America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

No, that's not a business plan. That's a grow space.

The college degree is worthless for starting at the top; one needs a trust fund and connections for that.

I'm mentally superior to someone who says they don't trust education and then tries to speak intelligently, that's for sure!

If you want off the bottom rung of the ladder of success, the first thing to do is shut up and listen when someone with knowledge tries to share some. You've already failed that lesson, so figure it out on your own, 'Drake'.

Growing dope is not the bottom rung. Selling other peoples dope is. You obviously didnt start from the bottom. The room is part of my business pIan.

I admit, you do have a lot of knowledge on dope growing. I would swear you went for horticulture, did you?

Your knowledge of the world is skewed by other people's views who are making money selling you that view. You don't generate your own. Your research comes from books they sold you.
I never went to a debate class but I learned a few things from watching Unclebuck troll:

Accuse whoever you are debating with of being something bad. It outcasts them from the crowd. A racist, a sexist, or being a white male are all good accusations to start with. If they can deflect these resort to calling them names.

Always keep asking the enemy to validate points, it keeps them backtracking.

Have more people on your side in an argument. The more trolls the better.

Fire off more responses than them, even if the responses have no weight in an argument. They wont keep up and to have to keep countering frustrates them.

Always get the last comment. In elementary school this means you won the argument and still works well into adulthood.

Laugh about everything so they don't see how bad you want to win.

Thats just a sneak peek of the course he is teaching: Trollin101. Its available for just 50k worth of student loan debt.

If you sign up for this professor's course, you get his book absolutely free. Titled 'Spankyomomma'. Its an in depth look at the course and can be used as a field reference throughout your career.

All of the proceeds are spent on hookers and blow. And he does both of them infront of the class so you can see your money spent wisely.

Also this fall: 'I Went to College and Still Have to Grow Dope 201', taught by professor ttystik. Hes edumacateds in economics and will guide you into stopping the global economic crisis.

I gotta go find a bag of weed.

Notice how the majority of Unclebucks posts all come from these key points.
Growing dope is not the bottom rung. Selling other peoples dope is. You obviously didnt start from the bottom. The room is part of my business pIan.

I admit, you do have a lot of knowledge on dope growing. I would swear you went for horticulture, did you?

Your knowledge of the world is skewed by other people's views who are making money selling you that view. You don't generate your own. Your research comes from books they sold you.

You don't know a fucking thing about the world or how I came by my knowledge of it.

I've been in small business and entrepreneurship my whole career.

I learned about geopolitics from State Department officers.

I learned about big business from many places, but not Faux Spews.

Again, every time you open your mouth you betray your ignorance about the world, your place in it and your chances of success.

You have no knowledge so the best you can do is sit in your pigpen and point.

You don't read books, so it looks like you'll be stuck there for a long time.

Bye, I'm through wasting my time with you.
You don't know a fucking thing about the world or how I came by my knowledge of it.

I've been in small business and entrepreneurship my whole career.

I learned about geopolitics from State Department officers.

I learned about big business from many places, but not Faux Spews.

Again, every time you open your mouth you betray your ignorance about the world, your place in it and your chances of success.

You have no knowledge so the best you can do is sit in your pigpen and point.

You don't read books, so it looks like you'll be stuck there for a long time.

Bye, I'm through wasting my time with you.

Yeah, why waste time on me when you can waste it aquiring student loan debt for a useless degree?

So you took a few classes on geopolitics or is that your major? Neither makes you an expert and you wouldnt be growing dope if you were.
actually, the prostitute who gives $5 handjobs to people like you is bottom rung. then comes the gigolo who bangs your filthy, obese mother. then comes pedo for hire, then comes the guy at the carnival who eats cigarette butts.

jesus kid.

yeah, he's pretty fucking stupid.

and that sig just makes me wanna bash in his brains with a sack full of toasters. ya know, the ones that can cook an egg too.
yeah, he's pretty fucking stupid.

and that sig just makes me wanna bash in his brains with a sack full of toasters. ya know, the ones that can cook an egg too.
yeah, he's pretty fucking stupid.

and that sig just makes me wanna bash in his brains with a sack full of toasters. ya know, the ones that can cook an egg too.

Sweet I will find a way to enlarge it.

Anyway I am off to work on my business plan.

Educated Drake, the Uncles, little Dog with glasses guy. Have fun and thanks for an afternoon of trolling.
No, that's not a business plan. That's a grow space.

The college degree is worthless for starting at the top; one needs a trust fund and connections for that.

I'm mentally superior to someone who says they don't trust education and then tries to speak intelligently, that's for sure!

If you want off the bottom rung of the ladder of success, the first thing to do is shut up and listen when someone with knowledge tries to share some. You've already failed that lesson, so figure it out on your own, 'Drake'.

You sound educated but that is all you have going for yourself. The weed game is far from the only way to make it from nothing. But once again you show how small minded you are. You talk a lot about yourself to make yourself sound bigger than you are. I have tried to get you to show me the era of my thinking but instead all you try to do is belittle us. So no I will not shut up an listen when a pup puts on a voice changer to sound bigger than he is.
You sound educated but that is all you have going for yourself. The weed game is far from the only way to make it from nothing. But once again you show how small minded you are. You talk a lot about yourself to make yourself sound bigger than you are. I have tried to get you to show me the era of my thinking but instead all you try to do is belittle us. So no I will not shut up an listen when a pup puts on a voice changer to sound bigger than he is.

The "era" of your thinking, eh? Sounds legit.