Aliens....Do You Believe?

My assertion is the commonly accepted one; that humans evolved from earthly ancestors without outside influence. There's lots of evidence to show this is true and no conclusive proof to the contrary.

Or what if aliens simply created us from primate DNA? No proof here obviously just spitballing. I simply find it difficult to believe that we are so different from everything else on Earth. We haven't even been around for that long and have done a lot in very short amount of time.

so we're smart enough to from being monkeys, discovering fire, to learning language and building civilizations (HUGE), then travels the oceans, electricity, computers, space travel.........but we still can't figure out borders and dealing with other people on this tiny ass planet? I mean we have Donald Trump as a world leader (sorry to get political), racism is still huge, poverty, overpopulation...........

Idk kind of seems like someone gave us knowledge that we weren't ready to handle.

Just saying.......

Ps: yes I know that I threw a lot of theories out there that don't correlate with each other it's 6am I'm high ass shit, I don't know what's going right now........
Or what if aliens simply created us from primate DNA? No proof here obviously just spitballing. I simply find it difficult to believe that we are so different from everything else on Earth. We haven't even been around for that long and have done a lot in very short amount of time.

so we're smart enough to from being monkeys, discovering fire, to learning language and building civilizations (HUGE), then travels the oceans, electricity, computers, space travel.........but we still can't figure out borders and dealing with other people on this tiny ass planet? I mean we have Donald Trump as a world leader (sorry to get political), racism is still huge, poverty, overpopulation...........

Idk kind of seems like someone gave us knowledge that we weren't ready to handle.

Just saying.......

Ps: yes I know that I threw a lot of theories out there that don't correlate with each other it's 6am I'm high ass shit, I don't know what's going right now........
We share 50% of our DNA with fruit flies, 90% with mice and over 99% with bonobo chimpanzees, they are a closer relative of humans than they are with any other animal.

We came from Earth. We AREN'T different from other animals, we just learned how to share knowledge between tribes and pass it on down the generations.

As for the knowledge we aren't ready for? WE did that; we act like the monkeys we are with all this technology and maybe we'll learn and maybe we will kill ourselves off. The jury is still out and between the current administration and our denial of the realities of how badly we're screwing our planet up I'd say it's not looking good for us.
We share 50% of our DNA with fruit flies, 90% with mice and over 99% with bonobo chimpanzees, they are a closer relative of humans than they are with any other animal.

We came from Earth. We AREN'T different from other animals, we just learned how to share knowledge between tribes and pass it on down the generations.

As for the knowledge we aren't ready for? WE did that; we act like the monkeys we are with all this technology and maybe we'll learn and maybe we will kill ourselves off. The jury is still out and between the current administration and our denial of the realities of how badly we're screwing our planet up I'd say it's not looking good for us.

That might be 99% correct. ;)

But if monsanto can change a couple of segments of plant dna to make a rapid change in plant structure, so could an alien race with humans. Maybe we were at a point where we had already emerged as an apex species, and they just tweaked a few settings and kicked us up a few notches.

You really wouldn't be able to tell from a dna map. Was it a natural mutation that worked or was it manipulation. Some ancient alien theorists get rich off of saying stuff. I just do it for fun. ;)
The premise is that a advanced Race already did contact a lesser one on earth and had their way with us.

Im sort of glad they did I mean Im happy to be alive and tapping on the computer right now.
I suspect the answer is a little simpler.
I think people have been living for faaaaar longer than we are given credit for.This jars with simple evolution.
Did you know about 80% of crops that are farmed today were developed 9000 years ago... what foods have we created lately.
I suspect the answer is a little simpler.
I think people have been living for faaaaar longer than we are given credit for.This jars with simple evolution.
Did you know about 80% of crops that are farmed today were developed 9000 years ago... what foods have we created lately.
Kiwi fruits.
That might be 99% correct. ;)

But if monsanto can change a couple of segments of plant dna to make a rapid change in plant structure, so could an alien race with humans. Maybe we were at a point where we had already emerged as an apex species, and they just tweaked a few settings and kicked us up a few notches.

