Advice needed! Tips on increasing BHO yield.

your gonna get 10% maybe a lil more i grind my trim up in coffee grinder 100 grams non packed just put in with spoon in the big extracter. about three cans of the vector and i pull 10-14 grams of oil that i butter up. i like to have the pyrex dish your gonna be drippin the honey in sitting in a bigger aluminum turkey pan with boiling water. so the purging starts as soon as the honey hits the dish and untill your finished, STOP extracting when the liquid is coming out clear with no more golden color.let it bubble out in the hot water for 5-10 minutes.then put it in another boiling water bath for second purge do some whipping and spreading you may get butter at this point i usually dont. scoop the oil into a glob and throw it in the fridge and forget about for few hours boil up some water and do one last purge within five minutes with a little mixing up gets butter every time.
your gonna get 10% maybe a lil more i grind my trim up in coffee grinder 100 grams non packed just put in with spoon in the big extracter. about three cans of the vector and i pull 10-14 grams of oil that i butter up. i like to have the pyrex dish your gonna be drippin the honey in sitting in a bigger aluminum turkey pan with boiling water. so the purging starts as soon as the honey hits the dish and untill your finished, STOP extracting when the liquid is coming out clear with no more golden color.let it bubble out in the hot water for 5-10 minutes.then put it in another boiling water bath for second purge do some whipping and spreading you may get butter at this point i usually dont. scoop the oil into a glob and throw it in the fridge and forget about for few hours boil up some water and do one last purge within five minutes with a little mixing up gets butter every time.

This is why we have Sr. Verde's Concentrate Corner............. You could learn a LOT from going there and reading! (Yes, I mean YOU! Tons of bad info in that paragraph of how not to run oil! :( ) <----- Click ;)
like what?

Oh good, you asked. :)

- Coffee grinders break up the herb too much. Do it with your hands, dont grind it! Grinding = dirtier oil

- 3 cans of butane is too much

- Putting it in your fridge can cause EXPLOSIONS (see the thread in mention for an actual YouTube video of it happening) because of the sparks in your fridges compressor. It'll blow your windows out, doors off, and fuck you up fast

So we have quality, quantity, and explosion/bodily harm factors for you to consider based on just that paragraph.
your a fuckin idiot lets see your oil. and if you use two coffee filters and a proper extractor there will be no plant material in the oil, maybe if you make some ghetto shit. and three cans of butane for 100 grams is what it takes before the liquid coming out isnt golden. and how do you figure putting a pyrex dish with a little glob of oil on it would make anything explode there is no butane anywhere in the house or the fridge. just a dish which is in no way flammable or able to cause an explosion lol
your a fuckin idiot lets see your oil. and if you use two coffee filters and a proper extractor there will be no plant material in the oil, maybe if you make some ghetto shit. and three cans of butane for 100 grams is what it takes before the liquid coming out isnt golden. and how do you figure putting a pyrex dish with a little glob of oil on it would make anything explode there is no butane anywhere in the house or the fridge. just a dish which is in no way flammable or able to cause an explosion lol

If you read the thread I linked (twice), you'd see my oil. You'd also see how I started off with good intentions, wrongly, too, and improved. You can too! :)
that oil is full of bubbles looks like you barley purged it

le'sigh........ With your short attention span and limited reading ability, you'd probably have seen that oil is re-melted to be stored in containers. Just by scraping it when warm bubbles it up, and its cool by the time the dish is full, so you see air bubbles, not butane bubbles.

What else do you have to say negative that makes no sense? Play nice and play polite.......
str8 you speak hate cause you feel you have to defend

research you speak sense if you know srverde you know hes a vac purger and btw its the only way to go
your an idiot

