AI surveillance, get used to it?

AI surveillance for covid mapping?

  • Yes, use my phone for contact tracing.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, better to have strict lockdowns and close businesses than to infringe on my privacy.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Other, this is a false dichotomy (explain in a comment)

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
I picked False Dichotomy.

At least on the mainland, it is impossible to accurately track people, because they will just leave their phones at home/in car if they get a stay at home order, and we don't have the resources to force everyone to stay in their homes. So even though the data would be helpful, it would still be inaccurate.

I do think tracking is being done by every private entity, it seems stupid that the only people who can't really easily access the personal data is that person and our government. The government should have a real time look at everything we can measure that decisions and resources should be evaluated against when they decide to do things.

The logical end of your statement could be to forcibly micro chip people then, doubt many people will leave their arm at home like they could their phone.

While that may be the utilitarian answer, it creates severe unintended consequences. I will NEVER willingly submit to removal of choice. I will NEVER willingly support removal of your choice. That's the part utilitarians don't address and should.

You mentioned the government should have a real time look at everything. No, they shouldn't and legally speaking when they do, they are violating their own Constitution, again.
The logical end of your statement could be to forcibly micro chip people then, doubt many people will leave their arm at home like they could their phone.

While that may be the utilitarian answer, it creates severe unintended consequences. I will NEVER willingly submit to removal of choice. I will NEVER willingly support removal of your choice. That's the part utilitarians don't address and should.

You mentioned the government should have a real time look at everything. No, they shouldn't and legally speaking when they do, they are violating their own Constitution, again.

Logical or Obsurd*, that is why we have a constitution then, just because someone like myself thinks that it is the safest way and gives people the ability to monitor themselves in a way that would also help prove they are not a criminal, people would have to find it worthwhile to have it because you are right it would have to be a choice.

Like you can't be forced to buy car insurance if you don't have a car.

*Obsurd because it would have to be some seriously long term battery/link implanted when? as kids? We would end up having people in 20 years end up with some crazy poisoning and after a handful of them mess up in the first few years, the Press would pick up on it, blow it up and that would end the program, and those people who approved it would all lose their jobs.
help prove they are not a criminal,

Except, the proof of criminality of a person or person(s) who first must coerce you in order to "protect you" isn't needed. It's self evident, isn't it ?

If you or I did that we would be criminals, why should other people be exempt from that ?
Imagine if there was a covid map though. I'd be able to go out and have a burger. I'd gladly sacrifice your privacy for that.

Sorry, not sorry.
Just saying, you want to play the role of dictator and just mandate that the government have access to my phone. In China, that is perfectly fine with the courts, in the US, I don't think so. The ACLU agrees.

It's not so much that I would not give my consent, it's that I want to know the data is shielded, protected and is gathered in a constitutionally acceptable manner.

If location data is to be used, there must be strict policies ensuring that, whenever possible, the patient has consented to such uses; minimizing any data sharing; requiring deletion of the data when there is no longer a need to hold it; and, where it is anonymized, ensuring that no effort be made to re-identify it. If the government obtains any data, it must be fully transparent about what data it is acquiring, and from where, and how it is using that data. Any programs should come with clear sunsets to ensure they don’t outlive the effort against COVID-19.

It's not as if your false belief that lockdowns don't work matters one bit. We are going to be locked down for a while now and there is time to prepare a legally and personally acceptable way to collect the data. A process, a legal framework and selling the action to the public are all necessary to make this tracing system work. The way you frame the issue, I and many others will simply not cooperate.
Just saying, you want to play the role of dictator and just mandate that the government have access to my phone. In China, that is perfectly fine with the courts, in the US, I don't think so. The ACLU agrees.

It's not so much that I would not give my consent, it's that I want to know the data is shielded, protected and is gathered in a constitutionally acceptable manner.

If location data is to be used, there must be strict policies ensuring that, whenever possible, the patient has consented to such uses; minimizing any data sharing; requiring deletion of the data when there is no longer a need to hold it; and, where it is anonymized, ensuring that no effort be made to re-identify it. If the government obtains any data, it must be fully transparent about what data it is acquiring, and from where, and how it is using that data. Any programs should come with clear sunsets to ensure they don’t outlive the effort against COVID-19.

It's not as if your false belief that lockdowns don't work matters one bit. We are going to be locked down for a while now and there is time to prepare a legally and personally acceptable way to collect the data. A process, a legal framework and selling the action to the public are all necessary to make this tracing system work. The way you frame the issue, I and many others will simply not cooperate.
If it weren't for the prospect of seeing the rate of growth of infections start to be measured in tens of thousands per day, I would care more about oyur privacy. As it stands now, I would gladly sacrifice our privacy for a cheeseburger.

Sorry, not sorry. Yes, I am aware this deserves derision, but I still respect you.
If it weren't for the prospect of seeing the rate of growth of infections start to be measured in tens of thousands per day, I would care more about oyur privacy. As it stands now, I would gladly sacrifice our privacy for a cheeseburger.

Sorry, not sorry. Yes, I am aware this deserves derision, but I still respect you.
I really am sorry for your sake that this virus is so very contagious.
i saw some video from china where people were being remotely temp scanned as they walked into a building. any of them that were redder colored were pulled off to the side and they had to show the authorities their cell phone and something was noted in their files. possibly to be follow up checked or quarantined but i'm not sure which?

that won't happen here.