advanced nutrients vs. fox farm


Well-Known Member
my additives have increased my yield by 15-20% in the side by side tests i did... not all additives work but some do... You could visually see the difference between the plants that had additives and the plants that didnt.

thats my experience with SOME of the snake oil additives, but i agree that AN and some other companies do use ingredients that probably dont help at all... but thats why i do side by side tests.


Well-Known Member
Oh c'mon...don't do side by sides, just swear it off, call it crap and talk sidewayz out of your ass for the next 20 years....that's what UB did.

Haha UB, you can have your credibility back with one side by side comparison test....I've never seen one that DIDN'T go the way of AN.
personal attack, what?

play nice, please. thanks. :weed:


New Member
good thread. Im using AN, and about to go into bloom for the first time with it.

im just using boom and micro right now, like the lucas formula. And a bit of cal-mag, and just keeping my ph right on.

anyway... what are the bare essentials for a good harvest using AN? Im in hydro, using misters/nft. Thanks


Well-Known Member
personal attack, what?

play nice, please. thanks. :weed:
That's a personal attack? I didn't call him names, say his mother is a whore or anything else that should be considered a personal attack. I didn't say ANYTHING personal, it's all about growing.

I'll try to be more careful, but he did state he's never tried EITHER of the products in question and he doesn't have anything to back up his BLIND hatred for "cannabis specific nutrients". Hasn't used them, hasn't tried them and has SOOO much to say about them. An entire industry exists and UB clearly hates it, but "spreading knowledge" you don't have while destroying EVERY thread about AN or FF or any other commercially available Canna spefici nutrient line is "talking sideways out of your ass".

Bottom line is he doens't know what it's AN's products, hasn't used them and doesn't know and as long as he decides to "attack" the product and spread misinformation I'll go ahead and question his credibility.

Anyone so sure would've tried it by now. Espeically the biggest of nay-sayers.


Well-Known Member
That's a personal attack? I didn't call him names, say his mother is a whore or anything else that should be considered a personal attack. I didn't say ANYTHING personal, it's all about growing.

I'll try to be more careful, but he did state he's never tried EITHER of the products in question and he doesn't have anything to back up his BLIND hatred for "cannabis specific nutrients". Hasn't used them, hasn't tried them and has SOOO much to say about them. An entire industry exists and UB clearly hates it, but "spreading knowledge" you don't have while destroying EVERY thread about AN or FF or any other commercially available Canna spefici nutrient line is "talking sideways out of your ass".

Bottom line is he doens't know what it's AN's products, hasn't used them and doesn't know and as long as he decides to "attack" the product and spread misinformation I'll go ahead and question his credibility.

Anyone so sure would've tried it by now. Espeically the biggest of nay-sayers.
so you're going to tell me to just fuck off then?

what part of "play nice" don't you understand?


Well-Known Member
That's a personal attack? I didn't call him names, say his mother is a whore or anything else that should be considered a personal attack. I didn't say ANYTHING personal, it's all about growing.

I'll try to be more careful, but he did state he's never tried EITHER of the products in question and he doesn't have anything to back up his BLIND hatred for "cannabis specific nutrients". Hasn't used them, hasn't tried them and has SOOO much to say about them. An entire industry exists and UB clearly hates it, but "spreading knowledge" you don't have while destroying EVERY thread about AN or FF or any other commercially available Canna spefici nutrient line is "talking sideways out of your ass".

Bottom line is he doens't know what it's AN's products, hasn't used them and doesn't know and as long as he decides to "attack" the product and spread misinformation I'll go ahead and question his credibility.

Anyone so sure would've tried it by now. Espeically the biggest of nay-sayers.
i asked you to stop attacking him directly and this is the response you gave. to me that pretty much says "fuck off". as you continued doing it.
he has an "opinion" and can say whatever he wants about a product. you, on the other hand, cannot directly attack him for said opinion.


Well-Known Member
i asked you to stop attacking him directly and this is the response you gave. to me that pretty much says "fuck off". as you continued doing it.
he has an "opinion" and can say whatever he wants about a product. you, on the other hand, cannot directly attack him for said opinion.
If this is the definition of a "personal attack" there's no point in discussion on this "discussion forum".

I will change the way I state the information to appease the censors on this website....

