Afganistan Collapse

What are you talking about nobody saying we should stay there? So many people are suggesting that we should stay there, too late now, but when Trump announced it people were saying it was the worst idea ever, now Biden is carrying it through and people are saying it was the worst idea ever. What I don't hear are a lot of people saying, "You know, it was pointless to begin with so lets get out of there."

Side note, so many people crying about social media and the way it manipulates idiots. Better education is the key, but that's hard work so stick with the blame game, much easier and guaranteed zero results.
Careful about being sucked in through non political stuff too, but it seems like you have a good avoidance of the online radicalization that has been going on. Any social media though (like RIU, the videos that you are looking up too) is filled with the clickbait propaganda spam designed to impact people.
I completely understand what your saying I have met a lot of people who have become completely radicalized in one direction or the other over the last few years. It’s crazy to me, I’m not mad at anyone, lol.

I moved to a legal state bought a house in the middle of the woods with a building to grow in, it’s a little colder in winter than what I’m used to but oh well I started riding snowmobiles, lol. But basically what I’m saying is that the only way to radicalize me would be to try and take all that away. I could care less about people’s political views, I want radicals of all sorts to stay away from me. I wish people would just go back to normal and quit being so angry. And I really do believe it has a lot to do with watching the news.
Empathy is nonsense unless you can do something about it. It's a selfish emotion for mental midgets.
More often than not, we don't know what we can accomplish unless we first try. Empathy is a valuable emotion, even if compassion does not lead to direct action, without empathy there would be no human civilization or even tribes, it is fundamental to human social existence, even though it sometimes hurts like Hell.

I understand you pragmatic approach, the people of the country are deciding with their feet and that's all there is to it. However, Trump set this in motion and Biden should have slowed things down until a better plan of evacuation could be implemented, for local allies. America had to leave Afghanistan, but everybody leaves the place in a hurry it seems.

Human rights for females is now a permeant fixture in our world and not all Muslim cultures oppress their women. All terrorist all have one thing in common though, they abuse women, in America and in Afghanistan. Like climate change it will end up being a problem solved by the international community, even the one within the Muslim world. Using violence to suppress people based on sex, race or ethnicity is always a bad idea and that is the core moral issue here. Climate change has become a global issue and so has liberal democracy, human rights and especially the pandemic. We can't say fuck you to the world's unvaccinated for humanitarian and pragmatic reasons.
Trump is saying, "Biden you fucked up because you didn't follow my plan." Well Trump reduced the number of soldiers in the country to 2,500. If Biden said we need more troops there he would have been painted as a war mongering president (same as when Obama increased the number). So Biden was in a no win situation, so the Taliban ignored deals made with Trump (wasn't he sold as a deal maker?), they did not attack US troops but Afghans. And now they just steamrolled over the place.

Why do others in another country matter? Why care about the women? Because it sets the bar for the rest of the world what is acceptable. Some other country will push the boundaries also. It just makes the world a much dangerous place.
Biden should have slowed things down until a better plan of evacuation could be implemented, for local allies. America had to leave Afghanistan, but everybody leaves the place in a hurry it seems.

There is no better plan. Like kids making a wall to protect a sand castle as the tide comes in. They have to decide for themselves when enough is enough and they want to join the rest of the world in prosperity, till then they are fcked. Maybe a Muslim country will step up and lead the way, don't see that happening but you never know.
Why do others in another country matter? Why care about the women? Because it sets the bar for the rest of the world what is acceptable. Some other country will push the boundaries also. It just makes the world a much dangerous place.

Acceptable to who? Why does America decide? That is just propaganda for Americans. Besides, Americans can't really talk about what is acceptable when what goes on in our own country. Not like America is a glowing example of rights and high morals.
for the record it's not a collapse...that's the western them they're just returning to their heritage and fought hard to maintain it. however whack we may think it, that is their preferred engrained tribal order from eons of religiously derived socioeconomic life.
Eons is incorrect.
Who cares about their dream? How about we start with the dreams of the little girls right here in America? There is no forcing of our values on them, has never worked. They have to decide themselves, and not just some puppet government sell-outs. It’s like how many of their little girls are we willing to kill to give them dreams they may or may not have. What about the little girls who’s dream is to shove it up America’s ass?

What group or class of US women is being subjected to an oppression as severe and widespread as the Afghani women face? What specific oppression? Cite sources please.
I completely understand what your saying I have met a lot of people who have become completely radicalized in one direction or the other over the last few years. It’s crazy to me, I’m not mad at anyone, lol.

I moved to a legal state bought a house in the middle of the woods with a building to grow in, it’s a little colder in winter than what I’m used to but oh well I started riding snowmobiles, lol. But basically what I’m saying is that the only way to radicalize me would be to try and take all that away. I could care less about people’s political views, I want radicals of all sorts to stay away from me. I wish people would just go back to normal and quit being so angry. And I really do believe it has a lot to do with watching the news.
Ive seen massive radicalization to the right, e. g. Q and Maga. The Pillowbilly.

I haven’t seen any toward the left. Characterizing Antifa as radical left is a dishonest attempt for right-radicals to steal the discourse.
So I am curious how this isn’t a both sides troll.