Well-Known Member
My assertion is the commonly accepted one; that humans evolved from earthly ancestors without outside influence. There's lots of evidence to show this is true and no conclusive proof to the contrary.
Or what if aliens simply created us from primate DNA? No proof here obviously just spitballing. I simply find it difficult to believe that we are so different from everything else on Earth. We haven't even been around for that long and have done a lot in very short amount of time.
so we're smart enough to from being monkeys, discovering fire, to learning language and building civilizations (HUGE), then travels the oceans, electricity, computers, space travel.........but we still can't figure out borders and dealing with other people on this tiny ass planet? I mean we have Donald Trump as a world leader (sorry to get political), racism is still huge, poverty, overpopulation...........
Idk kind of seems like someone gave us knowledge that we weren't ready to handle.
Just saying.......
Ps: yes I know that I threw a lot of theories out there that don't correlate with each other it's 6am I'm high ass shit, I don't know what's going right now........