Afghan Kush in AG

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purp when u gonna let me come down there and train that dog for some serious procetcion man a switch in his brain no collar and he will be the best dog till you say so and when you say stop he will be the best dog again guarenteed my man i can stop the dog on dog aggression in a heartbeat. im thinkin of makin a trip down that way in november just to blow with you my nig feel me, thanks for the linkto your grow, my girls r doin good no more postin pics on the net for mee though my dad gets on too much only phone pics
shit come on down peepz i aint trippin. need to go to N.O. talk about ballin.damn sorry to hear that,but shit, well dont forget about ya boy when u take pics! Man that new UGK is the onlything thats playin in the lac for now!It goes off, but not like ridin dirty or dirty money.Ridin dirty will always be a classic in my eyes!Hope 2 see ya one day homie.U can come whenever u want my boy,its all good.
yo purp i was readin your other grow. sorry to hear what happen. theres always gonna be haters, nothin a gun cant take care of next time right? lol come one we in TX we all got straps. but the pit is a good feature. anyway im lookin to forward to see this grow. oh and there will never be nothin better than ridin dirrty. UGK 4 LIFE!
yo purp i was readin your other grow. sorry to hear what happen. theres always gonna be haters, nothin a gun cant take care of next time right? lol come one we in TX we all got straps. but the pit is a good feature. anyway im lookin to forward to see this grow. oh and there will never be nothin better than ridin dirrty. UGK 4 LIFE!
well,beans aint cracked yet.just been a day or 2.just gotta hurry up and wait!
Man i done put the pistol down and got me a guage!You pretty much better have that iron if u hustlin in LA.
well,beans aint cracked yet.just been a day or 2.just gotta hurry up and wait!
Man i done put the pistol down and got me a guage!You pretty much better have that iron if u hustlin in LA.

mossburg pump im ridin shotgun litterally.

cant wait for L.A. this summer. i wanna go to one of the meddy clubs. and ya i know you need an meddy card but i KNOW there are ways.
mossburg pump im ridin shotgun litterally.

cant wait for L.A. this summer. i wanna go to one of the meddy clubs. and ya i know you need an meddy card but i KNOW there are ways.
Man them peepz in Cali. got it so damn good when it comes to marijuana.They stick together and picket the fuk out of the laws and riot and shit,so they just say fuk we gonna give them thier way.
SUBSCRIBED... Cool, I can't wait to see how the 09 grow goes.

Thanks for coming by my grow and commenting, purpdaddy...

Peace. :weed:
shit come on down peepz i aint trippin. need to go to N.O. talk about ballin.damn sorry to hear that,but shit, well dont forget about ya boy when u take pics! Man that new UGK is the onlything thats playin in the lac for now!It goes off, but not like ridin dirty or dirty money.Ridin dirty will always be a classic in my eyes!Hope 2 see ya one day homie.U can come whenever u want my boy,its all good.
you know you gonna see me my nig and yea ive stayed bumpin the new ugk, it will have to like a couple at a time but shit lights r on now
Subscribed... or maybe not... I am having a hard time reading mis-spelled street talk, to put it mildly & nicely.

It's those... who have given marijuana a poor track record in the minds of academics. When in fact, that doesn't need to be the case.
cant post no fukin pics!!!i just took sum new pics of gotti..been tryin to post since last night,oh well fuk it.
Subscribed... or maybe not... I am having a hard time reading mis-spelled street talk, to put it mildly & nicely.

It's those... who have given marijuana a poor track record in the minds of academics. When in fact, that doesn't need to be the case.

NAAAAA,,,,we from deep deep down SOUTH.thats how we talk,act,walk.Its Hard livin close to The MURDER CAPITOL OF THE WORLD!Im tellin you, that around here you HAVE to grow up HARD or u will be tested everytime u leave ur house to walk to the corner store,Now u better have that pistol on u if u not in ur hood.U can get killed just passing through a ward and them boys know u from a diff. ward.Youll get ran up on at the stoplight or in the TURNING LANE and u gonna give it up or get roasted.You gotta understand how we live. Go on you-tube and type in NEW Orleans exposed 1-8 and watch those vids..its sad but thats how we live.Its worse now cause everyone still trippin on FEMA .peepz not getting their money.Im tellin u that all my friends i went to school with,childhood friends are either DEAD or in Prison.So its just me and my girl.
Sup purp..Just checking in to see if u got things rolling yet.
dl man im still waitin on these beans to crack.these never take that thinkin they no good.i got 2 left,im gonna be a lil more patient before i start germing my last 2! And plus i ordered my hid setup but i had hell getting the damn money to em,my bank kept rejecting the transaction and thats the same setup from the same co.Ill call the bank and they said a transaction was never attempted from the co. so it had to be thgeir system,so i finally just had to wire the ,money through pay-pal.i know i know shit should be rollin,but not my fault at all i promise u!Just sit tight ma boy its coming soon..i just started germing on the 2nd!
these never take that thinkin they no good.
Ey man, just hold in there, I know they will. Shit's gonna be good this time man, I can feel it in me bones, lol.

P.S. Stop by my thread and check out my grow, have a rip, and tell me what you think. PEACE.
Subscribed... or maybe not... I am having a hard time reading mis-spelled street talk, to put it mildly & nicely.

It's those... who have given marijuana a poor track record in the minds of academics. When in fact, that doesn't need to be the case.

what does it really matter how people type haha, just cause your a lil up tight and think using grammar is more proper (no offence), isnt always the case, to tell you the truth, most the time i have to "dumb" myself down on these forums cause most people would think your acting up, when in fact, thats just how you are. If you want to use proper grammer cool, if not thats cool too, its almost like judging someone, to put it midly and nicely :peace:
hey wheres he deployed

also they doont show all the failures on ceasars show. hes bullshit just klike the rest of those shows. every animal is different

He's an Army medic deployed to Northern Iraq, not far from Tikrit. He'll be home in May for two weeks R&R, then should be back for good in August.

Oh yeah, of course they only show successes on his series. Two years ago I was much more sick than I am now (bedridden and in serious need of abdominal surgery), and just couldn't handle Tama at all then. Out of desperation, I wrote an email to Cesar Millan about the whole situation, begging for help of any sort.... figured perhaps I could get help with the dog's aggression itself, and then we could keep working on him from there. I got an email back saying they were so sorry, but his show was completely booked (I'd stated in my email I didn't care to appear on the show, just wanted to get help), and that his dog rehab center was full and also booked well in advance. They gave me phone numbers to horrendously expensive trainers, never mind that I'd made it clear that the reason I was writing was because I was completely disabled, completely broke, and completely worried about having to put down a dog that most likely just needed some help. I seriously wondered if this was truly an "over-booked" situation, or if they didn't want him taking on a dog that might be a "failure" and hence taint Cesar's "theres no dog I can't handle" reputation.... I find it very hard to believe that the show's producers aren't more concerned with money & ratings than they are with helping a dog and family in true need. Money makes the world go 'round, ya know! :evil:
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