Aliens....Do You Believe?

Which would be more likely to begin eliminating humanity, AI or organic life? (organic life includes cyborgs and robots)

Now that I've corrected your basic engineering errors, lol, I'll address your question;

The answer is that AI can attack infrastructure which would be deadly in controlled environments like space or underground.

It would again require some kind of device to manipulate the physical world, like robots. Whether the thinking part of this construct is organic or mechanistic is ultimately irrelevant.
cockroaches from the end of the world; small insect like robots, each able to communicate with others like itself to pass information or instructions, each armed in a relatively small way such as a thin chip of C4, clearly able to severely injure a human.

They could recharge with solar panels and wait indefinitely for instructions or defined enemies. They would be mobile, able to move onto a trail underfoot or hide from sight.

Each has a camera, each is in constant contact with more like it, creating a network.... scattered everywhere. They would keep a very close watch on territory and deny the area to enemies, defined any way the deployment force desires.

The same console that a remote drone pilot users could easily become telepresence at any or many of these little robots.

Some could fly and exchange weapons for better signals Intelligence or transmission tower for the rest, in addition to advanced surveillance.

Others could be large, disguised as rocks and be designed to lumber into roads to disable larger vehicles. The list of possible variants is infinite.

Don't piss me off, or I'll quit being a nice guy growing pot, lol
There are so many resources in uninhabited parts of the galaxy that I can honestly that we'd never be annihilated for access to Earth's resources. I don't see any reason why beings would want to eliminate us. Unless they're just these emotionless robots that see us as something that could hurt them one day so they'd just kill us now. Kinda crazy to think about. Humanity. Everything we know, everything we love, everything we hate. Wiped out. Just like the way we remove annoying ant beds so too might some alien beings come and destroy us one day. :bigjoint:
Absolutely they could. Intelligently engineered ones could wait years before a massive simultaneous planet wide eruption of symptoms, which might well lead to control/zombification rather than death.
Do you believe in reptilians? I think that is what they are called.
There are so many resources in uninhabited parts of the galaxy that I can honestly that we'd never be annihilated for access to Earth's resources. I don't see any reason why beings would want to eliminate us. Unless they're just these emotionless robots that see us as something that could hurt them one day so they'd just kill us now. Kinda crazy to think about. Humanity. Everything we know, everything we love, everything we hate. Wiped out. Just like the way we remove annoying ant beds so too might some alien beings come and destroy us one day. :bigjoint:

Haven't you heard? The Vogons are going to install an interstellar bypass and this solar system will be destroyed. It's all in the Hitchhiker's Guide, bro-
There are so many resources in uninhabited parts of the galaxy that I can honestly that we'd never be annihilated for access to Earth's resources. I don't see any reason why beings would want to eliminate us. Unless they're just these emotionless robots that see us as something that could hurt them one day so they'd just kill us now. Kinda crazy to think about. Humanity. Everything we know, everything we love, everything we hate. Wiped out. Just like the way we remove annoying ant beds so too might some alien beings come and destroy us one day. :bigjoint:
Maybe they're just waiting for our population to build up so they can enslave or eat us. I've told my ufo/alien story's a few times on roll and I didn't have very positive experiences. You guys can believe what you want and I'm not going to argue about it but I think if they were here for a peaceful purpose, why be so sneaky?
Maybe they're just waiting for our population to build up so they can enslave or eat us. I've told my ufo/alien story's a few times on roll and I didn't have very positive experiences. You guys can believe what you want and I'm not going to argue about it but I think if they were here for a peaceful purpose, why be so sneaky?

Why would they want to expose themselves to such a primitive and violent race as ourselves? I mean, just look at how gleefully we slaughter each other; imagine if there were actually a credible threat from without, one all of mankind could unite against?

And don't think that kind of groupthink doesn't happen all the time, leading to the eventual running over of any indigenous culture westerners have ever found. WE'RE the cultural and literal slavers, we white people.

