Unions protect and provide millions of jobs, keep things fair, safe, and informative, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Yes you have the right to remain silent, and an attorney we all seen law and order, use it.
Unions are greedy and force you to use the labor rather or not they are good.
early 1900's yeah they were needed.
Today no way. If you're work isn't worth $160/ hour I am not paying you $160/ hour. Try going on a trade show floor and see how well unions are run.
The point of unions today is to get into the pockets of politicians, get them to pass a couple of laws that will force public convention centers to use Union and bam your stuck with whatever shithead they give you and you are forced to pay them $160/ hour.
The worst experience I have ever had with unions is in the trade show market. Don't believe go try to exhibit one and see how much it costs you.
"Sir get off that ladder, you need the decorators union for that"
"Sir did you plug in these lights? We will need to send over the Electricians Union"
"Sir you cannot put up your own exhibit that requires the carpenters union"
^---- BTW all of these are at an extremely high rate way above anything outside of required labor? Bunch of bull is what that is. Especially in right to work states.
Yeah it's fair... right