Alcohol Tincture

Yep. Started it on 3/10 cold method, but after talking to you I switched to the warm method to finish it. 1 tsp honey per oz and wow! My wife is still laughing at me and is threatening to spike my tea at dinner tonight ;)
New to this website and wowzers what an awesome thread! i'm only on page 5 and i've gained so much info and insight THANK YOU!! i'm super interested in the glyceryin tincs and just finally was able to purchase a small bottle at the health food store.. it was expensive there and i'm searching for other outlets so your suggestions there are a great help too! have to go offline now but can't wait to get back and read to the end of the thread :)
New to this website and wowzers what an awesome thread! i'm only on page 5 and i've gained so much info and insight THANK YOU!! i'm super interested in the glyceryin tincs and just finally was able to purchase a small bottle at the health food store.. it was expensive there and i'm searching for other outlets so your suggestions there are a great help too! have to go offline now but can't wait to get back and read to the end of the thread :)

online: has great pricing and a wide variety of sizes, just make sure it is usp glycerine for human consumption... some of that stuff @70% pure is just garbage... i like the high 90% stuff myself...
You said it should be green? Hmmm I used the hot quick method. 4 weeks dry and cured outdoor sativa 3.6grams, good pot to smoke.

I decarbed at 285F, or 140C for 30 mins in a make shift Aluminuim foil tray I made by repeatedly folding it for strength.
The herb had been finely chopped with sciccors to perfect consistenceny.
Water bathed at 50-68 degrees Celsius for 25 min in 100 proof London Dry Gin.
Reaction was a little foamy, not even, just a few bubbles round the edge, and gentle swirling and turning. The appearence in the jar was of golden green like when making clarified bud butter, and I was excited.
... I will just mention here that I didn't wash or rinse the heads before starting as this herb was in a burp jar...

So anyway a Golden Yellowy bright lime green in the jar in the bath, 60mls had reduced as stated to 28 ml or 1 oz exactly. Thus I believe my methid was exact, then I strained and the liquid itself came out a murky amber with a golden sublimity to it. I then went a step further by forcing the solution through a 5.0 micron Wheel filter for Pharmalogical use, which really cleaned it up by making sure any organic material was left in the filter. The result was a deep Golden Amber honey coloured solution that is transparent. Sort of looks similar to ultra refined Hash oil but it is a solvent! It smells strong of both gin and weed I think?

Anyway what I'm trying to get at is I follwed the method and got a beautiful looking and smelling and tasting product, No ass water here!! But its not green!!!!! Its Amber?? Whats up with it? I smoke too much to properly gauge its strength. Any Ideas or science on what went wrong? Hmmmm a little disapointed that I may have wasted good weed? Please reply either here or PM.
Cheers your a wealth of info Hobbes. Love your work
I've never tried to use it for anything. I figure that given the strength of alcohol I use and the length of time I soak it, there likely ain't much but plant matter left in the ball.
Well, a buddy made a tea out of his and it tasted, well, like weed water. VERY earthy. Not BAD, but meh.... Didn't do a thing for me either.
I made GD out of vapor poo last week and it rocked my world. I used equal parts by volume and let it sit 3 days with no heat and strained. Added half the amount of VG to it to increase it by 1/3 volume. Hits fast and lasts for hours. Just a tip: grapefruit juice completely masks the taste 100%. No bitterness, no weird chlorophyll taste, just pure grapefruit.
So I'm making this and I'm wondering what exactly the shake ball can be used for?

I do a quick cold extraction. The shake ball still has a lot of good stuff in it. I cover it with olive oil and coconut oil, simmer on the stove in a water bath for long stretches over a two or three day period at maybe 150 F. Then strain it, not too worried about fine particles. Finally add bee's wax to thicken the oil into an ointment. Use topically for arthritis, skin abrasions, eczema, dry skin, whatever.