Well-Known Member
Is that what you'd call that? "An investigation"? Really, for real?A neat little investigation on that Harvard /Harris poll
That was another worthless opinion piece your boy discounts outright
Step your game up
Is that what you'd call that? "An investigation"? Really, for real?A neat little investigation on that Harvard /Harris poll
Please link the poll data directly from Harvard CAPS. I'll give you a hint, the name of the poll has nothing to do with Sanders, it's a poll on Taxes and Budget. Also, you're just rewording and repeating the same dumb ass comment about opinions. I thought your coworkers expected more of you, gringo.Is that what you'd call that? "An investigation"? Really, for real?
That was another worthless opinion piece your boy discounts outright
Step your game up
After reading the thread in AC's link, I deny that the poll was any good. I will point out the poll didn't even try to answer the question you read into the poll.So why do you deny the fact that Sanders polls highest among minorities? Why do you try to paint a false picture that minorities oppose him?
You said opinions are worthless. If that's the case, why are you trying to cite someones opinion that Sanders' campaign was over in April because of a speech he gave to the African American community, of which he has more than a 70% approval rating?I have thought about it. The opinion polls you cite are simply "do you like Bernie?". Even in the article I cited, he wasn't negative about him, the worst he said was "tone deaf". If I were asked if I liked Bernie, I'd say yes. I'm probably not going to vote for him and based upon his continued poor leadership with the black community, neither will they. Same in 2016, when he lost big time to Clinton, especially with the Black and Hispanic vote for exactly the same reasons.
Did you forget that Bernie only attracted 20% of African American Democratic Party votes in 2016? Reporters were quoting Black people who said the same thing about him then. "Like him but tone deaf, I'll vote for Hillary". The story is consistent. It's time for you to think about it.
The only poll that matters is an election poll.
It actually was a good little investigation. She even showed all of her work. Hard to argue with her, which is why he won't even try. I predict he'll still let that fake news be the cornerstone of his world view for another year.After reading the thread in AC's link, I deny that the poll was any good. I will point out the poll didn't even try to answer the question you read into the poll.
The poll asked do you approve of Bernie's taxes and budget policies.
You say, the poll asked if the respondent would vote for him.
Very different questions. Compound that with the way the survey was conducted, with a huge laundry list of known political figures but only a few of them actual seated politicians also the rather loose way the pollster treated "no opinion" in his survey.
Oh yes, I've thought about it. But you haven't.
You are clearly going to dismiss any other information and so, fine. Let's just look at that poll and your argument crumbles right there.You said opinions are worthless. If that's the case, why are you trying to cite someones opinion that Sanders' campaign was over in April because of a speech he gave to the African American community, of which he has more than a 70% approval rating?
Quit while you're behind..
Are opinions worthless or not? Simple question. You seem to be OK with opinions when you think they support your position, but oppose them when they don't, so let's try to be consistent..
Deny the data at your own peril. Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't true. As much as you wish to deny it, Sanders is actually supported by minorities because his political policies focus on minorities since they focus primarily on an economic agenda that benefits the poor and the middle class.I deny that the poll was any good.
It was clear, well done, she goes through each step and documents her work.It actually was a good little investigation. She even showed all of her work. Hard to argue with her, which is why he won't even try. I predict he'll still let that fake news be the cornerstone of his world view for another year.
You can't argue that the poll was any good. It was thoroughly discredited.Deny the data at your own peril. Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't true. As much as you wish to deny it, Sanders is actually supported by minorities because his political policies focus on minorities since they focus primarily on an economic agenda that benefits the poor and the middle class.
He has tunnel vision preventing him from absorbing any of it. He thinks it's a silver bullet. The problem with fake news is idiots like the bernouts who accept a "news article" because it confirms their notions. They don't care if it excludes a link to the data it appears to cite.It was clear, well done, she goes through each step and documents her work.
An absolute breath of fresh air compared to the crap we see here from padaraper.
the data is found here: has been obsessed with one graph based on one question asked to only 2027 registered voters, almost half of whom still approved of Trump in mid 2017, when the poll was taken online.
11% were African American so it's actually the opinion of 205 people, which is why the pdf doesn't discredit itself by posting the numbers that the Hill must have extracted from the original data set. This is a clear case of the writer wanting to make a point with truthy graphics and not actual truth.He has been obsessed with one graph based on one question asked to only 2027 registered voters, almost half of whom still approved of Trump in mid 2017, when the poll was taken online.
Then it's a good thing Black and Hispanic Democrats overwhelmingly support him
Go to the Harvard CAPS link I provided. It summarizes and provides a link to the full PDF (hyperlink "HERE" in Budget section). In any case, this was all shot down a year ago and yet he still writes acrimonious screeds about it so don't expect he'll stop just because we're breaking it down again.the data is found here:
I can't find any breakdown of how the Hill article came up with Sanders favorability by race or ethnicity. There is some hand waving going on around that table that Pad keeps trotting out. I think he should get an "F" with the teachers comment in red pencil saying "proof not shown".
Says nothing about SandersGo to the Harvard CAPS link I provided.
OMG you're not that fucking dense.Says nothing about Sanders
Your link has nothing at all to do with what is being discussed here. Nice fabrication.
Dude, you legit retarded or what?OMG you're not that fucking dense.
Stop being so unsmart. That is exactly my point. That is the ACTUAL data that you don't even know you're citing when you talk about a HARVARD HARRIS POLL. The fake news articles you read don't include the link, but they got that canard about "Sanders' popularity" from one graph in this poll and mislead you about its contents.