Aerogarden club

Cool thanks for your help. I started with half the aerogardedn nutes to get the water in the right condition, i only used one tablet. I havent actually added any of my big bloom or the fox farm big grow as of yet, because i wanted to wait.

I'll go ahead and rip the sponge in half.

Is there a way to tell which sprout is roots and which is actually plant? That way i can kinda turn the seeds around if needed.
Question? I received my Aero Garden and planted on the 25th. I got two seeds to sprout, but the roots came out of the topand started to wilt. Why are they not growing downward. I fliped them over and cut the sponge in half. Is this what I should have done? I know, I'm new and really suck at this, but everyone has to start somewhere. Please help!!

Hahahaha Dont feel bad ,,,,, did the same thing myself. Thought the plant would know what to do on its own.
Hey glad to find the AG community is still live and well. I just plucked the top of my prize plant in a hope of keeping her low and bushy. She's got two little (what's they called?) like "nubs" for new branches to pop from, so it should be OK. I think I'm going to try a musical chairs routine as well. I notice my plants all lean funny towards the light, and some have better access than others. Maybe this rotation will help even things out. More pictures when I got more to show, I'm at 3 weeks from sprouting right now. Still in that lovely phase of waiting and watching. Still a few weeks to go until flowering?

I've been watching the boards for a couple of months, first-time poster and first time grower. My Aerogarden will be here on Tuesday at the latest. Suggestions on where to find good seeds?
hi I just want to say you guys rock and also i want to give you info on what I learned about the ag. First thing if you want an easy way to find a lamp chord that matches with your arogarden you have another option you can use any xbox, playstation power chord to do so. secoundly if you want to raise your lamp use a pcv pipe or some kind of pipe like instrument which u may easily find in home depot and lastly if you want to increase your chances of female flowering give it more light and lastly for more oxgen in the water use airstones.
I just bought airstones for my system. I'm on day 7 from germination and i've got little 1 inchers. If the plants are shooting straight up is it's probably not the roots right?
roots are white, the top of the plant is green... dicoytl leaves should be present immediatly after sprouting, so should be pretty obvious which way is up...

If you put the seed in upside down, it will grow upside down... just flip it and wait...
Lol so it was growing upside down... actually 2 of them were... I flipped them right side up lets hope they live. I cannot believe roots grow straight towards the light like that.
Hey, approaching week for of vegetation I think, and here's a picture of my status. I know I got too many in there, but it's hard to know when I'll need to pull one or two of them out... too bad you can't tell gender until so late in the cycle... still the roots are still pretty young, so there's no fighting yet, but I suppose there will be. I tried the musical chairs routine, and I think I'm going to land on a permanent placement soon. Trying to decide how best to arrange them.

Any advice, or ideas are welcome! :mrgreen:


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im not sure whether there is a difference betweem soil fertilizer and water medium nutes help if I dilute rhis muddy smelly crap in my gallon of water will it ruin the wter pump filter. it's at 5-1-1
Man, where did all those lovely people who answered questions go? :) It's kind of too bad the original thread got closed... It had alot of great information and alot of helpful people were reading it... Still, it sounds like a stretch to try and use fish fertilizer plant man... did you hear it was a good idea somewhere?
Hey I had just got my package of AeroGarden in the mail..
Should I add the step 1 nutrients from the Herbal Pack?
And should i germinate in the lil sponge things or... a paper towel?
What about lil air bubbler things.. i belive they're called air rocks?...
Do you think if i threw in 2 air rocks in the AG it would help, and not let the water stagnet
I had no luck with germinating in the AG, so I used paper towels in a ziploc bag, that worked wonders. I'm running a real simple operation, with as little hacking as possible, and so far so good.
it's been 2 days that they have been in the AG to germinate the sponges are all soaked and im having no luck.. im gonna give it another day then paper towel it. :)
i germinate by just dropping the seeds in a cup of water and put em in a dark place....

Its worked before for me... if anyone thinks i am dong that wrong please tell me a better way
I make a solution of rooting hormone and water, soak a paper towel and put it in a bag, blow in it. Guranteed fast results. Tap roots are long and straight, if you germ in water they curl and this adds time to the seedling stage. Play your cards right and you'll be up and running a week sooner.