Yeah you got me there... want me to grab another source that says the same thing?
Everyone acts like America will fall and the rest of the world will live happily ever after. We are all tied together.
What would South America do if they couldn't syphon untaxed dollars out of us?
What would Asia do if they couldn't sell us cheap ass shit? Not to mention China is so polluted they need our water to survive.
What would the Middle East do if we didn't chug down gasoline?
What would Russia do if... well they are killing themselves anyway.
What would Europe do if they didn't keep loaning us money? Not to mention they are so sheeplike they let terrorists rape and loot them every day because they are scared of hurting some ones feelings.
What would Africa do without selling us gold and diamonds? Their poor would have even less opportunities to make a living.
If we defaulted on the trillions we owe the world then they would have to take a loss. They would try to get tuff and we would blow them off the face of the earth, and the same would happen to us.
So you have done all the research and can alone get us out of this? Thats great, I sure was worried for a sec though.
I never went to a debate class but I learned a few things from watching Unclebuck troll:
Accuse whoever you are debating with of being something bad. It outcasts them from the crowd. A racist, a sexist, or being a white male are all good accusations to start with. If they can deflect these resort to calling them names.
Always keep asking the enemy to validate points, it keeps them backtracking.
Have more people on your side in an argument. The more trolls the better.
Fire off more responses than them, even if the responses have no weight in an argument. They wont keep up and to have to keep countering frustrates them.
Always get the last comment. In elementary school this means you won the argument and still works well into adulthood.
Laugh about everything so they don't see how bad you want to win.
Thats just a sneak peek of the course he is teaching: Trollin101. Its available for just 50k worth of student loan debt.
If you sign up for this professor's course, you get his book absolutely free. Titled 'Spankyomomma'. Its an in depth look at the course and can be used as a field reference throughout your career.
All of the proceeds are spent on hookers and blow. And he does both of them infront of the class so you can see your money spent wisely.
Also this fall: 'I Went to College and Still Have to Grow Dope 201', taught by professor ttystik. Hes edumacateds in economics and will guide you into stopping the global economic crisis.
I gotta go find a bag of weed.
That is not going to last long. The fix is already in to make sure that people who know how to grow will be wage slaves for suits. Just watch it happen.Your ridicule game is weak, all it does is betray your own ignorance.
...going to work for corporate America with my shiny new and basically worthless college degree wasn't going to get me that sexy Aston Martin, so I struck out on my own.
Cannabis is just about the only place left where someone can start from nothing and build something great. That's where the action is, so that's where I am. Not that any of these pearls of wisdom will be noticed by the swine wallowing in your pen, but I have hope for the next reader.
It's too bad you don't have the same courage, as evidenced by your preference to sit in your pigpen and laugh and point.
Where's your business plan again, genius?
Don't forget that cannabis is America's fastest growing industry. Opportunity is knocking and it smells gooooood!
Your ridicule game is weak, all it does is betray your own ignorance.
...going to work for corporate America with my shiny new and basically worthless college degree wasn't going to get me that sexy Aston Martin, so I struck out on my own.
Cannabis is just about the only place left where someone can start from nothing and build something great. That's where the action is, so that's where I am. Not that any of these pearls of wisdom will be noticed by the swine wallowing in your pen, but I have hope for the next reader.
It's too bad you don't have the same courage, as evidenced by your preference to sit in your pigpen and laugh and point.
Where's your business plan again, genius?
Don't forget that cannabis is America's fastest growing industry. Opportunity is knocking and it smells gooooood!
i want to see a picture of your overgrown front yard with the stack of old tires sitting in it.
That is not going to last long. The fix is already in to make sure that people who know how to grow will be wage slaves for suits. Just watch it happen.
You are getting really good at this.
"Worthless Degree"? You just talked about how important it was and how it made you a master economist and mentally superior to the slave class.
Calm down there, Drake. I am workng on my business plan every day. I am at the bottom where you claimed you started and am slowly working up. Are you sure you didn't use student loan money or your parents to get started?
My next step
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5x more space to grow. Sounds like a good business plan to me.
You are getting really good at this.
Nah, you can't teach that level of skill. It comes from inspiration: you and enema pie.Why is the black penis on there if I am racist?
And good job on the dick art, you must have taken 'Drawing Penises In Paint101'