All the raids??

Get fucking real the kid got lucky. His age was about 19 at the time and was a mitigating factor also was he the one that was in possession of the gun? Did he snitch on the other guys involved or agree to testify? Whose weed was it? Was the sale completed? Did he have a high dollar lawyer etc etc etc etc. I believe it turned out to be less than 4 pounds as well which is a much lesser charge. What is the sentence or what will it be for the other 3 involved ?
Reality check there are thousands of people in prison in AZ over weed and to say this is how it usually turns out for large amounts is just naive.
thanks for your moronical paranoid conjecture based on nothing but your own craziness. here are more facts which i like better than moron opinions.
thanks for your moronical paranoid conjecture based on nothing but your own craziness. here are more facts which i like better than moron opinions.

Once again your showing your youthful ignorance and stupidity. You give one fucking story where only 1 out of 10 people has even been sentenced in the
case and another case with the same thing (1 person who made a quick plea and probably rolled on the others). Oh and ever try intensive probation in az... for most its just a short detour on the way
to the joint. 1 in 150 people in az are in prison the state spends more on prisons than education it has the 6th highest incarceration rate in the country and your
inexperienced dumb ass thinks its no big deal to get caught selling 4 pounds of weed with a gun on you. It wasnt to long ago 89 I believe when a guy got 25 years in az for selling a joint for a dollar and had to do almost the whole sentence. Google that shit!
Once again your showing your youthful ignorance and stupidity. You give one fucking story where only 1 out of 10 people has even been sentenced in the
case and another case with the same thing (1 person who made a quick plea and probably rolled on the others). Oh and ever try intensive probation in az... for most its just a short detour on the way
to the joint. 1 in 150 people in az are in prison the state spends more on prisons than education it has the 6th highest incarceration rate in the country and your
inexperienced dumb ass thinks its no big deal to get caught selling 4 pounds of weed with a gun on you. It wasnt to long ago 89 I believe when a guy got 25 years in az for selling a joint for a dollar and had to do almost the whole sentence. Google that shit!
what a bitter old piece of shit you are. your life must be very miserable.
You mad bro? Lol

of course not but the real question is

Want to see what this old ass 43 year old man can do? Fuck you and your empty threats you sent me..fucking faggot.

Oh and as for the smoke quality you mentioned in your message.... I have seen your pics and its definitely far from impressive and truly pathetic
your young arrogant dumb ass self thinks he knows everything.
I love how I come back to check out RIU after... some time. Only to find LV and irieie are both still deserving of my ignore list. I can only deal with the RIU trolls while medicated and this Agent Orange is making it easy.
so i guess you guys arent lovin the dispensary system they set up for ya...?


raid em all i say and let God sort em out!

if i was in AZ i would grow my one little 10lb outside plant.....

watching these guys get raided that 'jacked' your law and set up the 25mile dispensary rule makes me .....

--well reap what you sow!