New statement: To all users considering using AN and/or FF products and would like to know which is better, please beware nay sayers on this forum with no credibility who will blindly state their distain for commercially available canna specific nutrients. If you ask they will admit to having never tried or used the products. They really don't have first hand knowledge of the results from the use of this product.

I'll attempt not to engage in discussion with specific users and make more blanket statements if it appeases the censors.


Well-Known Member
If this is the definition of a "personal attack" there's no point in discussion on this "discussion forum".

I will change the way I state the information to appease the censors on this website....

New statement: To all users considering using AN and/or FF products and would like to know which is better, please beware nay sayers on this forum with no credibility who will blindly state their distain for commercially available canna specific nutrients. If you ask they will admit to having never tried or used the products. They really don't have first hand knowledge of the results from the use of this product.

I'll attempt not to engage in discussion with specific users and make more blanket statements if it appeases the censors.

nothing has been censored.

dude gave an opinion. it had NOTHING to do with you. i don't get why you are so offended.


Well-Known Member
nothing has been censored.

dude gave an opinion. it had NOTHING to do with you. i don't get why you are so offended.
I'm not offended and some people DID very much attack UB in this thread. I don't know why you are pointing towards me as his attacker. I understand he gave his opinion, 87 times in this thread he gave his opinion. He didn't only give his opinion, he insulted users of AN and FF products and brought into question the credibility of it's users calling us "noobs" and calling himself "a master gardener".

When he brought up the credibility of the users of the products that were asked about he opened the door, not me. He made this about credibility and turned it into a pissing contest. You can't discount the opinions ACTUAL users with your speculation and expect it to go unquestioned.

Anyway, I'm not going to get into a pissing contest about it, I'll just drop it. UB can continue on unchecked and continue providing information he doesn't have...

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Not sure what his book has to do with quality assurance issues of AN and FF but it is one of the finest books available. He is truly a master gardener. The book is on sale at RedEye press for $10, a steal. The online version is very limiting as you're not getting his invaluable graphics, ease of finding info, photos, etc., plus it's plagarizing. He should be paid for his hard work. That book will be a noob's shortcut to success, unlike some label from Advanced Shysters or unsubstantiated forum paradigms.



Not sure what his book has to do with quality assurance issues of AN and FF but it is one of the finest books available. He is truly a master gardener. The book is on sale at RedEye press for $10, a steal. The online version is very limiting as you're not getting his invaluable graphics, ease of finding info, photos, etc., plus it's plagarizing. He should be paid for his hard work. That book will be a noob's shortcut to success, unlike some label from Advanced Shysters or unsubstantiated forum paradigms.


Wow...people are pretty sensitive around here, huh?

let's talk about more important stuff...maybe it's time to start this thread over? looks like it's heading into something that maybe should be talkign about over private chat or email...


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Bottom line is he doens't know what it's AN's products,....
And neither do you. You can believe your false prophets all you want.

I know only what is printed on the label (like you) and gave an example of why you're not getting what you pay for using Bud Blood as an example. Again, it has an insignificant amount of K and supposedly other additives (which ARE NOT required, needed, or beneficial to plants in the manner prescribed that is if they are even included, % not indicated)...... that is supposed to "remind you of eating cotton candy at the County Fair when you were a boy." Isn't that all warm and fuzzy and "sweet". :spew:

This biz is all about blind faith, stoner dreams of sweet bud and such not unlike the other snake oil products hyped to "clear" your bud of toxins or whatever it is that's supposedly purifies your bud i.e. Clearex. Using sensory marketing is another means of slick advertising that appeals to a certain element. if you NEED K, then pick up a bottle of potassium nitrate, at least you're getting a bonus hit of N with it - 13-0-44.

The attached is an example of the kind of legitimate, ultra pure, value priced products I buy, delivered to my door at under $1.00/lb. in 25 lb. bags. Do you see any half naked girls, any label hype, ANY advertising at all? Of course not.




New Member
And neither do you. You can believe your false prophets all you want.

