all store bought seed good but not great


Well-Known Member
Many times i have said that all the seeds i have bought have been good,but after time you realize their is not much in the way of great weed,i mean real keepers,ones that stand out after popping more then a few hundred seeds and over 25 strains.But what i used to compare good weed too was street weed.After years of buying 6 week hash plant ,or 6 week bc big bud or a fast romulan,and outdoor skunk anything you grow and care for is superior,but when you first start popping the beans and growing,you take the time to make it right.For instance we get a lot of whats called juicy fruit around here and its garbage,but i grew out some seeds from a 1/4 off the street and took it 10 weeks and wow what a nice plant.but the more seeds you buy and pop the more you understand that great weed is far and few between and everything is always the same,i grew out 3 strains from visc and they all looked like Burmese and no keepers,i don't want to single them out because most are like that,and all this breeding of a few certain strains is killing me,or what they call 1.1 breeding.But i have said this before and i will say it again,i don't think pot is getting better,ya i lucked into some good home made crosses but i pollinated 15 year old clones,ones that old timers found in some really good genetics.after buying many more seeds,i just have to concede what i first started with cant be beaten,except in one great cross i made.i cant wait until we can just swap clones and mail them nation wide,because the offspring of great clones would take a lot of work to duplicate,which just is not done by today's so called breeders.i will never buy another seed,except from one company i have already verbally committed too.I cant wait until clones are passed like a beer at Oktoberfest.Maybe then we will stop bastardizing some great genetic history.


Well-Known Member
You know why i think some of the best smoke can come from bag seed?If you ever had good pot and decided to grow out the seeds you found ,you will see what i mean.Im not saying it happens all the time but it happens.What happens is a lot of cash croppers find phenomenal cuts that are so good that they can chop at 6 and still have a market,sometimes these get seeded for different reasons like stress or who knows,but you grow out the bag seed untill fully ripe and begging to be chopped and voila you find you have a winner.But bag seeds are a huge gamble no question,your better to buy seeds from a reputable breeder(like the old lady down the street with 30 cats,naw just playin)but if you have the light and want to mess around like in summer when the sun comes free,give it a of the main components in the best cross i ever made came from a bag seed that i knew nothing about,just some bag seed some one gave to me.


Well-Known Member
You have alot followers here trapper. Lots of insight from many memebers on your remarks. HAHA, lmfaosfhIsm

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
My first two grows were from bagseed and both turned out much better than the bag they came from. I can also say they did not meet my expectations...maybe they were my hopes? I'm currently on my third grow from seeds of my making. My hopes are even higher, hope I will be too.


Well-Known Member
You have alot followers here trapper. Lots of insight from many memebers on your remarks. HAHA, lmfaosfhIsm
are you ok,is thier a reason you feel the need to stalk my posts,its some real messed up shit.and your right i dont have a folliwing and i dont want one,is that ok with you,as much as i despise idol worshippers i despise stalkers.Stalkers are usually cowards,people who lirk in the shadows,but maybe your mentally unstable,i dont know.but can you refrain from stalking me,i wouldnt mind if i could personally confront you about it but i cant,the best i can do is ask.