You really wouldn't be able to tell from a dna map. Was it a natural mutation that worked or was it manipulation. Some ancient alien theorists get rich off of saying stuff. I just do it for fun. ;)
Turns out that chimps and gorillas can read and learn sign language.

I think all the basic tools existed and all it took were technologies. And we developed those ourselves.
I think people have been living for faaaaar longer than we are given credit for.This jars with simple evolution.

Actually, no it doesn't.

Mankind is the only thing that really and truly does not work on an evolutionary scale. All we know now is that humanoids in one form or another have been around for about 300,000 to 500,000 years at best. What we know as the "modern" human has been around less than 120,000 years.

So the question then becomes: out of the 4.5 to 5.5 billion years the earth has been around, why are we it?

The Great White Shark has been around for nearly 200,000,000 years, yet today it's not a great deal different than it was from the outset. The vast majority of animals are that way. Their development took millions and 10's of millions of years, yet somehow "POOF" here we are in quite literally a FRACTION of that amount of time.

"The Missing Link" isn't some joke. It's a true question of science: how the hell did we get where we are so god damned fast? There's GOT to be some explanation for that. At present, there simply isn't. At all.

Are there aliens out there? Yes. Count on it. The law of averages dictates it. Are they smarter than us? Well, some very well could be and should be...after all, there are worlds that have been around much, much longer than ours. In fact, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is young and 10 is old, the earth is about a .004 on the age scale of the universe.

In other words: there's a metric shit-ton of civilizations out there that have been around far, far longer than we can possibly imagine.

Will we ever meet? Who knows? Perhaps we already have. Maybe that's how we got so far so fast to begin with. I don't know...but I leave my mind open to the possibilities.
Actually, no it doesn't.

Mankind is the only thing that really and truly does not work on an evolutionary scale. All we know now is that humanoids in one form or another have been around for about 300,000 to 500,000 years at best. What we know as the "modern" human has been around less than 120,000 years.

So the question then becomes: out of the 4.5 to 5.5 billion years the earth has been around, why are we it?

The Great White Shark has been around for nearly 200,000,000 years, yet today it's not a great deal different than it was from the outset. The vast majority of animals are that way. Their development took millions and 10's of millions of years, yet somehow "POOF" here we are in quite literally a FRACTION of that amount of time.

"The Missing Link" isn't some joke. It's a true question of science: how the hell did we get where we are so god damned fast? There's GOT to be some explanation for that. At present, there simply isn't. At all.

Are there aliens out there? Yes. Count on it. The law of averages dictates it. Are they smarter than us? Well, some very well could be and should be...after all, there are worlds that have been around much, much longer than ours. In fact, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is young and 10 is old, the earth is about a .004 on the age scale of the universe.

In other words: there's a metric shit-ton of civilizations out there that have been around far, far longer than we can possibly imagine.

Will we ever meet? Who knows? Perhaps we already have. Maybe that's how we got so far so fast to begin with. I don't know...but I leave my mind open to the possibilities.
It took a long time for the universe to create the necessary elements for our kind of life.

No other animals, sharks included, wrote things down or developed any technology to save information and pass it along to future generations.

Without that, we are starting over every generation. Since we aren't, we move ahead with great speed.

The internet is the current ultimate expression of this idea.
It took a long time for the universe to create the necessary elements for our kind of life.

No other animals, sharks included, wrote things down or developed any technology to save information and pass it along to future generations.

Without that, we are starting over every generation. Since we aren't, we move ahead with great speed.

The internet is the current ultimate expression of this idea.

The question still remains: why only us? This earth was around for well over 4 billion years before we ever showed up. How can one say that we "evolved" into what we are when nothing else did given quite literally more than 1000 times the amount of evolution we have had?

How did we do that when nothing else did?

How did we do it so fast when nothing else even comes close?

There is no answer for that. That's why we created religion to begin with: to explain the unexplainable.
The question still remains: why only us? This earth was around for well over 4 billion years before we ever showed up. How can one say that we "evolved" into what we are when nothing else did given quite literally more than 1000 times the amount of evolution we have had?

