Alt0's Grow (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
Wheres the update brotha :) Lol Mornin btw
Here you go, sorry it was later than I thought
this is so intense. what a jungle.
Hey! long time no see...Thanks for the compliments, hows school coming? bongsmilie
Good update on the ladies...too bad u had some dudes in there tryin to impregnate your can't wait to see the finished product. let us know how the hash oil worked out when sober haha.i will probably do something around the same idea with my plants that turn male. ttyl ill be watchin bro peacez...
Thank you!
Yeah had to get rid of them guys, My girls will stay virgins now Heh.
Did not get a chance to smoke any more of the whatever it is I made
I will probably do so today

I am going to rename No7 Jessica
There is no story on this one
she is just trim and looking good
and all I can think of is Jessica Alba :hump:
(that happens other times as well)
She is the Grenadine seed from Dr Greenthumb in Canada
Next grow will all be this strain, I will let veg go longer until they hit 12 inches +
Note: Jessica Alba is also a good actress:wink:

Thank you all my friends here at RIU for the nice comments and support :joint:
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Well-Known Member
Looking brilliant mate! They're really going for it. I guess a good thing about the two fellas you had to remove is that the girls now have more room to spread their legs out and lap up the light :) Your girls are well ahead of mine now lol :)


Well-Known Member
haha alto, absolutley GORGEOUS! Man oh man you are going to get some killer bud off her. I'm glad my rooting for number 2 aka Emily, has turned into a beaaaaaaast! I'm never going to misjudge a runt at the beginning again, they always seem to do the best at the end! I gotta get to work, but damn bro that deserves a hand clap. :clap: Embrace it! lol.


Well-Known Member
heh, i'm so jealous right now
No need bro, its all good :joint: passes
I will be jealous of you in about 2 months.
And am still a bit jealous from your last harvest:mrgreen:

Looking brilliant mate! They're really going for it. I guess a good thing about the two fellas you had to remove is that the girls now have more room to spread their legs out and lap up the light :) Your girls are well ahead of mine now lol :)
Thanks TGP
Yeah about the boys, I bet it would have been so crowded in there right now otherwise.
I actually was hoping I would end up with 4 girls
and then spacing and all would be sweet
but I will take the extra girl NP
I better be ahead of you
My Hybrids should finish a lot faster than your Sativa
What is odd to me is that Emily looks so Sativa
She has most of the main characteristics, I will just have to wait and see how she finishes.
I am thinking even tho she is blooming out a bit faster than the Indica looking plants (No4 and Sandi)
She will still take longer to finish up completely.
Thanks for all the great support!:peace:


Well-Known Member
haha alto, absolutley GORGEOUS! Man oh man you are going to get some killer bud off her. I'm glad my rooting for number 2 aka Emily, has turned into a beaaaaaaast! I'm never going to misjudge a runt at the beginning again, they always seem to do the best at the end! I gotta get to work, but damn bro that deserves a hand clap. :clap: Embrace it! lol.
Dude you must be some kind of great friend in RL because the amount of kind
words you show folks here just has to be a part of who you are outside here.
I have been giving out rep JUST so I can give you more sometimes.
Thank you so much for all this great encouragement and support. lights and passes:joint:

you shouldn't be.....coz of the quality :D
:cry: sorry to hear that friend.
But as you yourself said "its bagseed"
Saw that you had another two crack. GREAT NEWS!
now just do what you did before and all will be well.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
they cracked, but they are in the dirt from a week+ and no signs of 'em
Thats what one of mine did
I tossed another seed in with it and ended up with two
Sometimes it just takes more time
Next time if you use some Hydrogen Peroxide it will dissolve the hormone that coats seeds and keeps them from germinating to quickly
It will also kill any bad stuff that is lurking waiting to attack you little babies.
Like fungus and stuff. Seemed to work for me OK
just add like 2 cap fulls from the Hydrogen Peroxide bottle to a liter of water then soak (float) the seeds in there for 24 hrs.
Some people use it in the reservoir their entire grow to kill off bad stuff and it will oxygenate the reservoir as well.
I use nutes that are partly organic and so it would not work for me as it will also kill some of the good stuff they contain.

I bet they pop up soon bro.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah i was thinking that about Emily as well, though thats not a bad thing is it? :P Anyway your in for a bumper harvest. I nearly purchased a mix pack of seeds when i was looking to grow but i assumed each type of seed would be labelled. If i had the resources i'd love to do a mixed grow. Would be great having jars of different strains curing i think id be in heaven.

And what you guys were saying about the runts turning out great this is a pic of Jane when she first came out:

(the top one)

And now look at her lol


Well-Known Member
definitely, I found that the "stronger" more "vigorous"
plants both turned out to be boys (at least in my current grow)
and the runts turned out to look the best (at least so far)
No4 was one of the "Strong" starters tho and is a girl so we shall see how she fairs and compare.
The idea of several different types curing in jars is exactly why I got the mix GP. I hope it works out as well as it looks on paper.

On a side note, here is a flower from my garden outdoors.
This is a vine called Passion Flower I have trellised against the back of my home.
Weirdest looking thing.
I love em.



Well-Known Member
Yeah im sure you'll end up with a great selection mate :) Hopefully working out the other strains wont be too hard! I'll go back through the thread i cant remember what other strains they could be lol. That flowers beautiful, weird though. Never seen anything like it!


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah jack, tried that once in amsterdam and was a bit disappointed. It was a very dry batch must have been quite old and stored poorly or something. It tastes like wet cardboard. Then i tried it else where and .... Fuck Me.... haha So yeah fingers crossed for Jack! Never tried Mazar myself. I dont think so, not that i remember anyway lmao


Well-Known Member
Here you go, sorry it was later than I thought

I am going to rename No7 Jessica
There is no story on this one
she is just trim and looking good
and all I can think of is Jessica Alba :hump:
I heard jessica alba got herpies from derek jeter..hope that doesn't bring ill effects to your sexy sexy garden, you're doin it right my friend!

that outdoor flower is looking pretty crazy..

My grandparents own and run an awesome greenhouse (like 5 huge ones) (some fruits and veggies) but mostly flowers and stuff i should be heading down that direction this weekwend, ill try and snap a few pictures for you alto.:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
My grandparents own and run an awesome greenhouse (like 5 huge ones) (some fruits and veggies) but mostly flowers and stuff i should be heading down that direction this weekend, ill try and snap a few pictures for you alto.:joint::peace:
Yikes! herpes!
Well no matter I am married and truly love my wife so its just eye candy anyway,
and last I heard you can't catch nothin' lookin'. lol

My grandparents ran a greenhouse (actually a 36 acre farm with several greenhouses) I would love to see your family's.
I worked in a commercial greenhouse as well and so began my love hate relationship with Mother's Day, lmao.


Well-Known Member
Came across this gadget and looked promising,
$20 hash press and instructions
mine was all crumbly but it tasted ok (for males) and gave me that OK I feel like I will be getting high but never did so, next time I will do better.
Anyway I bet this works great