I know only what is printed on the label (like you) and gave an example of why you're not getting what you pay for using Bud Blood as an example. Again, it has an insignificant amount of K and supposedly other additives (which ARE NOT required, needed, or beneficial to plants in the manner prescribed that is if they are even included, % not indicated)...... that is supposed to "remind you of eating cotton candy at the County Fair when you were a boy." Isn't that all warm and fuzzy and "sweet". :spew:

This biz is all about blind faith, stoner dreams of sweet bud and such not unlike the other snake oil products hyped to "clear" your bud of toxins or whatever it is that's supposedly purifies your bud i.e. Clearex. Using sensory marketing is another means of slick advertising that appeals to a certain element. if you NEED K, then pick up a bottle of potassium nitrate, at least you're getting a bonus hit of N with it - 13-0-44.

The attached is an example of the kind of legitimate, ultra pure, value priced products I buy, delivered to my door at under $1.00/lb. in 25 lb. bags. Do you see any half naked girls, any label hype, ANY advertising at all? Of course not.


Ok, Ben we get it. You don't like marketing.. lol Why are you saying the same thing over and over and over again? We get it.. you're stuck in your ways. Nothing new, It happens all the time.

We're the newfangled whipper snappers that are going to take over the world.

If you're throwing a fit over AN then whatever you do don't read about the 'yellow' bottles.. LOL

P.S. Ben you did mention Bud Blood before and I know how ignorant you are of 'modern' products, that was my mistake for not posting the N-P-K. You seem to have it mixed up with Bud Candy.. Bud Blood is 0-39-25.


New Member
Now back to the thread..

Anyone seen the new Bud Ignitor or Bud Factor X?

I guess Bud Ignitor is the liquid Bud Blood.


Well-Known Member
And neither do you. You can believe your false prophets all you want.

I know only what is printed on the label (like you) and gave an example of why you're not getting what you pay for using Bud Blood as an example. Again, it has an insignificant amount of K and supposedly other additives (which ARE NOT required, needed, or beneficial to plants in the manner prescribed that is if they are even included, % not indicated)...... that is supposed to "remind you of eating cotton candy at the County Fair when you were a boy." Isn't that all warm and fuzzy and "sweet". :spew:

This biz is all about blind faith, stoner dreams of sweet bud and such not unlike the other snake oil products hyped to "clear" your bud of toxins or whatever it is that's supposedly purifies your bud i.e. Clearex. Using sensory marketing is another means of slick advertising that appeals to a certain element. if you NEED K, then pick up a bottle of potassium nitrate, at least you're getting a bonus hit of N with it - 13-0-44.

The attached is an example of the kind of legitimate, ultra pure, value priced products I buy, delivered to my door at under $1.00/lb. in 25 lb. bags. Do you see any half naked girls, any label hype, ANY advertising at all? Of course not.

There's a major difference you are missing. I'm not claiming this product is junk or doesn't work without TESTING it. I don't know why this is so difficult for you to understand. AN's products do work, they've been tried and tested by 1000's and they work very effectively. Maybe this cheap stuff works too, that's great, but becaue I very seldom find an unhappy AN user and quite often find unhappy "Cheap crap" users I'm going to stick with AN.

I appreciate your input, but I consider it valueless because you've never even tried the product. So if you'd like to have a greater impact on the people you are trying to convince...THEN FUCKING TRY IT! Once you try it, this all stops...pretty simple.

Every time this comes up you can link to your side by side journal and show everyone what you're talking about. Until such time, I have to point out that you have no credibility on this subject.

If this is again a personal attack and your buddy FDD wants to censor me he should consider the fact that you brought it back up.


Well-Known Member
There's a major difference you are missing. I'm not claiming this product is junk or doesn't work without TESTING it. I don't know why this is so difficult for you to understand. AN's products do work, they've been tried and tested by 1000's and they work very effectively. Maybe this cheap stuff works too, that's great, but becaue I very seldom find an unhappy AN user and quite often find unhappy "Cheap crap" users I'm going to stick with AN.

I appreciate your input, but I consider it valueless because you've never even tried the product. So if you'd like to have a greater impact on the people you are trying to convince...THEN FUCKING TRY IT! Once you try it, this all stops...pretty simple.

Every time this comes up you can link to your side by side journal and show everyone what you're talking about. Until such time, I have to point out that you have no credibility on this subject.

If this is again a personal attack and your buddy FDD wants to censor me he should consider the fact that you brought it back up.

now you gonna ride my dick all day? :roll:


why do you keep saying "censored"? :dunce:

i simply asked you to stop insulting people.

where did i censor anything?
