Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

See? You prove my point. You are a hypocrite, and part of the fucking problem. “It’s the way countries have always been, so fuck America for doing it, but it’s ok if China and Russia do it.
no I'm a Democratic Socialist and a realist.
Put three people together and one will get taken advantage of by the dominate two
no I'm a Democratic Socialist and a realist.
Put three people together and one will get taken advantage of by the dominate two
You’re justifying China’s aggression while condemning America’s. What you should be doing is taking a Constructivist approach and find a solution in which neither side provokes the other into war instead of being a hypocrite who makes decisions based on personal emotions. That’s some Donald J. Trump bullshit.
You’re justifying China’s aggression while condemning America’s. What you should be doing is taking a Constructivist approach and find a solution in which neither side provokes the other into war instead of being a hypocrite who makes decisions based on personal emotions. That’s some Donald J. Trump bullshit.
I'm not justifying anything, Im pointing out the timelines and history in specific areas. Of our posts yours are far more full of "personnel" feelings.
You’re the one supporting and justifying Chinese partisan acts of aggression and then claiming I’m the one who wants war. I specifically said that neither side should be doing it, and supporting either side engaging in surreptitious or explicit acts of war is the wrong answer. That will not achieve the peace this world needs. Trust me, I really don’t. I did it once, and I’d be happy that no one ever have to do it again.
You’re the one supporting and justifying Chinese partisan acts of aggression and then claiming I’m the one who wants war. I specifically said that neither side should be doing it, and supporting either side engaging in surreptitious or explicit acts of war is the wrong answer. That will not achieve the peace this world needs. Trust me, I really don’t. I did it once, and I’d be happy that no one ever have to do it again.
I'm not justifying anything, Im pointing out the timelines and history in specific areas. Of our posts yours are far more full of "personnel" feelings.
What part of "best progressive on the ticket" don't you understand? I'd absolutely hate him for his stands on the environment, opposition to abortion, immigration policies, votes for Kavanaugh and Rolling back Dodd Frank. I'm sure I'd be knocking on doors and showing up at Paula Swearengin rallies if I lived there.

On the other hand, Manchin supports unions, retiree pension plans, shoring up the ACA, continuation of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid also reinstating net neutrality. With Manchin we get 40% of the time voting against Trump. With the Republican we get less than 10% of the time voting against Trump. Manchin gets my vote in the fall IF I lived in WV.

It's simple arithmetic. Even you should be able to see that 40% > 10%

That said, I live in Oregon. Wyden votes against Trump 85% of the time and Merkely votes against Trump 90% of the time. I voted for both. I'm much more satisfied with the idea of them as my senators compared to Manchin. Manchin couldn't win as a Democrat in Oregon.
40% with Manchin or 90%+ with an actual progressive
Yes, you are. All you have to do is scroll back and quote your own comments.

This all started because I pointed out that China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are coordinating in what is blatantly intended to be preparation for an expected war. First, it was “That’s not happening!” Then when I showed you it is happening, you’re like “WELL, AMERICA DOES IT!” Like, are you serious right now?
To paint the US as the aggressor, of all times now, is a bit lacking in nuance. You'd likely go back centuries to decide who started what. Let's keep this shit real. Even Vietnam would rather do business with the US than with China. As soon as Vietnam sent us packing, they kicked China out of Cambodia (ending a Moaist genocide) and fought a battle against the Chinese forces in the north of their own territory because the Communist Party of China doesn't seem to understand (not your fucking territory). Maybe they didn't appreciate being anyone's proxy. Also, China took the Spratly Islands from everyone, not only the Philippines. A lot of people want the US navy there.
Yes, you are. All you have to do is scroll back and quote your own comments.

This all started because I pointed out that China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are coordinating in what is blatantly intended to be preparation for an expected war. First, it was “That’s not happening!” Then when I showed you it is happening, you’re like “WELL, AMERICA DOES IT!” Like, are you serious right now?
ahh Iran? haha..That is the next oil stop isn't it..Bloody sheep..
Luke seems to think all Americans support American interference in foreign countries. We don’t; it’s our politicians (usually Republicans) doing that shit. Most Americans are tired of war. Luke is literally blinded by bigotry. There’s no use arguing with someone who can’t get out of the way of their own ego.

