Aerogarden club

o and for randirandi i actually tried tying the stems down with twisty ties, but i tried training them much too late, and because of this i was not able to bend them, but with my next grow i might try something like that. also. fox farm just seems to be the beginning growers best friend, when it comes to not knowing exactly what you are doing. thanks a lot for the suggestion though
question about the timer guys. Now i saw how u can get the timer and the cord from radioshack. I havnt bought the aerogarden system yet but are there different plugs for the lights and the rest of the machine. ie do i have to do some manual separating of the wiring to be able to use a timer? also, do i have to tinker with the backup battery and whatnot. the reason i am asking all these questions s because i am trying to build a word step by step document for everyone to use. thanks
no you dont have to do manual work to get the lights seperate. they are only pieced together by a cord that can easily be unplugged, and replaced by a different cord
Question? I received my Aero Garden and planted on the 25th. I got two seeds to sprout, but the roots came out of the topand started to wilt. Why are they not growing downward. I fliped them over and cut the sponge in half. Is this what I should have done? I know, I'm new and really suck at this, but everyone has to start somewhere. Please help!!
you planted them upside down. its alright just plant them with the pointy side down. and everything should be good next time
"the best strain to grow in this thing is probabely "BIG BUD" because the plants rarely exceed 2 feet in lenghts."

where do i buy these seeds?
I just started mine on sunday 2/18. I put in 3 pods with one seed each 2 came up and I put another in the dead one we will see if it comes up. The strain is unknown, but it was good in the bag. I plan on clipping them at about 4 inches to make em bush out we will see.
This is to Mercilesss one even though Tek is the one that first started all the aerogrow Merciless is the one that I have got the most info from especally from the whole radio shack thing but after saying that I whould like to thank everybody for the info and I have already ordered one and some seeds just waiting for every thing to come in so will see and good luck to all.
I haven't seen anybody mention air stones yet, so here goes... GET AN AIR STONE GOING IN THERE! To the left of the lamp stand of the aerogarden is where you can lift up and check our pH levels and whatnot, so just open it up, run a tube in there, attach an airstone, and voila, no root rot. 1 little air stone at the front should be fine, but if you really want to get snazzy, then you could put a 2nd one in the back as well. That way your water is full of oxygen. Your plants will love it, and start trying to direct a huge chunk of their roots (once they start reaching down into the water) to get as close as possible to the air stone(s). Oh, I also forgot to mention that it's easier to germinate in a rag first and then bump it into the sponge with the emerging root (or better yet, hopefully it's discarded it's shell) nestled down into the sponge.
i was thinking of covering the top part with foil sheet (aluminum). This allows me to cover the holes that doesn't have a pod/seeds. more light reflecting from the bottom as well. makes the whole unit brighter.

anyone have any thoughts on that...would it be a waste of time?
Well everyone my aero garden will be here tuesday....oh and Tek how much bud can you get out of a plant on this thing
well today is the day....gettin ready to plant my first one now...lookin forward to the results....ill keep pics updated