Aliens....Do You Believe?

I've also had those night paralysis events. Multiple times, usually 4-6 "beings" surrounding my bed. Always reminded me of a surgery scenario. Hasn't happened in 10+years. I've only told a few people, shit always bugged me, glad to see its, somewhat, common. I've seen weird shit in the sky at night multiple times. What looked like shooting stars a couple times but changed direction 90 degrees instantly, at speed. A large glowing ball followed 2 friends and I as we walked down a deserted highway about 5 years ago. It was totally silent, then just went off over the trees after about 15 minutes.

I also believe in ghosts..or whatever they might be.
Intelligent life must exist elsewhere. If not in this galaxy, but in the countless others that double ours in size. I don't believe we will ever be contacted by any. Space seems to have evolved into this impossible, vast emptiness. Almost seems like it was designed not to be traversed . ;)
Intelligent life must exist elsewhere. If not in this galaxy, but in the countless others that double ours in size. I don't believe we will ever be contacted by any. Space seems to have evolved into this impossible, vast emptiness. Almost seems like it was designed not to be traversed . ;)
Not nescesarilly must exist, but probably exists. Theoretically, earth could be the beginning of all life in the Universe.
The fabric of space/time is HUGE. I think that if there are other intelligent lifeforms out there, no matter whether they are older or younger than humans as a species, these vast distances make meeting each other terribly difficult. I doubt that most sightings are legit... but yeah eventually we'll meet other intelligent lifeforms... unless we kill each other beforehand.
The fabric of space/time is HUGE. I think that if there are other intelligent lifeforms out there, no matter whether they are older or younger than humans as a species, these vast distances make meeting each other terribly difficult. I doubt that most sightings are legit... but yeah eventually we'll meet other intelligent lifeforms... unless we kill each other beforehand.

They're out there, all right. They've been watching us for a long time. They're waiting to see if we grow up or blow ourselves up before making any decisions about First Contact.

I'm operating under the assumption that they're smarter than we are. I think it's a safe one to make.
Which would be more likely to begin eliminating humanity, AI or organic life? (organic life includes cyborgs and robots)

You're screwing up your definitions; cyborgs and robots are machine constructions operated by computers. Even if there were a hive mind AI, it still needs something to actually manipulate the physical world, hence the need for robots. Or, cyborgs, which merely enlist living tissue to do the same thing.