peace to the people thru the plant!
the dispensaries are OK....I object to the "sphere of influence". If everyone had grow rights the dispensary meds would be cheaper/ better. and more strains. But that is too smart.... AZ don't roll that way. 40+ yrs down here and it's still the same.
the dispensaries are OK....I object to the "sphere of influence". If everyone had grow rights the dispensary meds would be cheaper/ better. and more strains. But that is too smart.... AZ don't roll that way. 40+ yrs down here and it's still the same.
So wait, your not jumping on board with shit meds like jilly bean, blue dream and big bud being shoved down your throats at top shelf pricing? Better check the stance because in Arizona most dispensaries are going to carrying the EXACT same meds @ different prices produced from the same place. Many owners think that simply selling bud is going to make them rich and allow them to open multiple store fronts because they did not do their due diligence and talk with successful business owners from other states. From a recent phone interview there is no humility in the AZ scene, Growers and Owners, everyone thinks they are the bees knees but have very little or NO experience in this industry when asked but like to pretend otherwise. Astounding they don't ask for help and try to take on the challenge with a blind eye. Its amazing what you can figure out from just letting the talkers talk while you listen intently. Owners who despise the free trade in Arizona are sending mignons to your farmers markets to buy low priced meds direct from the source only to take that bud and stock it on their shelves for 1.5x-2x the price. Many had thought Arizona was going to be the next CA, CO, wake up, you have too much disconnect between dispensaries, patients and growers.
So wait, your not jumping on board with shit meds like jilly bean, blue dream and big bud being shoved down your throats at top shelf pricing? Better check the stance because in Arizona most dispensaries are going to carrying the EXACT same meds @ different prices produced from the same place. Many owners think that simply selling bud is going to make them rich and allow them to open multiple store fronts because they did not do their due diligence and talk with successful business owners from other states. From a recent phone interview there is no humility in the AZ scene, Growers and Owners, everyone thinks they are the bees knees but have very little or NO experience in this industry when asked but like to pretend otherwise. Astounding they don't ask for help and try to take on the challenge with a blind eye. Its amazing what you can figure out from just letting the talkers talk while you listen intently. Owners who despise the free trade in Arizona are sending mignons to your farmers markets to buy low priced meds direct from the source only to take that bud and stock it on their shelves for 1.5x-2x the price. Many had thought Arizona was going to be the next CA, CO, wake up, you have too much disconnect between dispensaries, patients and growers.

This is why I am Packing up and heading to Colorado soon. I have met ONE person, exactly ONE person that is friendly AND helpful with MMJ knowledge in this state, and HE is from ANOTHER state!!!!! Az people are dickheads, worse than where i am from(the land of the asshole).
North Avalon is 100000000% correct.

I want to go somewhere to LEARN how to grow the best weed i can, not sit around and talk about how i ALREADY have the best weed in town. Mine IS NOT The bet weed, but it will be soon.
You really think dispensaries are buying eigths at the farmers market an reselling it?
Lol. Not.
You really think dispensaries are buying eigths at the farmers market an reselling it?
Lol. Not.
1/8s are you retarted?
Im talking ounces and quarter pounds etc all you need is min of two patients or a licensed caregiver to pull a little weight. Markup of at LEAST 100-150 per ounce on the retail side. Pretty substantial for doing absolutely nothing and low risk compared to growing. Pay attention to co-op strains lists after one of those markets, this is not a new tactic. Buy low, sell high, it's that simple.
First off, it's retarded and second I am not.
I am pretty sure I know how it works. Dispensaries are buying Cali and Colo bud. They are not buying the homegrown weed at the market to resell. lmao
Typical eyes wide shut, ^^ this is why I do not entertain this board often.
The co-ops who want to stay in business are not importing. Yes some definitely are but they are running a high risk of loosing a valuable permit. FEDs are always compiling their list of export/import business in all med states, those are the first to get raided, ALWAYS. It really sucks being employed by people who fucking do that as well, let me tell ya. Arizona Homegrown is affordable in same cases and fills the needs of certain tiers of medicine. Many of the owners are business people and this is matter of simple economics, there is profit to be made. You would be blind to think co-ops don't have undercover financial arrangements with caregivers for supply. You said it yourself, patients can get medicine from anywhere, some of them just bring that medicine to their boss. Some caregivers can have 15 ounces on them at any time if I'm not mistaken. Believe it or not, whatever, no sweat of my back, this was merely friendly insight to the growers out there.
Banana's :)

I bought 20 cases a day for three years at $7-8 a box. I packaged them up and sold them for $1 a pack on my racks at WalMart stores on Produce Express racks (before super centers). WalMart paid me 75 cents per pack...they made good money and so did I. Grocery store deliveries of fresh produce and yes, bananas was also done daily. Huge markups for the distributor, the delivery guy and the store.

I've seen 3 dispensary models:
1) They have their own grow center
2) They get donations from various caregivers
3) They get donations from other states

Who cares where they got and what they pay. Their will always be customers that will pay whatever the dispensaries charge and whatever the caregivers get for donations.