All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's


Well-Known Member
Ok guys garden update. Lot's of pics tonight. Tonight I only watered and fed the plants in the Tupur still which is the AutoCob tent and 3 plants in the HPS tent: Blue Harley, Purple Envy, and one of my Doggie Dreams. Everything else is looking good to me I am happy with the way the transition to soil is going, once the plants adjust to my liking and I have just the 10 gallon fabric pots setup I will take cuts of things defoliate wait for them to bounce back from defol and flip the lights.

Here's a few shots of the COB tent, look like shit but it's too late in the game to do much more than I am. The auto pounder is starting to stack and has a blue hue to it, and the 3 Skywalkers are coming right along and starting to show some purps:

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Then here's a few shots of what's going on in the HPS tent:



The GG#4:



Shot of the 4 HBS Auto's:


And last but not least my Doggie Dreams #2 first to sex out fem and not an auto very excited the freaking smell off of this thing jesus:


Things are not perfect it takes a minute for the plants to adjust to this growing system but I am happy with how it's going. Thanks for checking in :peace:


Well-Known Member
I love no till garden does what it wants I water and add tea regularly. I have a couple of earth boxes sips I am running. Got some fresh worms and getting some alfalfa hay. My old lady is stoked her garden is finally on point she has a regular supply of bell peppers. My old lady has two of my new grow light engines and they produce fruit and flower.


Well-Known Member
I love no till garden does what it wants I water and add tea regularly. I have a couple of earth boxes sips I am running. Got some fresh worms and getting some alfalfa hay. My old lady is stoked her garden is finally on point she has a regular supply of bell peppers. My old lady has two of my new grow light engines and they produce fruit and flower.
I have two earth boxes outside as well and then the ghost pepper tree (lol) in the diy SIP. Got bell peppers tomatoes Jalapeno's and what not going outdoors


Well-Known Member
I spent a lot of time in the garden today, taking cuttings, getting ready to flip a couple that need sexing. I am running out of room quickly, I wish I could give away some plants damnit.

I did find a surprise. One of those ladies had me fooled. It's either hermie or full blood male. I culled all his cuttings but I'm keeping him alive for the time being. Although I may keep one of the cuttings and kill the big one with balls everywhere.

You're shit is coming along nicely Mobo, got a question, the growth in with your ladies, what is that and does it serve a purpose? I let my potted stuff get like that outside a little, but when it gets real bushy, I come pull it. Mostly clover but there is a lot of other undesirable stuff, weeds and grasses.

My tomatoes and peppers I try to grow in the midst of chocolate spearmint, I love a cup of fresh picked tea. I think it helps keep the pests away as well.


Well-Known Member
I was away all weekend pretty much expecting to walk into a mess watering the other night and everyone was good.
I frequently neglect my ladies for a couple/few days, I think they like it. I know most human women really love to be treated like shit, that's why I can't keep a gf, I refuse to mentally or physically abuse a woman.

But really, I do leave my ladies alone for a few days at a time and have been quite lucky so far. I had one drooping from thirst this last time, but she bounced right back. That is one good thing about my buckets, unless they actually run dry to the bottom, the plants will still have access if the roots are long enough. I try not to let the flowering ladies get neglected, but the vegging plants seem to never even notice and keep right on trucking.


Well-Known Member
I spent a lot of time in the garden today, taking cuttings, getting ready to flip a couple that need sexing. I am running out of room quickly, I wish I could give away some plants damnit.

I did find a surprise. One of those ladies had me fooled. It's either hermie or full blood male. I culled all his cuttings but I'm keeping him alive for the time being. Although I may keep one of the cuttings and kill the big one with balls everywhere.

You're shit is coming along nicely Mobo, got a question, the growth in with your ladies, what is that and does it serve a purpose? I let my potted stuff get like that outside a little, but when it gets real bushy, I come pull it. Mostly clover but there is a lot of other undesirable stuff, weeds and grasses.

My tomatoes and peppers I try to grow in the midst of chocolate spearmint, I love a cup of fresh picked tea. I think it helps keep the pests away as well.
Cover crop feeds the worms.

I myself use a combination of red wigglers and European night crawlers, the reason being they live in different depths of the soil. This way I get nice castings all throughout my dirt once everything is up and running. I already starting chopping down the cover crop and will continue to do so for another week or so depending on growth rate and then toss the straw on top as a mulch. Then the defoliation the fan leaves go right into the pots. Nothing is wasted and everything serves a purpose. In this system of growing you become more of a grounds keeper and maintain the soil and the life you create in it with all the microbes etc. Hope this has answered your question brother.


Well-Known Member
Yes sir, covers it completely. I used to be able to scratch up 3 dozen worms per square foot in my yard. Still find a lot when I disturb the ground cover. I could kick over the leaves and you could see the castings as a solid layer. I could've made some serious money selling for bait or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Yes sir, covers it completely. I used to be able to scratch up 3 dozen worms per square foot in my yard. Still find a lot when I disturb the ground cover. I could kick over the leaves and you could see the castings as a solid layer. I could've made some serious money selling for bait or whatever.
In this style of growing you keep the dirt going right and the plants grow themselves they take what they need. I love it, if you take a few days off everything isn't dead and the hardest part really is first getting going and setting the dirt up properly. After a couple runs everything is on cruise control


Well-Known Member
Got the 4 HBS autos, the Male Satori, and my Doggie Dreams #3 in the second 3x3 found a temporary solution to the power issue.

Now to up pot the last three plants in Coco in the 4x8 to their new homes in 10 gallon no til pots like their siblings. Now once I am.content with the plants bouncing back I can flip the 4x8 tent :)



Well-Known Member
These three girls will be getting transplanted tonight. Purple Envy, Doggie Dreams, and Blue Harley. Yes I know they're deficient and look like shit started growing so fast under the hps and my time off they suffered. Soon (hopefully) they will transition over in the soil.



Well-Known Member
It really looks great. I am not a fan of all that live organic stuff inside my house but the results are already pretty great.

how big are those large pots and how often are you watering?
They're 10 gallon fabric pots and I am watering every other day right now but they can go longer. The trick is not too wet for root rot and not too dry that the worms die. It's a balancing act. But not hard to adjust to. This is why I prefer the fabric pots which air pruned the roots. In my exp so far the fabric pots lead to better root development than the nursery pots. You can grow plants in both and I have just saying why I prefer the fabric especially for this specific application.


Well-Known Member
Ok done with transplanting and the second 3x3 has stayed on so seems like we are good. Everyone is where they need to be for now. Gonna water in the new transplants and call it a night/morning. Bring on the Dank :)

Things should start to get interesting here real soon.

Thanks for checking in.

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Well-Known Member
I have an urgent mild emergency and normally I wouldn't post this crap here unless it had already come up. It seems my new light, the one I was assured would comply and not cause interference, is causing internet and cable issues for hundreds of people withing miles, somehow directly injecting noise into the cable system.

Can someone point me to a thread where this is discussed and solved? I am pretty sure there is a noise filter I can install and solve this. I don't need the cable guy sniffing around so closely. I may have to even unplug for a few days.

Off to UTFSE and hope I can find something fast

any help would be awesome and I hope I'm not offending you Evil, thanks