Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
I picked False Dichotomy.
At least on the mainland, it is impossible to accurately track people, because they will just leave their phones at home/in car if they get a stay at home order, and we don't have the resources to force everyone to stay in their homes. So even though the data would be helpful, it would still be inaccurate.
I do think tracking is being done by every private entity, it seems stupid that the only people who can't really easily access the personal data is that person and our government. The government should have a real time look at everything we can measure that decisions and resources should be evaluated against when they decide to do things.
The logical end of your statement could be to forcibly micro chip people then, doubt many people will leave their arm at home like they could their phone.
While that may be the utilitarian answer, it creates severe unintended consequences. I will NEVER willingly submit to removal of choice. I will NEVER willingly support removal of your choice. That's the part utilitarians don't address and should.
You mentioned the government should have a real time look at everything. No, they shouldn't and legally speaking when they do, they are violating their own Constitution, again.