Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

I was speaking politicly.

You have bases surrounding China to intimidate it. You want it to react so you have an excuse to attack it. Hence the start of the Trade wars. Trade wars and sanctions often lead to armed conflict. Im surprised you support it.
Not to intimidate it. To prevent it from intimidating smaller, weaker countries on the verge of collapse, as they are known to do. Stop trying to dominate the world and you won’t have to be fucking babysat.

And I never once said I supported the Trade War. However, it must really have put a damper on their ability to build those atolls a little bit, I’d bet.
Like Trumps good pal Kim? I'm sure Trump wishes he had that power eh.
Trump’s a traitor. Of course he’s friends with Kim. The only reason he isn’t friendly with China is because he has always had a personal business vendetta, and he wants the US to be Russia’s right hand. There’s not enough room at the top for both his traitorous idea of America and China.
Not to intimidate it. To prevent it from intimidating smaller, weaker countries on the verge of collapse, as they are known to do. Stop trying to dominate the world and you won’t have to be fucking babysat.
I think your confusing China with Russia again. China has been using trade as its weapon, hence its silk road. Its already the worlds largest trading power (which America doesn't like of cause) and is starting to project its new found wealth around its sphere of influence. Which is totally normal for a developing power.
I think your confusing China with Russia again. China has been using trade as its weapon, hence its silk road. Its already the worlds largest trading power (which America doesn't like of cause) and is starting to project its new found wealth around its sphere of influence. Which is totally normal for a developing power.
China has been using trade to fund its war preparations, as we see with the atolls. China and Russia are coordinating; they are close allies.

You must really be feeling the economic squeeze, which is why you’re so pissed off. I’ll bet the trade war has effected you heavily, living in China and all.
China has been using trade to fund its war preparations, as we see with the atolls. China and Russia are coordinating; they are close allies.
Again, how many wars has China started in its very long history?
How many wars has America started in its very short one?
Which country has the most foreign military bases?
Which country spends by far the most amount on their military?

Wake up mate. America is part of the problem. You have an invasive army not a defence one, its used to invade countries on lies and deceptions for the wealthy. Just like England did, just like the Mongols did and just like the Romans did. (Romans did bring wealth and law and order so were usually well liked- unlike the rest)
interns are typically unpaid volunteers..hillary clinton paid hers $0/hour..which makes the $12/hourly that Sanders paid, $12/hour MORE than clinton.
Then why pay them at all? Sounds like a bs excuse after he got called out on the hypocrisy. "They're not staffers, they're paid interns". Fuck outta here.
explain to me how affirmative action,

I'm not even going to address the rest because it's ludicrous, based upon stereotypes about what you think I should think, not the reality I tell you and instead based upon use your voodoo magic of reinterpretation.

Since you don't believe me, here is why my fellow Asians telling it how fo' realz, that it's blatent racism.

Some weird bizzaro shit is going on when my fellow Asians need to fake being black just to get into med school.

Again, how many wars has China started in its very long history?
How many wars has America started in its very short one?
Which country has the most foreign military bases?
Which country spends by far the most amount on their military?

Wake up mate. America is part of the problem. You have an invasive army not a defence one, its used to invade countries on lies and deceptions for the wealthy. Just like England did, just like the Mongols did and just like the Romans did. (Romans did bring wealth and law and order so were usually well liked- unlike the rest)
You think that the Communist Party of China are liberators? That's some serious kool-aid you have been drinking. Especially for an Australian. The US never went out on a massive state funded PR campaign is all. What do you think Tibet and Xinjiang are? Or the revolution itself? They're all examples of the PLA invading other territories. The Spratley Islands? Oh right these ancient myths mention them so it is CCP territory, despite international recognition otherwise. Or how about when the CCP invaded Vietnam and they fought a war? The PLA has rarely been at peace since its founding, exactly like the US.
You think that the Communist Party of China are liberators? That's some serious kool-aid you have been drinking. Especially for an Australian. The US never went out on a massive state funded PR campaign is all. What do you think Tibet and Xinjiang are? Or the revolution itself? They're all examples of the PLA invading other territories. The Spratley Islands? Oh right these ancient myths mention them so it is CCP territory, despite international recognition otherwise. Or how about when the CCP invaded Vietnam and they fought a war? The PLA has rarely been at peace since its founding, exactly like the US.
Fk no. China is not innocent, no country is.
America has been at war for 93% of its short history. Its what America does.

"According to Kelly and Laycock's book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 – a staggering 98 percent. "

There are only three countries in the world America hasn't invaded or have never seen a U.S. military presence: Andorra, Bhutan, and Liechtenstein.-
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By the way, I know all about the Silk Road. I’m descended from the Yuezhi and the Sai from the Tarim Basin/Takla Makan Desert.
Then you know how much they are spending on the new one. The amount invested by themselves, other countries and corporations is staggering. As America moves away from fair trade with Europe (and allot of other countries), China is seeking it out. They don't want or need a war with America. If a country starts to surround you and has the easy ability to shut down your trade militarily then you would amp up your military and defensive capabilities to. Especially so when a trade war has been declared. Its not the first time a country has been seeking to invade it. Not that America would invade as such, they have trouble winning ground wars as it is but would leave it like Iraq, a smoking mess. Anything to keep yourselves at number 1.
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I'm not even going to address the rest because it's ludicrous, based upon stereotypes about what you think I should think, not the reality I tell you and instead based upon use your voodoo magic of reinterpretation.

