AK's Cannabis Cookbook

Thanks ans the reason this is disorganized is the fact that I cannot make this like a book with chapters and when I come up with recipies I just make what I want. If I had a way of organizing I would but I cant, sorry.
1-2 lbs Sweet Potaotes peeled and cut into small pieces
1/3 cup Dark Brown Sugar
1/4 cup Kief Butter/Canna Butter
Salt tt
Pepper tt
3 tbl water

In a large pot boil water and cook potatoes untill soft. Meanwhile in a med sauce pan mix brown sugar, butter, and water and bring to a boil. When Potatoes are soft, strain and add to syrup mixture. Mash together and continue to cook on low untill thickens. Season with salt and pepper and a pinch of cinnamon.
Honey Sage Glazed Cornish Hen

1 cornish hen
3 tbls of Honey
1 tbl dried whole sage
salt tt
pepper tt
pinch cayenne pepper
pinch of onion powder
pinch of garlic powder
1 1/2 tbl of glycerine tincture

In a micrwavable safe bowl combine honey, sage, cayenne, onion powder and garlic powder. Microwave for about 20 secs then stir. Split the game hen removing the back bone and season with the salt and pepper. Grill over hot coals untill slight charring occurs. Brush each side of game hen with honey mix and continue to grill untill complete. When complete allow to rest and brush with the tincture. Enjoy!
Green Beans for Game Hen

3 slices bacon diced
1 package of frozen french style greenbeans
1 1/2 tbl sweet red wine
Garlic Salt tt
pepper tt
1/4 onion diced small

in a med saute pan over low/medium heat begin to render the bacon. This process is important so do not rush by over heating. Once bacon is rendered and turns golden brown add the onions. once the onions begin to get soft remove 1/2 of the fat and add green beans. Increase heat to med-hi. When the pan begins to sizzle deglaze the pan with the wine trying to get all the brown bits off the bottom. Season and enjoy.
I went to the dispensary yesterday and notice that all the edibles we snacks so I think I may focus the priority of my recipies to that area. I had 1/2 of a caramel last night and had no problems sleeping.
I went to the dispensary againg today and picked up some new stuff that is a pretty hard find. It was Kool-Aid Mix with THC. It was 10 for a 1 0z cup of mix which is good for 16 oz of koolaid. I just had about 4oz of kool-aid and I am ripped. When I can afford some Tincture I am going to figure this recipie out and market it.
I figured it out I just need some tincture....alot of it. I think I am going to keep this one to myself out of respect to the creator. This truly is a gem. It only has a slight taste of keif, light smell. It is potent but it has the tincture high which I am not really all that into. I am going to make a very potent batch soon as I can.
I figured it out I just need some tincture....alot of it. I think I am going to keep this one to myself out of respect to the creator. This truly is a gem. It only has a slight taste of keif, light smell. It is potent but it has the tincture high which I am not really all that into. I am going to make a very potent batch soon as I can.

So no koolaid for the rest of us?? :(
I hate to add another line to your thread but Nice work!!!
Thanks for the effort to post up some great recipes :)
but it would be nice to have it cleaned up so all there is is recipes IMO
Well like I posted earlier there is no real way to organize this. I may take all my recipes and make a book but I would not even know where to start.

P.S I have a week off of school and I plan on playing with chocolate so, I will have some delicious chocolate treats with pictures. If ya'll want you can save up and buy me a good web cam, or a video cam and I can start making a bi-weekley cooking show or something.
1 sheet puff pastry


1/4 pecan finley processed
1/4 cup cannabis butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 sugar
1 tbl cinnamon
1 egg white

in a bowl combine the filling and set aside. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Once pastry is thawed cut into two equal pieces lengthwise. be sure to flower the surface because the pastry will stick. Spread filling so that it covers all of one side with a nice thick layer. Sandwich other half of pastry on top and allow to cool in fridge for 30 mins. Once cool enough to handle slice puff pastry into 12 equal strips. Twist them and then roll them into pretzels. Place on a greased cookie sheet. Brush pretzels with slightly beaten egg white and Bake until golden brown.(Note, some of the filling will melt out but it cooks the pretzels in prailines. Once the pretzels are finished allow to cool. Store in air tight container. Enjoy because these are yummy.

I will post pics later I have miss placed the cord for my cam.
been to broke latley and still have a couple months before I harvest so it may be some time before I am able to make butter again.
What a super thread AK!!! I had no idea you were a chef. I found this because I made some cannabutter last night and now I'm about to bake some brownies, or double musky pie or happle blutter bars. +rep.