After harvest raid ( get it away from grow spot immediately after harv)

Unions protect and provide millions of jobs, keep things fair, safe, and informative, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yes you have the right to remain silent, and an attorney we all seen law and order, use it.
Unions protect and provide millions of jobs, keep things fair, safe, and informative, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yes you have the right to remain silent, and an attorney we all seen law and order, use it.

Unions are greedy and force you to use the labor rather or not they are good.
early 1900's yeah they were needed.

Today no way. If you're work isn't worth $160/ hour I am not paying you $160/ hour. Try going on a trade show floor and see how well unions are run.

The point of unions today is to get into the pockets of politicians, get them to pass a couple of laws that will force public convention centers to use Union and bam your stuck with whatever shithead they give you and you are forced to pay them $160/ hour.

The worst experience I have ever had with unions is in the trade show market. Don't believe go try to exhibit one and see how much it costs you.

"Sir get off that ladder, you need the decorators union for that"
"Sir did you plug in these lights? We will need to send over the Electricians Union"
"Sir you cannot put up your own exhibit that requires the carpenters union"

^---- BTW all of these are at an extremely high rate way above anything outside of required labor? Bunch of bull is what that is. Especially in right to work states.

Yeah it's fair... right :shock:
Unions protect and provide millions of jobs, keep things fair, safe, and informative, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yes you have the right to remain silent, and an attorney we all seen law and order, use it.

Here lemme fix this.

Unions used to protect and provide millions of jobs, keep things fair, safe, and informative, you have no idea what you are talking about.


Now unions force companies to hire shitty workers. 20 years ago if you sucked at your job you would get run off at union meetings. Nowadays the only ones going are the guys who suck and need a job. If you got skills with your tools someone is willing to pay you for it nowadays. It's tight out there people need real skill working for them to make a profit. Real skill doesn't need any help to keep working. I think the unions will go back to being skill minded and not about who's willing to hold signs and all the dumb politics they get into now. Then maybe someday we can return to the unions of legend.
Here lemme fix this.

Unions used to protect and provide millions of jobs, keep things fair, safe, and informative, you have no idea what you are talking about.


Now unions force companies to hire shitty workers. 20 years ago if you sucked at your job you would get run off at union meetings. Nowadays the only ones going are the guys who suck and need a job. If you got skills with your tools someone is willing to pay you for it nowadays. It's tight out there people need real skill working for them to make a profit. Real skill doesn't need any help to keep working. I think the unions will go back to being skill minded and not about who's willing to hold signs and all the dumb politics they get into now. Then maybe someday we can return to the unions of legend.

Best Teamsters shirt I ever saw:

"Teamsters Local (Insert Number) ...
Will Strike if provoked!"

Had a cobra on it.

Really???? Who is proud to be part of a unit that if they don't get what they want (which is forced labor at extremely high rates) they will go on strike.

Found the Pic:

These are not grade A workers. Most of them are meth heads or drunks. Caught way to many of them sneaking beers on our jobs.

These are who we are paying $90 - $167/ hour.

Yeah go get that fair wage.
Lol that's funny. I wanna get my my little girl that shirt!

To be fair for the ones who don't know the $90-167 includes benefits like health and retirement. Still counts but its not like there's carpenters getting paid $5,000 a week. Well not in cash anyway.

The way some of these unions retirements all tanked out too means that alot of these guys got paid alot less actually when it came time to collect too. Wallstreets little way of getting some flesh directly from the workers.
I must respectfully disagree on the union statement. Union participation is lower than ever and their politicking doesn't even come close to big business.
. Don't believe me?

ETA: Not all unions are the same. some unions are good, some unions are bad. Just as an group can be. If it wasn't for unions I would never have a childhood or middle class lifestyle that my father was able to provide.
In fact the union fucked him and he had to come up with mucho dollars in less than 15 days in order to secure his pension when he was only two and a half yeas from having a full pension. A pension is simply delayed compensation.
This occurred when his job was privatized. His wages went lower his benefits went down and the cost to the city increased.

luckily than a better position now but nonetheless that was a rough patch for him. Despite this incident, my father still recognize the importance of unions. I find it funny that anti union folks don't seem to grasp that unions actually benefit them in different situations.if you are interested ib more information about different types of Unions, look to the German system.
I must respectfully disagree on the union statement. Union participation is lower than ever and their politicking doesn't even come close to big business.
. Don't believe me?

I think they are up there with big business. Do they have lobbyists? Yes. But why?

I'm not sure where your info on union came from but the majority of this country is controlled by unions:
School - Teachers Union
Iron Workers
Blah blah blah etc.

We deal with at least one these every single day.

Unfortunately there is no underpaid white american male, i just want to keep my money, middle class union. Because then your a racist and hate babies.

Last part probably isn't true but you I think you get the point.
Union saved my life, and my family so i guess I'm not neutral.

In my state union jobs are the safe places, safe workers, most educated workers.

Right to work states, your getting it up the ass out there, but i only know my territory, and union means safety and quality here.
Actually ya I do Because unions benefit society. Not everyone is good but over all they are a counter balance. Explore that link and political spending. It shows the links to politicans and puts their spending and overall power in perspective.
approximately eight percent of the workforce United States participate in a union. That's hardly controlling by any stretch of the imagination.
That's good, man.

Look I work with unions on a daily basis. Right or wrong it is freaking mafia. Especially in Chicago and New York. By far worst experiences I have ever had.

What gives them the right to force their shithead workers down our throats? ..."Will strike if provoked" pft :-|

Who'd they pay off to get that right. Ridiculous.

Politicians don't run shit. They run with the money. Who has the money and a huge collection of votes?


But my bad, we are way off topic.

We'll have to start another topic on this. But for now I think we can agree to disagree.
hey this is interesting conversation. I can understand being frustrated by unions, but unions allow for safer working environment more equitable payand raise rates for those not involved in unions within the same field of employment. Unions can be a complete pain in the ass, that's no different the management.
Yktind: Just giving by you lumping all the unions together and painting them with one broad brush and generalizations shows you don't know much about them.
It's sad that we have a war on our own people. We essentially gave up on rehabilitation for caging people in a cell all the while privatization simply created corporate welfare on the premise of locking people up. Build a prison fill a prison. Add mandatory minimums, sentencing discrimination and politicians who can't speak out for fear of bein labelled soft on crime and we've created a wonderful for profit machine based on corporate welfare.