Since you don't believe me, here is why my fellow Asians telling it how fo' realz, that it's blatent racism.

Some weird bizzaro shit is going on when my fellow Asians need to fake being black just to get into med school.

Fuck you tube propaganda

You are the one who said that affirmative action, equal funding of schools and equal lending from banks will cause a race war. You still haven't explained it.
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Fk no. China is not innocent, no country is.
America has been at war for 93% of its short history. Its what America does.

"According to Kelly and Laycock's book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 – a staggering 98 percent. "

There are only three countries in the world America hasn't invaded or have never seen a U.S. military presence: Andorra, Bhutan, and Liechtenstein.-
You do know about the massive concentration camps they are holding Uighurs. Also the occupation of Tibet. Not playing whataboutisms. These are recent and massive violations of human rights that you seem to have conveniently forgotten. They are significant and worth paying attention to.

Yes, we committed genocide on the first people. We were wrong in doing so. Doesn't mean that the shit going down in China is less of a human rights issue.
You do know about the massive concentration camps they are holding Uighurs. Also the occupation of Tibet. Not playing whataboutisms. These are recent and massive violations of human rights that you seem to have conveniently forgotten. They are significant and worth paying attention to.

Yes, we committed genocide on the first people. We were wrong in doing so. Doesn't mean that the shit going down in China is less of a human rights issue.
You may have skipped over the first sentence you quoted.
Indonesia is committing genocide of the Papu New Guineans- yet know one cares... if you want to list countries doing horrible things right at this moment it would be a long list.
Fk no. China is not innocent, no country is.
But that's not how you're arguing. You're sounding like Ginwilly, speaking from both sides of your mouth. On the one hand, you did argue that the CCP isn't an invading army and you did make them out to be nothing at all like the US, then went on to list all of the reasons the US is so nefarious. As you do again in the rest of this post:
America has been at war for 93% of its short history. Its what America does.

"According to Kelly and Laycock's book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 – a staggering 98 percent. "

There are only three countries in the world America hasn't invaded or have never seen a U.S. military presence: Andorra, Bhutan, and Liechtenstein.-
This is lacking nuance and characterizing all US military action (admittedly nefarious and extensive for much) as purely offensive and belligerent. You did in fact juxtapose the two countries in this way. Everything is morally grey and you have in fact argued that for the most part, (to oversimplify your prior arguments in the thread) along the lines that US=bad guys and China=good guys, black and white. Take USSR for example, they would have fallen to the nazi invasion had it not been for US military involvement and material support. Or China, who benefitted more than any other country from the US war against Japan.

I'm not saying China is merely "not innocent" or that the US is merely "not as bad as you say". I'm saying that the CCP has been at war for most of its history just as the US has for most of its history. I'm saying that the PLA is an invasion force and used exactly for the same purposes the US uses its military, for expansion. I'm saying that the two countries are EQUALLY militaristic.
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Fuck you tube propaganda


You are the one who said that affirmative action, equal funding of schools and equal lending from banks will cause a race war. You still haven't explained it.

Nope. I said people like you will start a race war over a non-existant one just because you think an illusion of not getting your way of expoiting impoverished whites.

The rich despise the poor, especially when it's their own race who they consider an insult.

Once more of your race become super rich billionaires, they'll start going after you too because you'll remind them where they used to be, and like all rich won't want to share either. Just like the current bourgeois whites and even more so Asians in the elite classes you'll never ever ever belong to.

I promote the eventual abolishment of the corrupt bourgeois and in its place a system that favors cooperation among all spheres of the economy from the lowest worker to the planners, leading to a true equality, even for whiny ones like you who want an unfair perception of equity that constatly picks new "it" classes so we constantly fight, not recognising our true bourgeois overlords.

Those videos aren't YouTube propaganda and from the AP and CNN websites who mirror their content there. But I can't embed those videos from their site like Youtube allows.

What I say is happening to my people and the true warriors of justice realize this. Asians already have a 50% harder time getting into universities based on every single category which racism is the causing factor.

Even Marxist rags like Vox admit this is true but still defend affirmative action racism as not being the racism they envisioned which only put the white devil in his place.

That's the problem, no matter your good intentions of admirably going after evil whites, it at times backfires and negatively affects those you had no intention.

"Yes, anti-Asian bias and stereotypes are real problems, both in higher education and in society at large. Even if Harvard admissions officers were biased against Asian Americans, the solution would not lie in abandoning holistic admissions and affirmative action, but rather in challenging anti-Asian bias in the review process, including racialized readings of Asian Americans.