Eloquently stated. cn
str8sativa, dont sweat it man. ResearchKitty gets drooled over frequently on this site and its given her a bit of an ego. All the info you gave was fine. You wont get dirtier oil from coffee grinding. You will get the max return immediately without having to regrind the material and run it again like some people do... wasting more tane' and time:(sad! Also, Kitty mentioned earlier in response to me that she would use 2 cans for 1 oz of material...! ....So, she must have misread your post... kinda made herself look foolish by saying you use too much... cause by her methods you should be running 8 cans!!! haha. Also, blowing up your fridge? While this is a very dangerous process, explosions dont happen to people who use common sense. Im sure the guy that blew up his fridge was a super smart guy and being extra careful too... not!!!
i dont use 3 cans either

i use 10 ml per gram as stated before

but i dont fully grind my material cause i heavy pack it and its crushed as i reeam

i also use a .5 inch tube allowing me to get the most out of the material as a tight compact pathway is ideal for the extraction

i have never needed more than 1 can of vector for 55 grams of material
true butter?

dont need cofee filters for true butter

if your purging right you should have not tane and a easier time budering it up

as well the product going in determines the product going out

your only gonna get black goop if you old old product
str8, nobody has your "back", there's no sides to take. There's either the right way or the wrong way.

dankiller: I do use 2 cans of butane. I also use a 2 ounce honey oil tube. I never said I use two cans over one ounce, you're assuming I implied that, and then taking things out of context as usual.

Grinding up herb makes the leaves into partial powder, of which escapes your tube when extracting. So yea, you "can" use a coffee grinder for it, if used VERY lightly, but if your powdering that up, then you are failing at having the maximum potency, not the maximum yield.

A vacuum pump to quickly purge, while nice, is also not a necessity and not a quality bumper. It just speeds it up. Sit that pan out for a week, it'll taste identical. How do I know? I've done both. So telling me I'm wrong for not using one currently, is also incorrect.

I dont type just to type, if it isnt worth saying and helpful or informative, I dont post. Also, I dont get drooled on. Ms kitty doesnt post here (and hasnt for many months) so you're talking straight to the penis. Feel free to drool, still, if you must. And it also strikes to show your arguing capabilities if all you can bring up is whether or not someone has a penis or a vagina. Whether you have one or both, it makes no difference in your oil capabilities the last time I checked........

Please continue to argue more, but I do urge you still, to read that concentrate thread, you'll learn a lot.
"I never said I use two cans over one ounce, you're assuming I implied that, and then taking things out of context as usual." -researchkitty

Sorry, left out the part where you contridict yourself... :)
I have done extraction runs (with hexanes, though; not butane) on two samples from the same batch ... one lightly ground and the other ground coffee-grinder fine. Recovery is better from the fine grind ... after six hours' reflux the coarse batch still had residual activity by tlc while the fine grind whas exhausted after three. The fine-grind extract was darker however, even though the "extras" probably didn't amount to more than a per cent or two ... either in terms of improved recovery of actives, or in terms of contamination of extract. A refiltration of butane extract is a very easy way to deal with insolubles/particulates, but the extra bit of waxes/pigments, while not large, is real ime. it comes down to personal preference. As i am a recovery freak, i will take the slight purity hit in order to reap the quantitative recovery of actives. cn.
cn; I think that's where the confusion comes, we need to define "ground" as each grinder is different for the same settings........ What you "dont" want, is powder. Every coffee grinder I've seen (you know, the $20-$40 walmart/sears style ones) have always left coarser pieces on the top, and powder on the bottom. I found that my oil would be very black in color, and hit harsher. By hand grinding it just by rubbing my hands together and then stuffing the tube, I find the oil is lighter, meltier, and a not harsh in the least.

With respect to dan and your continued comments, again taken out of context, I wasnt referring to MY extractions, I was referring to YOURS. I run a 2oz tube and use two cans. I use the finger test to determine if there's oil still coming out or not. If your finger is sticky when the butane comes out, there's oil left in there. But nit picking at this "how many cans do you use", we are all missing one important factor, and that is each strain, and each part of that strains material you process is going to have a varying yield and need a varying amount of butane. You should use as much butane as you want/need to in order to get the oil out, no more no less. There's no set rule. If (as the subject of this thread implies) your goal is to simply increase your yield, then run it like there's no tomorrow. Running the right amount is how you get the right quality, short of all the proper purging/waiting after...

And dont give me shit about fridges blowing up. It happens, and you are a plain idiot if you think otherwise.

Watch the video, see the apartment damage in the news story above. Purging BHO in a freezer. BOOOOOM. Sure, it never happens, its safe! LOL...


Keep searching on the web and you'll find plenty more........