AK's Cannabis Cookbook

Just remember to cook all these recipes at a max temp of 275, that way the weed does not vape away in the oven.
The brownies were pretty nasty tasting, as was the apple butter bars. They were much better the next day. I haven't tried the apple butter bars again but the first time I needed a spoon. I think I remember the recipe saying something about letting them rest. Well heck, I did that for like two hours. :) Thanks so much for lending your expertise! Bon appetite!
I was wondering if you had a recipe for THC lollipops I've been looking on the net and haven't found any yet, thanks in advance

Ok..Well here is my take on medibles. When cooking with cannabis you need to remember a few things.

1) Unless you have no palate...weed butter taste like shit no way around it. Hash butter has a much tangier taste but not so "green" tasting. So remember no matter what if you use weed butter, especially mexi or brick it is going to have a real bad taste.
2) When cooking butter I always reccomend using kief or hash at a ratio of 2g per stick of butter or 8g per lb. If you use cannabis flowers make sure they are well dried and ground finley but not powdered. Do Not use fan leaves, if it is not bud, popcorns or sugar leaf throw it away or compost it. It will only add more green flavor. Try not to use yellow trim as it has a bitter dingy taste.
3) Cooking temps need to be adhered to or you will vape out the THC and just have shitty butter. When cooking with dairy such as eggs, I highly reccomend using pasteruized eggs or liquid eggs this way there is a much much lower chance of salmonella. You can pull your chix at 155 but no less, 165 is reccommended. Now when baking most flours require a temp of 350 or more for levening. Unfortunatly you cannot cook that high, and I think this is the reason most people do not get "dosed" properly. For brownies, cheesecakes, cakes and tart I would say no more than 275-285 and allow for a slightly longer cooking time and less browning. I also recommend using light colored pans as they reflect less heat and usually brown more evenly.
4)At the very least to avoid food born illness keep your food when serving hot above 135 degrees F and when serving cold to serve below 39 degrees. these are Cali codes but realistly if using pasturized products you will be fine.
5)Canna Butter does not have a shelf life of forever. It is always better to clarify your butter then make canna butter. You should store it in airtight containers with a plastic wrap gasket and date it. keep no longer than 6 months. if kept in fridge no more than a week.
6)Last but not least, Canna Butter made from leaves and flowers and stems are very high is soluable fiber and therefore can and probably will cause you gas and or the hershy squirts.

I hope this helps and please dont knock my spelling, I am two joints into the begining of my day.
so if a person can't cook above 275-285 w/o affecting thc quality, then how does one make things like space cake? I mean, I just wonder.....what (if anything) can be done to help it rise?
I will just post the recipie

Mason Jar
Food Grade Glycerin

Grind bud up and place into mason jar (you can use anyamount you want)
Pour enough glycerin into the jar to just cover the cannbis. Shake it up twice a day and place in fridge. continue this process for about 1 to 2 weeks. strain the glycerine from the cannabis and add it to what ever you want. Since it is not oil or butter you can use it in any drink or just eat a tbl spoon full and prepare for a space walk. There are lots of quick tincture ways to go that involve cooking but, it does not work as well and also has a really shitty taste when done. DONT RUSH PERFECTION!

If you had an extra half ounce of really oily top quality bubble hash how much glycerin would you use to make a crazy tincture? I currently make my coconut oil at 8 grams hash per 2 cups and it knocks people out.
If you had an extra half ounce of really oily top quality bubble hash how much glycerin would you use to make a crazy tincture? I currently make my coconut oil at 8 grams hash per 2 cups and it knocks people out.

Thats a good question as I have never made a tincture with hash but usually you use a mason jar that fist about 1 oz of ground trium and buds so, I would reccomend using about the same ratio as your coco oil. Take the glycerine and place it in a pan over WARM heat and gradually melt the hash into it. When using hash you do not need to shake it for 2 months or anything, just bring the mix up to 110 degrees and wait untill all the hash dissolves.
2 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy crea4 peanut butter cups, chopped into chunks(you may use madicated peanut butter cups like I do
3/4 cup canna butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup all natural peanut butter
1/2 tbl vanilla extract

In a large sauce pan over medium heat mix all ingredients (EXCEPT the peanut butter cups) together and bring to low boil. While heating whisk vigoursly untill the canna butter has emulsified with the cream and milk and untill all the peanut butter mixes with the ice cream base.

Strain the mix into a full over ice, or find some way to cool it quickly.

Add the base to your Ice cream make and follow manufacuter instructions. Right before the mix is completly churned toss in the PB cups. This recipe makes about 3 pints and each has 1/4 cup of cannabis butter which is about the same as if you were to eat a whole pan of potent brownies.
what do you mean find out how... I have spelled it out for you in this thread. All these recipes are pretty easy, some require more advanced techniques. Would any of you guy be receptive to the idea of cannabis infused cheese. I am a cheese lover and i love to make it when I have time. Can you imagine a grilled cheese with cannabis cheddar. The list could just go on and on.
what do you mean find out how... I have spelled it out for you in this thread. All these recipes are pretty easy, some require more advanced techniques. Would any of you guy be receptive to the idea of cannabis infused cheese. I am a cheese lover and i love to make it when I have time. Can you imagine a grilled cheese with cannabis cheddar. The list could just go on and on.

You are right thanks for the recipes.Just keep em coming.The reason why i said i have to learn because i never tried it but i will with sme good trim and popcorn buds.
mmmmm cheese....

I love cheese... but enlighten us on any ideas you have to incorporate this plant into such a wonderful dairy product
well cheese making is relativly simple. You take whole milk and blend it with a hash that has been decarbed. you then bring the milk to a temp of 165 to homogenize, add cultures, sometimes vinegar, animal rennet. you then wait and as the curd forms you cut it into little chunks. The whey is the liquid left after the curd. Hang the curd in cheese cloth for a day or 2 or use cheese molds. after aout 48 hours add any starters for say blue cheeses, form into wheels and then age the cheese. pretty simple to make motzerrala cheese and super easy to make farmers or cottage cheese. Cream cheese requires rennet but it super delicious when it is fresh.
still contemplating the cheese ideas, created a new ice cream flavor

Bananna Chip Cheesecake

2 cups whole milk
1 vanilla pudding cup
1 8oz package cream cheese
1 tbl spiced rum
1 bananna sliced
1/4 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup Hash butter(green butter will make the ice cream have a green tinge)
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar

combine all ingredients minus bananna and choco chips in a sauce pan and bring to a low boil, making sure to melt all of the cheese into the cream mix. Once simmered pour through a strainer into a chilled bowl. cool the cream untill very cold. Process in your ice cream maker, when almost done churning, add bananna slices and chocolate chips. This stuff is great, you could also add strawberry or cherry pie filling, grahm crackers or what ever you like in your cheese cake.
AK, can we use fresh buds in making these great recipes or do I have dry them first.

Reps for a beautiful set of recipes with and without.


Edit- How would you incorporate MMJ into a sweet potato or pumpkin pie?

I'm the only one not diabetic in my family. So is there a sugar-free way? Or do you recommend a something better that would still satisfy their sweet tooth and not be really bad for them? Thanks.
I have to report that the rice krispy "treats" really suck balls when it comes to getting it down the throat. It's *rough* on the palette to say the least. The apple butter bars were almost inedible for the first week but now they have lost almost all of the bad taste but will still knock your dick in the dirt. I have 3 left. :)