Took years and billions of dollars for some guys to push the test buttons that make the LIGO detectors go off, so we feel like we got our moneys worth, lol. Meanwhile, one of them sits right next to Hanford nuclear site (in my state).. that has supposedly been leaking radio active waste for decades... Ya ok.. I'm not as familiar with the other "LIGO" sites, but imagine they are also next to some other highly controversial facilities like the one here.
The only conclusion that I can come to, is not only that the facility was secretly designed for something else altogether (stargate portals, haarp, ISS fake station projector, etc), but mostly that nuclear waste being toxic, or used for warheads is a also complete hoax. Otherwise, they would worry more about cleaning it up than coming up with lame excuses to how gravity exists nextdoor.
Nuclear is a hoax aswell, doesn't exist in real life.
Toxic nuclear waste is a hoax sorry, ahhh the lies we've been taught are endless...
People eat plotonium and swim in nuclear waste, only to have Nothing happen to them
A man invented a machine to measure energy/vibration/frequency, then the same man tells you when this machine detects this form of energy it's dangerous, do you see the flaw here or I need to continue ?
Amazingly, they seem to be concentrated over the US; stunning, absolutely stunning
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Also makes you wonder haha he who smelled it, supplied it