more laws against cannabis and you are a fool for including them.
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right, then it means

(2) All prohibitions on the use of cannabis in any form by any person is hereby null and void, and henceforth abrogated.

only gets rid of the prohibitions on person cannabis. not the prohibitions on commercial cannabis.

its contradictory with section 3.
All prohibitions is all prohibitions. Who or what is being prohibited will no longer be prohibited.
"all prohibitions" would including a prohibition on industry and commercial. All kind of means all and Prohibition means any limiting.
Thus I would say you are incorrect is your assessment Pass, no offense, but when it is 1st made lawful, and all prohibitions are then removed or all use, and all use is described as all use, including but not limited to those uses that are defined, as a constitutional amendment, the writing is very clear.
No Fines, No Excise Taxes, no legislation to diminish use.....

Most importantly, it removes government out of the personal interactions with any form of the cannabis plant.
as far as driving, because of Mi vs Koon, unless one takes a plea deal, found driving with THC is not automatically guilty.

Currently LEO has to prove actual Impairment so long as you properly Defend it in court...

As far as Jobs, when they can not hire people they ll drop the ignorance of their unconstitutional drug tests. And if you get fired, thanks to Janine, you can draw unenjoyment.
people v koon is an mmma law opinion only.

any amount of thc in the blood otherwise is a crime, if you are not a patient.

michigan has a zero tolerance thc (not metabolite) driving law.
more info http://norml.org/legal/item/michigan-drugged-driving

Michigan has a zero tolerance per se drugged driving law enacted for cannabis and other controlled substances. Cannabis metabolites are excluded under the law MCL 257.625(8)

(8) A person, whether licensed or not, shall not operate a vehicle upon a highway or other place open to the general public or generally accessible to motor vehicles, including an area designated for the parking of vehicles, within this state if the person has in his or her body any amount of a controlled substance listed in schedule 1 under section 7212 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7212, or a rule promulgated under that section, or of a controlled substance described in section 7214(a)(iv) of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7214.

tell me where in your abrogate language that it protects against this law.
where in abrogate language does it remove thc and marijuana from the state controlled substances list MCL 333.7212.
(3) "Use of Cannabis" shall include:
(a) The growing, manufacture, delivery, purchase, consumption, and transport, of any seed, flower, leaf, mixture, derivative, extract, product, and or
preparation of the cannabis plant for all personal, recreational, medicinal, commercial and industrial purposes.

"growing, manf, delivery, purchase,consumption and transport" does not cover internal possesion while driving. it doesnt even really cover possession, only by implication...

if i am not being clear, please ask me to explain my reasoning or logic.
  1. eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).
    "people consume a good deal of sugar in drinks"
    synonyms: eat, devour, ingest, swallow, gobble up, wolf down, guzzle, feast on, snack on;More
    • buy (goods or services).
    • use up (a resource).
As a Constitutional Amendment the Consumption under use covers internal number.

No Legislation to diminish use means they can not write or pass any legislation that would diminish ones right to use, aka consume, eat, ingest, ect....

If impaired driving is a 'situation' LEO will need to actually prove impairment. aka Standardized Field Sobriety Test. which is what LEO actually needs today to prove Impaired driving because of the Koon Case.

Internal Limits (ng limites) would diminish 'use'.
no P vs Koon is Not MMM A only case law. It just originated as part of the Defense. It is for anyone that has 'possession' internally.
did you read people v koon?

http://courts.mi.gov/Courts/Michiga...inions/12-13-Term-Opinions/145259 Opinion.pdf

its in the first paragraph of the opinion

Michigan Vehicle Code prohibits a person from driving with any amount of a schedule 1 controlled substance, a list that includes marijuana, in his or her system. This case requires us to decide whether the MMMA’s protection supersedes the Michigan Vehicle Code’s prohibition and allows a registered patient to drive when he or she has indications of marijuana in his or her system but is not otherwise under the influence of marijuana. We conclude that it does.

koon is mmma case law only. if you feel otherwise, please paste from the koon pdf that shows your argument.
so the argument is that people can consume anywhere at any time, including in the vehicle, and the law currently prohibiting thc in the blood of a driver would diminish the persons right to consume in a vehicle.

thank you, that makes sense.

still dont like the wording. where is "sale" covered? purchase is covered i see, but what if it becomes asyncronous like the MMMA where you can buy it from anyone but its illegal to sell it?
I would not parse it like that myself. I would say its not about just consumption at any time... Its about being impaired or not while driving in regards to your point above.

If a LEO has the thought that someone may be under the 'influence' while they are 'driving', there are a few ways they can prove it, most specifically being the over 50 yr old Standardized Field Sobriety Test, aka the abc's, 123's ect... actual tests of physical or cognitive acuity to prove impairment beyond a reasonable doubt is the only straightforward way to deal with this issue. If one is pulled over, and LEO want to say one is 'impaired', as that one, if it were myself, should want to ensure the Full Standardized Field Sobriety Test is conducted. I myself, am confident I would pass these tests without issue. But I am not everyone else, and everyone else is not me.

As individuals, we are all effected differently by all substances we ingest. In my humble opinion, the key would be to make them prove your physical/cognitive impairment via the Standardized Field Sobriety Test. If you are not physically or cognitively impaired then a machine readout of a number is just that, a machine readout of a number. Arbitrary numbers are just that, arbitrary.

The word Purchase is part of of a Transaction. If there is a Purchase, then a Sale is implied by the nature of purchase, which means transaction.

There can be no purchase, if there is no sale.

Yes, I followed the Koon case pretty close. And yes, he was an MMM A Patient, and this the fact the Act was found to Supersede the MVC in authority, thus anyone that is a Patient of the MMM Act, registered or otherwise, should be able to claim this case and have their case tossed.

But, as a non MMM Act patient, an attorney that was using their full tool box, would use the Koon case to argue the same case... Because one has the Metabolite in their system, does not equate to automatic guilt of 'Operating a Vehicle' while 'impaired' solely because of an arbitrary number on a machine.

Sure it may be a tough row to hoe, but your guilty of driving impaired otherwise anyways.
Most take the plea deal also.

Again, a big part of this puzzle is Abrogate Prohibition Michigan is not putting forth an Indirect Statutory Initiative, aka Legislation, but rather a Constitutional Amendment.

Legislators Legislate Legislation. They have to Follow Constitutional Amendments.
For anybody reading this, we are looking for people willing to volunteer to Petition for Signatures first and foremost. People that can see the only redress of this clusterfug we have going on is to just end cannabis prohibition and we have to do that in a way the State can not Legislate around it. A Constitutional Amendment is the only way that happens...

The language is pretty solid when you parse it in the frame of mind how a Constitutional Amendments are binding, compared to how Legislation is binding.

And if you can help with a Political Donation, we need to raise the 1st Funding Goal of $5,000.00 to get this campaign started.

If you can help out with a $1.00, $5.00, $10,00. $20.00 or even $100.00 or more to do what our grandparents did in 1933 when they repealed alcohol prohibition, Abrogate Prohibition Michigan and your posterity would very much appreciate it.

Let us know if you need a receipt for your taxes.
You can donate via paypal, or directly by check or money order here:
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