After harvest raid ( get it away from grow spot immediately after harv)

Is anyone workin on getting all this wording fixed? Alot of issues with our law that I think it would benefit both sides immensely to fix. Less drawn out court proceedings if everything is more clear cut.
Murf, I usually tend to agree with you but keep in mind: cops don't make the laws, politicians do and when they are in bed with corporations with an army of lobbyist's that leaves you and I in the poor house and or in jail. Not the cop's fault (There are good ones and bad ones) He's just doing what he's told.

maybe they shouldnt "just do what they're told". you know????? maybe everyone shouldnt just accept what they are being told. too bad so many americans are mindless rule follwing fucks- we'll never get anywhere this way.
Has MI or any state in that manner, addressed how drug test at workplace are effected?

I know work place have their own standard to enforce, even to legal things like cigarettes and alcohol, and paying women less...

But for a 30 day in system drug, and somebody that can lose their job for drug testing, has this ever been addressed? I'm interested any links?
maybe they shouldnt "just do what they're told". you know????? maybe everyone shouldnt just accept what they are being told. too bad so many americans are mindless rule follwing fucks- we'll never get anywhere this way.

I know what Cash meant and I agree with him, but I like the Nazi soldier analogy, they were just doing their job too.
In a lot of cases they can just not do their job well. If I was a cop there would be certain things I would be very
diligent about enforcing, and certain things I would pretend I did not see.
Has MI or any state in that manner, addressed how drug test at workplace are effected?

I know work place have their own standard to enforce, even to legal things like cigarettes and alcohol, and paying women less...

But for a 30 day in system drug, and somebody that can lose their job for drug testing, has this ever been addressed? I'm interested any links?

Legal patient or not, an employer has the right to fire an employee for having THC in their system. But... they can not deny your unemployment privileges.
I wonder how thats gonna be with CO and WA with recreational laws, you cannot penalize recreation when it could of been 30 days after right?

Dosent mean your high on the job.
if your boss told you to kill jews-

would you? americans?

its bullshit rhetoric. keep in mind while these good guys where busting these terible crimnals, some FUCK is raping an imprisoned child. in a basement trture chamber they built themselves through networking on forums like these.

you fucking cop tools are opportunists at best, rarely deter crime, and almost never know what really happened once it's done.

piss up rope "finest". you let a kid get raped to bust a pothead following the law.
Its all about liability and the insurance company. I think we know by now the insurance companies run the health care arena, and also have most employers by the nuts. It's "do it this way, or we wont insure you."
That wasn't 3 mil by my count, lol.

at 3k/ pound that is only $270,000 for ~90 lbs.

let's say they had 200 more plants they are calling those plants about $13,650 a piece.

Awww stoner math, lol
The nazi comparison is a bit flawed cause in their army not all of them actualy Committed atrocities. They had plenty from the inside rebel and plot against. The ones in charge knew the psychopaths to give the orders too. Much like Guantanamo. They know who serves the best cock meat sandwich and smiles about it. That's why they got away with it for so long.

You can bet there's cops not being asked to go on these raids cause they aren't hard line on pot. We just need more of those guys. The majority needs to be logical and smart. MSP employs alot of military, they will actually tell you upfront if you not ex military you prolly won't make it. I think this was to get a buncha guys used to raiding and following orders in their employ. This will prolly work to our benefit in the end, alot of those guys have seen real evil. They know its out there and they know its not MJ.

We should start a big ass fund that will pay police departments for getting the real shitheads. Like bonus money for getting rapists or Meth cooks or whatever. Make it cool for them to do it. Lots of publicity. Give them a reason to do it. Cause now they gotta go where the $ is to stay afloat. Every last one of them boys on the raid squad has seen 20 of his closest friends lose their job. If I'm in charge I got my meanest dumbest biggest scariest boys still employed to go try and rile up some funds for some more guys. That's just logic. If seizure laws were different like all the money went to fight hunger or something I think it would all be different.
That wasn't 3 mil by my count, lol.

at 3k/ pound that is only $270,000 for ~90 lbs.

let's say they had 200 more plants they are calling those plants about $13,650 a piece.

Awww stoner math, lol

I've been trying to figure out how much pot they seized all day lol. I've been expecting to see the c130's headed east to pick it all up lol
You guys ever been raided? they weight the whole plant to bring their seizure numbers up, been thru it before and watched them doing it to my plants.
You guys ever been raided? they weight the whole plant to bring their seizure numbers up, been thru it before and watched them doing it to my plants.

Wow that is some bull! Sorry to hear you were raided. Knock on wood leave me and my meds alone.
That sucks. Sorry to hear that lionden. Didn't they set the precedent in one of these cases what's usable or are we talking the wet whole plant fresh out the ground?

Anyway to fight that in your case lion? U get a good lawyer?
we should only pay cops to solve real crime-

wanna be batman, do it on your own fuckin time.
Come on people, they had way more than they ever could of possibly needed. You guys aren't stupid.

Yet I certainly don't think it's worthwhile to prosecute these people. It is simply a plant and their interpretation of the law certainly doesn't fit the intent of mmmj. I'd rather not waste ~$38k/yr to lock these people up. Shit, That's some hard work right there to be honest with ya.