America's "gun problem"


Well-Known Member
I said this once before some time ago.

Our government would drop a nuke on all major cities, one by one, until we begged to eat cockmeat sandwiches.

Who would care? The rest of the world would laugh.
What city do you think they should drop one on first?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The main purpose of the second amendment is to prevent rule by tyrants, i.e. it is a check against our own government.

This is clear when you read the declaration of independence. The DoI was the official, written letter of resignation of the colonies from rule by the British. It led directly to a shooting war, which was eventually won by the colonists and established the United States. The same bunch of insurgents who wrote the declaration of independence went on to write the US constitution, and the bill of rights. The American colonists over threw, by force, rule by their existing government. The second amendment was written to ensure that future Americans had the tools necessary to do it again should the need arise.

Dobbs, what you think about the prospects of successful armed resistance against the existing US federal government is irrelevant. Whether such resistance is a pipe dream does not change the main intent and purpose of the second amendment. Saying all of this does not mean that I think we (the US) is in need of insurrection, but we could descend to that point.

I disagree with you about the possibility of prevailing against the US government, and I gave current examples of countries where irregular forces are prevailing against modern armies: Libya and Syria, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.

You continually ask, "who are the real potential enemies?" That question was answered by the declaration of independence and 2A. I stand with that answer.

Is that clear enough for you?