Let me say it again: I oppose acts of aggression from either side, to include imperialist expansion. That means America, too, you fucking dipshit. We need to stop relying on oil and switch to solar and other green energies. We need to commit to and focus on that.
If the US was the aggressor, the US would have built islands in the Spratly Islands to control the most important sea lane in the world and drill for oil.

Many people in South East Asia are actually wondering why we aren't fighting China. The Communist Party of China, try as they have, just can't buy enough UN votes. I'm surprised at the reach of Australian propaganda.

Did you blokes tear down all the monuments you used to make in our honor for saving you from Japan?
Luke seems to think all Americans support American interference in foreign countries. We don’t; it’s our politicians (usually Republicans) doing that shit. Most Americans are tired of war. Luke is literally blinded by bigotry. There’s no use arguing with someone who can’t get out of the way of their own ego.

Let me say it again: I oppose acts of aggression from either side, to include imperialist expansion. That means America, too, you fucking dipshit. We need to stop relying on oil and switch to solar and other green energies. We need to commit to and focus on that.
I support some military action. What Vietnam did, stopping the Khmer Rouge for example. That shit is BOSS, especially right after sending Uncle Sam packing. Respect is all I have for that military action.
  1. If the US was the aggressor, the US would have built islands in the Spratly Islands to control the most important sea lane in the world and drill for oil.

    Many people in South East Asia are actually wondering why we aren't fighting China. The Communist Party of China, try as they have, just can't buy enough UN votes. I'm surprised at the reach of Australian propaganda.

    Did you blokes tear down all the monuments you used to make in our honor for saving you from Japan?
    I’m pretty sure he’s probably here to help inject division, like the Russian bots and the White Supremacists.
I support some military action. What Vietnam did, stopping the Khmer Rouge for example. That shit is BOSS, especially right after sending Uncle Sam packing. Respect is all I have for that military action.
I think we did a lot of fucked up shit in Vietnam, too. And, it did start out with us supporting France’s imperialist agenda there that they had implemented in the 1870s-1890s.
You’re justifying China’s aggression while condemning America’s. What you should be doing is taking a Constructivist approach and find a solution in which neither side provokes the other into war instead of being a hypocrite who makes decisions based on personal emotions. That’s some Donald J. Trump bullshit.

No he's not. But I can see from where they're coming from too.

America has this awe inspiring mystic that's only an illusion. We have no real means of backing up the immense shadow we cast.

You talk big about your constructivism but don't mean it. Otherwise you and your kind wouldn't act like you know everything and those who "fell" for Russian propaganda are to blame, but instead have their own opinions, that's democracy, not calling for a do over when things don't go your way.

What your wet dream is to take over the Senate and House, impeach Trump because you're a big cry baby who can't accept you lost fair and square from someone you despise so greatly. Sure Trump is an asshole, but he didn't do anything to require impeachment that other presidents didn't do before.

It has nothing to do with taking "constructivist approach" but about you wanting revenge and making sure your feelings aren't hurt ever again.

You even hate those like me and Luke who are practically on your side, because we wound your pride, and do exactly what you accuse us but in a passive agressive way, until you're called on it. Then you deny, and gaslight like crazy.
Luke seems to think all Americans support American interference in foreign countries. We don’t; it’s our politicians (usually Republicans) doing that shit. Most Americans are tired of war. Luke is literally blinded by bigotry. There’s no use arguing with someone who can’t get out of the way of their own ego.
No I dont. Your part of a country. We are talking countries. Its your politicians doing it for big business. Americans are used to war. How many years of peace has America had? Not many.

America is the dominate power. Its more important than universal healthcare. You will be the dominate military power for decades. You will be the top 3 trading partners for decades. You need wars to justify the huge amounts the rich spend on it over social spending. And it makes them even richer.