Alabama just banned abortions.

women like to say, its about our bodies; when truth be told its a financial decision;

Yeah. That 6 foot tall, 230 pound man that beat her senseless, raped her and got her pregnant was all about the benjamins.

That 34 year old dad that held his 12 year old daughter down and raped her and got her pregnant sent nothing but dollar signs to her brain, I'm sure.

And stop using punctuation you clearly have no idea how to use in a vain effort to look intelligent when you clearly are not.
Yeah. That 6 foot tall, 230 pound man that beat her senseless, raped her and got her pregnant was all about the benjamins.

That 34 year old dad that held his 12 year old daughter down and raped her and got her pregnant sent nothing but dollar signs to her brain, I'm sure.

And stop using punctuation you clearly have no idea how to use in a vain effort to look intelligent when you clearly are not.
Yeah but did she even say no?
pablos pretending now to be Dear Abby,
bad form to take advantage of a woman going through emotional stress & wolf...
what are you gonna do? talk dirty to her?
I find it offensive that you suggest that Venus, as a "woman" somehow has an irrational susceptibility to a stranger on the internet. This isn't the 1950's. You should be ashamed of yourself. She doesn't need you to portray her as a victim.
women like to say, its about our bodies; when truth be told its a financial decision;

abortion always lives in poverty and minority communities and less with affluent well educated populations.
I haven’t read past this statement so I’ll apologise now if I’ve replied out of context - but - I couldn’t find this statement to be any more further from the truth!!

I’m not rich but I’m well educated and I’ve had two terminations that were not dictated by anything remotely close to being unable to afford raising a child. I can 100% say even if they came with a hefty cheque I would still have opted out because I realise children are so much more than the money it takes to raise them. There’s soooo much more involved than money. And isn’t it a given that an educated woman forging a successful career would be burdened and held back if she all of a sudden took time out to have a child that wasn’t planned? Whereas on the other side of the spectrum it’s more likely a lack of education why there are so many women living in poverty but breeding like rabbits to numerous fathers all of which don’t have means or intention to be part of that child’s life. Do u honestly believe an intelligent woman would make that decision?

I’m not sure how it works in the states but there are no subsidies here for abortion so it’s quite the contrary, due to financial woes people experiencing poverty DO NOT get abortions because they simply cannot afford it.

All of this aside. Poor or rich, it’s all irrelevant to the bill that’s been passed. It’s government controlling what a woman can or can’t do with her own life and her own body!!! What the fuck is that all about!!!
one more thing, if you read the bill, its more about circulation then just a heart beat there needs to be blood being moved. and if you're a dumb enough hoe to get knocked up, you should not be having sex anyways..just saying.
Oh DAMN now I’m firing. IF YOURE DUMB ENOUGH??!!

I’m unable to take any form of contraception that releases estrogen due to high stroke risk. I am in a long term and committed relationship where we have one child already and I don’t wish for anymore. I have to monitor my cycle constantly to know when I should or shouldn’t have unprotected sex with my partner because as u can imagine after years of being together condoms are not fun and take away from the intimacy. In twelve years Ive been wrong TWICE. Two times too many but that’s a bit out there to call someone DUMB in the first place. No body is a perfect human being. If I’d fallen ten times in twelve years yeah that’s just irresponsible and dumb.

Wow such broad judgements...
Of all the evils for which man has made himself responsible, none is so degrading, so shocking or so brutal as his abuse of the better half of humanity; the female sex.

~Mahatma Gandhi
Oh DAMN now I’m firing. IF YOURE DUMB ENOUGH??!!

I’m unable to take any form of contraception that releases estrogen due to high stroke risk. I am in a long term and committed relationship where we have one child already and I don’t wish for anymore. I have to monitor my cycle constantly to know when I should or shouldn’t have unprotected sex with my partner because as u can imagine after years of being together condoms are not fun and take away from the intimacy. In twelve years Ive been wrong TWICE. Two times too many but that’s a bit out there to call someone DUMB in the first place. No body is a perfect human being. If I’d fallen ten times in twelve years yeah that’s just irresponsible and dumb.

Wow such broad judgements...
He believes abortion is wrong in every case. He shouldnt be calling anyone dumb
We went to war to prevent Alabama and other states in the south from seceding and won that war.

They have been making us regret it ever since.

Isn't it ironic that Alabama wanted to self determine and you supported attacking them, then out of the other side of your mouth you make an argument for women to be able to self determine and whine they should be left alone by government. .

Are you confused?
Dang. It appears you have had significant interference in your personal life from the government. Hopefully you're receiving some decent therapy for that (not at the hands of the government of course.)

PM me if you need to talk.
Lol. Read your reply back to yourself.
We ALL have significant intereferance from governments into our personal lives.

Stupid pricks no different to u or I apart from career path tell me I can’t grow or consume something naturally produced from our earth. That’s some significant interference right there