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What is the most common thing people do wrong to ruin batches?
In my opinion you ruin the taste of the tincture if you do anything other than the cold extraction
All the other methods strip to much clorophill.
What is the most common thing people do wrong to ruin batches?
I have a 750ml bottle of green dragon and 1 problem.
I took a lot of bud and trimmings (about 6oz worth), some vaped bud, some leftover goo from other experiments, etc - and soaked it in everclear for about 3.5 months in multiple mason jars. I strained and bottled (750ml).
Problem is that I DID NOT decarb.
Last night I tried a suggested process from this thread - I took about 20ml and added water to it. I did a boil off of that but I am not sure if I boiled off all of the alcohol but there is a mass of black goo at the bottom of the glass. I let it sit all night and just now I poured off all of the liquid and am left with about 1/8 teaspoon of black goo in the bottom of my glass.
Is this what I am looking for?
From my reading it seems that maybe it should not be black but honey colored?
I have been screwing around with tincture for a minute and every time I get it condensed down it is always black in color and has a horrible taste that is more bitter than anything else known to man.
What can I do with the remaining green dragon so that it can be enjoyed as it should be?
Again, the original source was not decarbed.
1) Can the end result be altered in order to decarb or is 3.5 months long enough in 95% alcohol to effectively decarb?
2) Can this black goo be smoked as if it is hash oil?
Any help is appreciated!
Any health food/ vitamin shop should have little dropper bottles, as well as amber colored bottles to store tincture in. This is a good place online too:I'm still looking for one of those medicine vials with the dropper, not sure where to go....
I tried scouring the internet to find a store that may hold these but they normally just hold supplements and not empty bottles. The issue with that sunburst place is that you must buy a whole case of them or many so that isn't my goal unless I were to make lots of tincture. Hope someone else can throw me a bone here cus just going around town for the smallest bottles is just a bit odd if I don't know a certain one.Any health food/ vitamin shop should have little dropper bottles, as well as amber colored bottles to store tincture in. This is a good place online too:
I finally finally found a place that had some small bottles. They are a cobalt blue. One is 10 ml and the other I can't find a volume but looks like the amount of a child's cough syrup bottle. 100 ml if I had to guess. The problem is I haven't tested the stuff since I kinda put it together. But what I am surprised with is the clarity. Being in the freezer has made it an awesome way to keep it from getting green. Having looked at the material, looked like about 150 ml went in with about an 1/8th of mmj. Maybe more. This was good grade stuff, decarbed before mixing. I'm unsure if anyone has done a long term soak like this(at least 3 months) but I guess the only way around this is to try it.Also, I forgot to mention that you might try asking Sunburst for a sample or two. Not sure if they do that, but some places will.
How long has it set? The longer you keep it in the better but get enough to make it manageable.... The everclear should evap a little bit so try to keep a steady level of it that way you have a balanced alcohol and 'tar' mix.Don't know if this was already answered so sorry if i ask again...I boiled alcohol out and im left with a tar then decide to melt that into everclear, If all of the tar didn't melt into it should i add more alcohol?