Nope. I said people like you will start a race war over a non-existant one just because you think an illusion of not getting your way of expoiting impoverished whites.
The rich despise the poor, especially when it's their own race who they consider an insult.
Once more of your race become super rich billionaires, they'll start going after you too because you'll remind them where they used to be, and like all rich won't want to share either. Just like the current bourgeois whites and even more so Asians in the elite classes you'll never ever ever belong to.
I promote the eventual abolishment of the corrupt bourgeois and in its place a system that favors cooperation among all spheres of the economy from the lowest worker to the planners, leading to a true equality, even for whiny ones like you who want an unfair perception of equity that constatly picks new "it" classes so we constantly fight, not recognising our true bourgeois overlords.
Those videos aren't YouTube propaganda and from the AP and CNN websites who mirror their content there. But I can't embed those videos from their site like Youtube allows.
What I say is happening to my people and the true warriors of justice realize this. Asians already have a 50% harder time getting into universities based on every single category which racism is the causing factor.
Even Marxist rags like Vox admit this is true but still defend affirmative action racism as not being the racism they envisioned which only put the white devil in his place.
That's the problem, no matter your good intentions of admirably going after evil whites, it at times backfires and negatively affects those you had no intention.
"Yes, anti-Asian bias and stereotypes are real problems, both in higher education and in society at large. Even if Harvard admissions officers were biased against Asian Americans, the solution would not lie in abandoning holistic admissions and affirmative action, but rather in challenging anti-Asian bias in the review process, including racialized readings of Asian Americans.
While the stereotype that Asian Americans are uniformly academic powerhouses may appear to be a positive characterization (and some Asian Americans believe it is), it has long served to dehumanize and mischaracterize Asian Americans; it also pits Asian Americans against other groups of color. The “model minority” stereotype portrays Asian Americans as having “made it”: They worked hard and persevered and achieved the American dream."