Aliens....Do You Believe?

There has been a lot of propaganda on the subject powered by fear and created for ratings.Whats going on is the People who built a free America are now building a free world. No mistreating kooks allowed and everyone will have human rights.
Its a mess out there right now and getting worse as more countries develop the bomb.

You have to look fear in the face and deny it because fear is a straight up lie.
Its the Imagination run amuck where the worse case scenario becomes real.
Its a lie
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There has been a lot of propaganda on the subject powered by fear and created for ratings.Whats going on is the People who built a free America are now building a free world. No mistreating kooks allowed and everyone will have human rights.
Its a mess out there right now and getting worse as more countries develop the bomb.

You have to look fear in the face and deny it because fear is a straight up lie.
Its the Imagination run amuck where the worse case scenario becomes real.
Its a lie
Right. Because all of our drone strikes don't make anyone fear us.

Or hate us. :roll:
They are clearing house to bring the World together , its not going to happen with Nutbar governments in place. It will be brutal but its to save us all from future Nuclear Wars on our precious planet.
I should mention we can expect it to get messier before it gets better because it will they are just beginning to stir things up.
Its how mankind will make the next step in evolution to a War free planet , its the only way no sides and all for one under threat if need be.
No one is going to let it happen easily but its going to happen regardless. Ive accepted it as our best option to prevent War its the dirty work Im not Kean on but who is.
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So I'm one of the people who waste a lot of time watching alien videos on the Internet. Conspiracy theories, phony YouTube videos, kinda convincing videos (but not really). There are a ton of theories out there. That Egyptian Kings were really aliens that taught us language and other things. That aliens are still here and the Men in Black really exist. That the secret service are really aliens. That aliens are in the other side of the moon and told us not to come back there. And all the multiple alien sightings and grainy ass videos that you can barely see. So what do you guys believe? I definately believe in alien life. As to whether they are aliens on this planet or not.... I haven't decided.
All the aliens are right here on roll it up!!
Fuck yeah aliens.....oh fuck yeah....fuckin aliens are real deal shit.....same with bigfoot .....bigfoot is an alien you dumbasses ......I've been molested by aliens ((and liked it))

Fuckin aliens
I'm stoned the smartphone went right over my head

Im curious though does it involve un lubricated anal rape or lubricated ?
Neither. Viruses can be biological or datological. Who's to say that the first aliens we come into contact with aren't the products of another civilisation's runaway artificial intelligence program and are thus an advanced form of machine intelligence?

Such an alien entity would find it trivially simple to analyse, infect, spread, overwhelm or backdoor security protocols and very quickly execute a complete takeover of our increasingly web connected world.

So to answer your question; 'mind fuck'.
Compared to an advanced machine based intelligence, we humans are wet, messy, vulnerable- and slooooow...

Sooooooo slooooow. We can parallel process disparate datasets well and come up with new concepts, but we don't iterate very quickly at all.

The invasion war would be over and they would be in complete control of our entire planet's industrial and information infrastructure so fast we wouldn't know what happened until it was way too late.

We better hope they're friendly or the first we'd know of their malevolent intentions might well be them launching our own nuclear missiles- at us.

There's some irony for ya!
Neither. Viruses can be biological or datological. Who's to say that the first aliens we come into contact with aren't the products of another civilisation's runaway artificial intelligence program and are thus an advanced form of machine intelligence?

Such an alien entity would find it trivially simple to analyse, infect, spread, overwhelm or backdoor security protocols and very quickly execute a complete takeover of our increasingly web connected world.

So to answer your question; 'mind fuck'.

Well, that's one way to travel at the speed of light, and be truly eternal.
The mentality of War for gain is barbaric a Advanced race would have better ways to solve problems then bust heads.

On the other hand there could be big problems if we met a species primitive as ourselves
Neither. Viruses can be biological or datological. Who's to say that the first aliens we come into contact with aren't the products of another civilisation's runaway artificial intelligence program and are thus an advanced form of machine intelligence?

Such an alien entity would find it trivially simple to analyse, infect, spread, overwhelm or backdoor security protocols and very quickly execute a complete takeover of our increasingly web connected world.

So to answer your question; 'mind fuck'.

I get it now a Space Trogan Virus with advanced malicious code ( like Windows )
The mentality of War for gain is barbaric a Advanced race would have better ways to solve problems then bust heads.

On the other hand there could be big problems if we met a species primitive as ourselves

You are making the assumption they would see it as war or an act of aggression against an equal or a species they see as a threat.

It's entirely possible they could just see us as we see insects or bacteria. We clear fields all the time and it doesn't strike even the most ideological as an act of war or aggression.

Yet lots of life is destroyed; plant, animal, and insect. It's just an unimportant cost of farming.

If there are aliens and they haven't bothered destroying us it's more likely we just aren't important enough of a nuisance to bother with. Mounting an extermination from mega light years away has to be costly in terms of logistics and effort.

We just aren't that important in a cosmic sense. At most we are a curiosity. Get over yourself. ;)
I understand where your coming from the possibilities are frightening if you let your Mind wander. Fear is a powerful emotion and tool don't let it get the better of you it will lead you to insanity if you spend all your time in it.
Think about it we are here and no one zapped our planet