Marijuana Mercenary
Well-Known Member
No, that's not a business plan. That's a grow space.
The college degree is worthless for starting at the top; one needs a trust fund and connections for that.
I'm mentally superior to someone who says they don't trust education and then tries to speak intelligently, that's for sure!
If you want off the bottom rung of the ladder of success, the first thing to do is shut up and listen when someone with knowledge tries to share some. You've already failed that lesson, so figure it out on your own, 'Drake'.
Growing dope is not the bottom rung. Selling other peoples dope is. You obviously didnt start from the bottom. The room is part of my business pIan.
I admit, you do have a lot of knowledge on dope growing. I would swear you went for horticulture, did you?
Your knowledge of the world is skewed by other people's views who are making money selling you that view. You don't generate your own. Your research comes from books they sold you.