How did we do that when nothing else did?

How did we do it so fast when nothing else even comes close?

There is no answer for that. That's why we created religion to begin with: to explain the unexplainable.
We are not alone in the universe, surely. Just alone here.

Technology makes seemingly impossible leaps possible. It wasn't evolution alone, it was language, the written word, libraries and education and now the internet. Technology accelerates progress, evolution does not speed things up.

Religion does not explain anything, therefore it must be discarded.
it was language, the written word, libraries and education and now the internet.

That is all the result of evolutionary development.

Again, billions of species had billions of years to develop that long before we ever came along and somehow waved a magic wand and did it in less than 1 million years.

That's the entire point: the evolution of humans simply does not fit the evolution of this planet at all. In fact, it completely contradicts it.

That's the point.
It wouldn't have been us if the dino's weren't wiped out........

Which again begs the question: Why, in over 250,000,000 years of development, were they unable to do what we did in LESS than only 1 million years?

To put that in a Layman example: A Ferrari F1 pit crew can change 4 tiers in 2.5 seconds. Imagine you are McLaren racing against them, you have the same materials, same chance, same everything to work with, but for some reason it takes you over 10 minutes to figure out you simply can't do it?
yeah, but it's tough to innovate from the inside of a predators belly..... They were super predators. We would have been trail mix. Without apex predator status, we wouldn't be where we are today.
yeah, but it's tough to innovate from the inside of a predators belly..... They were super predators. We would have been trail mix. Without apex predator status, we wouldn't be where we are today.

No predator is greater than man. No predator in history has ever killed more than us. And, again, we've done it in a FRACTION of the time.
No predator is greater than man. No predator in history has ever killed more than us. And, again, we've done it in a FRACTION of the time.
No other animal we've ever seen alive or in the fossil record has been as well positioned in an evolutionary sense to utilize its intelligence as we. We developed opposable thumbs which allowed us to manipulate our environment to a much greater degree, and the brainpower to do it to solve problems.

The advent of writing allowed us to store this knowledge and pass it to future generations, which is where the Great Acceleration really happened.

It's no coincidence that written history developed simultaneously with cultivated agriculture; writing stuff down allowed us to pass along the knowledge and growing our own food gave us the time and reason to do so.

Even then it took 20,000 years (some say much longer) to get an industrial revolution. From that it was inevitable to develop information technology and here we are.

No magic. No aliens. Just iterative progress, dramatically accelerated by the use of information sharing technologies, such as the ones we are using right now to have this conversation.

By the standards of even our grandparents, we have entered the Age of Singularity, where our ability to do something is less limited by our technology and more by simply not having thought of the idea to do it. Yet.

A great television series; Connections, with James Burke. There's even a sequel, Connections II. It's history of technology, fascinating stuff!
No other animal we've ever seen alive or in the fossil record has been as well positioned in an evolutionary sense to utilize its intelligence as we.

That statement, in and of itself, completely contradicts the entire theory of evolution.

If you're going to buy in to evolution, you have to buy in to the idea that all things are created equal. That nature and chance dictate everything.

That's not true with humans. We had no better chance than anything else. In fact, your argument on its entire face is completely wrong.

Again: Dinosaurs alone had over a QUARTER OF A BILLION YEARS and couldn't amount to much. We've been around LESS THAN A MILLION. Literally, 1/1000th of the time.

Dinosaurs actually had a better world to live in than we did and couldn't pull it off. Not even close.

Your problem is that you keep making statements like most humans do: you by default assume we were superior from the get go.

If that is true, then you just blew the entire theory of evolution out of the water...because nature doesn't play favorites.

If it is false (and it is) then there is some missing information that explains us that we don't yet know.

Not surprisingly, the later is true. We know more about a T-Rex than we do about us. How the hell is that possible?

This is going to sound weird, but in order to see the universe in it's pure state, you have to step outside your humanity. Be the T-Rex. Ask questions from his point of view.

Why were we so "magically" favored? How is that even possible in a true evolutionary system?

Answer: it isn't.