America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

You sound educated but that is all you have going for yourself. The weed game is far from the only way to make it from nothing. But once again you show how small minded you are. You talk a lot about yourself to make yourself sound bigger than you are. I have tried to get you to show me the era of my thinking but instead all you try to do is belittle us. So no I will not shut up an listen when a pup puts on a voice changer to sound bigger than he is.

All your assumptions about me are blissfully fact free, much like everything else you spew.

Go back to Faux Spews, it's clear that you and your ilk don't have what it takes to actually learn something.
All your assumptions about me are blissfully fact free, much like everything else you spew.

Go back to Faux Spews, it's clear that you and your ilk don't have what it takes to actually learn something.

Ah maybe you should take your own advice. Man you get butthurt way to easily makes it hard to believe what you say. But by all means keep practicing what you preach.
Ok, in order;

You don't think we give those dollars to Latin America without some strings, do you? We've been fucking with and fucking up everyone south of us for centuries; Google the Monroe Doctrine.

Asia is developing far more quickly than the West did. They'd do just fine trading with each other without us, which is why we need to pivot towards THEM, not the other way around.

The middle east is doing what it always has; murder each other over ancient sectarian and racial grievances. We've just given them money and modern weapons in exchange for oil.

Russia is trying to establish an identity outside of the one the west keeps trying to straightjacket them into. Why do you think Putin is so popular?

Europe is in deeper financial trouble than we are. If you think they hold the purse strings to our debts, you're sadly mistaken; look to Saudi and China instead.

Europe is doing a far better job than we are of confronting and dealing with their terrorist problems. In contrast, the vast majority of terror here is domestic, perpetrated by white American right wing extremists- and underreported.

Africa would be a lot better off if no one ever found those diamonds and gold. Colonialism and the environmental destruction is bad enough, now blood diamonds are funding genocides that outside powers are manipulating for their own ends instead of stopping.

If we defaulted no one would ever lend us a fucking dime again and the world economy would crash, ours right along with it. That scenario makes the Great Depression look like a minor hiccup.


So what about competition in currency? As notes are redeemed they come off the debt. That would still leave debt though. I agree default would be worse than the bank run that caused the Great Depression.
So what about competition in currency? As notes are redeemed they come off the debt. That would still leave debt though. I agree default would be worse than the bank run that caused the Great Depression.

Whoever told you bank runs caused the great depression was incorrect; the cause was over speculation.
Whoever told you bank runs caused the great depression was incorrect; the cause was over speculation.

Ah, ok I stand corrected then. Does massive credit expansion help curb over speculation? As a side note to your view on competition in currency, of course.
Ah, ok I stand corrected then. Does massive credit expansion help curb over speculation? As a side note to your view on competition in currency, of course.

Massive credit expansion makes over speculation easier, I see it as a destabilizing influence.