Come on, bro. Aliens needn't walk along us; surveillance from a safe distance, like from across the solar system or more, would keep them informed about our doings without risk of discovery.
What I find interesting about reports of alien visitors is how the aliens change over time. For example, it seems the classic saucer shaped crafts were all the rage among aliens back in the 50s, yet no one today reports them. Then there was a shift to cigar shaped ships. For a while in the 80's and 90's the V shaped crafts were in style. Today, many sightings are just fast-moving glowing balls.

So I guess alien crafts are like our cars. Different styles come in and out of fashion. Or, perhaps it's just different kinds of aliens visiting us as different times. But, if we look at sci-fi sources from the decades prior to reports, we see that saucer shaped craft were described in fiction before they started being seen by actual people. The cigar shape was prominent in some old sci-fi movies. An so on. It's just odd that the evolution of aliens ships seems to parallel what Hollywood does in the movies.

You can see a similar pattern with the aliens themselves. Little green men were popular at first. For a while, after the movie The Blob became popular, people started seeing blobs. When Dr Who first became popular, reports of robotic aliens spiked. Perhaps one of the most publicized early incidents, aside from Roswell of course, was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. They first described the classic big-head aliens we think of today, and it was widely reported by the media. Suddenly people started seeing big-heads everywhere. So, it seems the aliens themselves too change their look according to how the public thinks they should look. That's odd.

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Same thing happened to jesus.They settled for a recycled Zuess .
Im a believer as kids we watched lights playing tag in the sky nearly every time that we slept outside here on Vancouver island. This continued into my adulthood with witnesses to what appears to be war games in the sky.

anybody here see that shit ?

I gave up looking for them Ive seen its so often It just doesn't interest me to look up anymore. I know strangely fast craft are up there.

There is a new documentary interviewing top level military / government personnel disclosing cases with Alien craft bodies and years of Alien contact.

it should be on your favorite Movie site if not try the link below to Prime


An exploration of the Alien presence on Earth and the reality of suppressed free energy technology.
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Im a believer as kids we watched lights playing tag in the sky nearly every time that we slept outside here on Vancouver island. This continued into my adulthood with witnesses to what appears to be war games in the sky.

anybody here see that shit ?

I gave up looking for them Ive seen its so often It just doesn't interest me to look up anymore. I know strangely fast craft are up there.

There is a new documentary interviewing top level military / government personnel disclosing cases with Alien craft bodies and years of Alien contact.

it should be on your favorite Movie site if not try the link below to Prime


An exploration of the Alien presence on Earth and the reality of suppressed free energy technology.
I believe you didn't see alien technology, but rather secret military tech being tested. Some of those experimental aircraft became weapons in the inventory, others were just testbeds or were dead ends for various reasons.

If you want free energy, simply walk outside and soak up some sunshine.

I'd really like to know that our race has contacted extra planetary civilisations and gained some of their technology, don't get me wrong! I just don't think it's happened yet.
Its more likely it was a staged covert black ops war games using rehashed alien tech or the military was using a craft to try and chase down some real aliens.
I don't know but something strange goes on up there that can do a right turn at something like 10,000 mph with just as abrupt stops and starts.

My guess is the crafts have a force field that prevent changes in the G force.

Something up there is moving like it shouldn't one night we counted 13 all jockeying around trying to hit each other.
Its more likely it was a staged covert black ops war games using rehashed alien tech or the military was using a craft to try and chase down some real aliens.
I don't know but something strange goes on up there that can do a right turn at something like 10,000 mph with just as abrupt stops and starts.

My guess is the crafts have a force field that prevent changes in the G force.

Something up there is moving like it shouldn't one night we counted 13 all jockeying around trying to hit each other.
I want the apparent conclusion to be true. If it were, the implications would go far beyond military applications. However, I need more evidence before I'm willing to take your observations at face value.

That's a very different thing than merely saying you didn't see it. I believe you did see SOMETHING.