Aliens....Do You Believe?

On the whole - I think we'd be pretty arrogant to think we're the only speck of intelligent life when you consider how vast the universe is.
I have to wonder if there isn't a sign, just outside our solar system:
"Warning, planet still under development, may self destruct. Visit at your own risk"
Don’t think it’s arrogance, there are some theories as to why we haven’t found any intelligent life, the scariest being that as life gets more and more intelligent it self implodes. It’s starting to look true in our case at least.
I’ve already stated I believe, and I am sure there is life out there. As to our own arrogance? Yes! We are the superior race on earth due to intelligence and that plays the biggest part. Life is only what we know/see. My mind thinks beyond… who says life has to be anything similar to what is on earth. Our physics work on earth and math is universal… but what if our physics only fit with our existence and maybe our math is “rudimentary” to others outside of our plane. Einstein states energy can be created, but never destroyed, only dispersed. Living energy beings? Possible. Advancing our minds to the point of not needing a shell for our “soul” or core of who we are… possible! Proven fact that the greatest minds of our species only use an average of 10% of our brains. What is the other 90% for? Advancing the mind is key to us not disappearing from existence and maybe that exactly is why they wait. Not for us to become intelligent enough but to become “whole” and expand our minds. Watch “Lucy” with Scarlett Johansson or the movie “Powder”. And just consider the possibility. If our brains can think it, it’s not that far away from reality!
There was some articles on the possibility of warping space. Way above me, but the math shows that it’s not impossible based on what we know so far, whereas linear travel we know there is no way. Personally I don’t believe we’ve been visited by aliens. If ufos are real and not from some secret project, then I think the chance of them being time machines from our future is more plausible the. Aliens.
Yeah I know, everything they think they know could be wrong. But one thing they are certain about is you can’t go light speed without being light. So kind of rules out aliens getting on super fast ufos
Do you beleive in Aliens? is kind of a loaded question. Suggests all the crazies.There's the ancient civilizations crowd, the alien abduction crowd, the little green men crowd, the "We're God's greatest (only) creation" crowd.

We'd be crazy to think we're a statistical outlier - the only possible combination of events to support life. Once you consider we're probably closer to the mean, the amount of other life and intelligent life in just our galaxy - not to mention the universe - is huge. Arrogance is thinking we're the most advanced and just because we're not capable of travel over long distances or long times, no-one is capable.

The further we reach outside of our own neighborhood, the more attention we're going to attract from others. They know we're dangerous. At this point it's still just a matter of monitoring and containment for them.
I love it when stoners get scientific.

Super fun stoner topic! :bigjoint: bongsmilie

I figure:
Billions of stars in our galaxy
Billions of galaxies in the universe
Regardless of what philosophies you subscribe to, the odds of us being the ONLY "intelligent*" life out there strains logic - just a bit.

*Intelligent - I have serious doubts we'd be considered intelligent by anyone stopping by to have a look.

I can picture a family of intelligent anemones or jellyfish parking up by the moon for a pit-stop on their intergalactic road-trip, "Hey babe, I know how much you wanted to see a primitive planet but c'mon, just look at this! These idiots are still trying to kill each other. Let's get out of here before they realize we're not a comet and throw a missile at us. Give 'em an eon or two to mature a little."
But one thing they are certain about is you can’t go light speed without being light.

[Actually...] Other things travel at speed of light too, like gravity waves. You just can't have mass and travel at the speed of light. Light travels at the max speed allowed by the universe, but the speed isn't about light. [/Actually...]