While the stereotype that Asian Americans are uniformly academic powerhouses may appear to be a positive characterization (and some Asian Americans believe it is), it has long served to dehumanize and mischaracterize Asian Americans; it also pits Asian Americans against other groups of color. The “model minority” stereotype portrays Asian Americans as having “made it”: They worked hard and persevered and achieved the American dream."
Nope. I said people like you will start a race war over a non-existant one just because you think an illusion of not getting your way of expoiting impoverished whites.

The rich despise the poor, especially when it's their own race who they consider an insult.

Once more of your race become super rich billionaires, they'll start going after you too because you'll remind them where they used to be, and like all rich won't want to share either. Just like the current bourgeois whites and even more so Asians in the elite classes you'll never ever ever belong to.

I promote the eventual abolishment of the corrupt bourgeois and in its place a system that favors cooperation among all spheres of the economy from the lowest worker to the planners, leading to a true equality, even for whiny ones like you who want an unfair perception of equity that constatly picks new "it" classes so we constantly fight, not recognising our true bourgeois overlords.

Those videos aren't YouTube propaganda and from the AP and CNN websites who mirror their content there. But I can't embed those videos from their site like Youtube allows.

What I say is happening to my people and the true warriors of justice realize this. Asians already have a 50% harder time getting into universities based on every single category which racism is the causing factor.

Even Marxist rags like Vox admit this is true but still defend affirmative action racism as not being the racism they envisioned which only put the white devil in his place.

That's the problem, no matter your good intentions of admirably going after evil whites, it at times backfires and negatively affects those you had no intention.

"Yes, anti-Asian bias and stereotypes are real problems, both in higher education and in society at large. Even if Harvard admissions officers were biased against Asian Americans, the solution would not lie in abandoning holistic admissions and affirmative action, but rather in challenging anti-Asian bias in the review process, including racialized readings of Asian Americans.

While the stereotype that Asian Americans are uniformly academic powerhouses may appear to be a positive characterization (and some Asian Americans believe it is), it has long served to dehumanize and mischaracterize Asian Americans; it also pits Asian Americans against other groups of color. The “model minority” stereotype portrays Asian Americans as having “made it”: They worked hard and persevered and achieved the American dream."
Affirmative action, equal funding for schools and fair lending laws exploit poor white people? Show some real world examples of this.

You fear many things that aren't real.
But that's not how you're arguing. You're sounding like Ginwilly, speaking from both sides of your mouth. On the one hand, you did argue that the CCP isn't an invading army and you did make them out to be nothing at all like the US, then went on to list all of the reasons the US is so nefarious. As you do again in the rest of this post:

This is lacking nuance and characterizing all US military action (admittedly nefarious and extensive for much) as purely offensive and belligerent. You did in fact juxtapose the two countries in this way. Everything is morally grey and you have in fact argued that for the most part, (to oversimplify your prior arguments in the thread) along the lines that US=bad guys and China=good guys, black and white. Take USSR for example, they would have fallen to the nazi invasion had it not been for US military involvement and material support. Or China, who benefitted more than any other country from the US war against Japan.

I'm not saying China is merely "not innocent" or that the US is merely "not as bad as you say". I'm saying that the CCP has been at war for most of its history just as the US has for most of its history. I'm saying that the PLA is an invasion force and used exactly for the same purposes the US uses its military, for expansion. I'm saying that the two countries are EQUALLY militaristic.
Take it how you want. My initial points was that America is the one who has been threatening China. China and Russia don't want war with the US. And know that they cannot win one. Olive thinks they do want a war. Hence the debate.
Olive thinks that Americans are not to blame for the wars or for Trump being president- as a democracy I say they are- hence the debate. Olive thinks that the voting system is fair in America- I disagree -hence the debate. Olive thinks he can whinge and complain but yet didn't vote- If you dont vote how can you care? Olive thinks because I disagree and I don't believe America is the worlds Gaudian angel then I must be Chinese or Russian or a sock or whatever. America does what it does fot the wealth and interests of a few. America didn't come and help the Aussies in the pacific until it was in its best interest to. Same with Europe.

Its just how the world works. Strong picks on its rivals. America's economy revolves around war, just like the Romans did.
Your a brave man saying that Russia would of fallen to the Germans I must say.
When is the Iran war starting? That's next isn't it? Oil companies will be chomping at the bit for another carve up. Sounds like Olive is already cheering for it to start so the propaganda machine must be running. More sheep will die for the wealth of a few.
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Affirmative action, equal funding for schools and fair lending laws exploit poor white people? Show some real world examples of this.

You fear many things that aren't real.

I never said any of that except for affirmative action. You're lying again.

What I said was you want those things for your people only, and fuck the whites and Asians with their "privledge."

Then you say more lies that until racism goes away, you need to do your actvism based on race.

It would be one thing if you advocated for the rights of those who are abused no matter race. But saying someone has privledge based on being white alone is racist AF no matter your revenge based reasons to the contrary.