Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


Well-Known Member
Oh ... so since the MSL avocate legislation prohibiting spanking ... well then the report they wrote MUST be wrong! ... Yeah ... right .... :roll:


New Member

A. I am not of Middleastern descent
B. I am not Muslim

I didnt turn the world against them, they did a good enough job on their own.
What does being middle eastern or muslim have to do with the question. I asked a specific question. Would you mind being renditioned? Do you think it is humane treatment and if so, why would you mind if it happened to you?


Well-Known Member
What does being middle eastern or muslim have to do with the question. I asked a specific question. Would you mind being renditioned? Do you think it is humane treatment and if so, why would you mind if it happened to you?

Again you miss my point, it wouldnt happen to me.


New Member
Again you miss my point, it wouldnt happen to me.
Are you retarded? I ask a simple what if question and you refuse to answer in your usual evasive manner. I can only surmise that you wouldn't mind being renditioned, as you believe it to be a legitimate form of kidnapping and questioning and not some form of illegal diabolical torture. I can only wonder if you'd change your mind if they scooped you up from a street where you live, put a hood on your head, tied your wrists with tie-straps and flew you to say Turkey, where they administered the most horrible forms of torture like electric shock to your genitals, sleep ,deprivation and the non-torture that you approve of, waterboarding, plus maybe pulling out your fingernails and drilling your teeth without any anasethetic. I think you'd change your mind in a hurry if it happened to you. Thats the problem with society, that stuff is OK if it happens to someone else, some conjured up enemy of the state, the problem is: who will be the next enemy of the state, it may be you.


Well-Known Member
Are you retarded? I ask a simple what if question and you refuse to answer in your usual evasive manner. I can only surmise that you wouldn't mind being renditioned, as you believe it to be a legitimate form of kidnapping and questioning and not some form of illegal diabolical torture. I can only wonder if you'd change your mind if they scooped you up from a street where you live, put a hood on your head, tied your wrists with tie-straps and flew you to say Turkey, where they administered the most horrible forms of torture like electric shock to your genitals, sleep ,deprivation and the non-torture that you approve of, waterboarding, plus maybe pulling out your fingernails and drilling your teeth without any anasethetic. I think you'd change your mind in a hurry if it happened to you. Thats the problem with society, that stuff is OK if it happens to someone else, some conjured up enemy of the state, the problem is: who will be the next enemy of the state, it may be you.

Are you retarded? Do you think they walk down the aisle at the airport saying eeny meenie miny mo and snatch someone up? Do you think there is absolutely no reasoning as to who they grab? Using that reason I have nothing to worry about. If you want to keep digging be my guest, thats my story and I am sticking to it. Sucks for them but, I didnt do it to them, they did it to themselves.


Well-Known Member
How the fuck do you know they did it to themselves? Because the people that continue to lie told you so? You're an idiot.


Well-Known Member
How the fuck do you know they did it to themselves? Because the people that continue to lie told you so? You're an idiot.

Ah yes another ingenious post by the resident mongloid, keep up the good work.


New Member
Are you retarded? Do you think they walk down the aisle at the airport saying eeny meenie miny mo and snatch someone up? Do you think there is absolutely no reasoning as to who they grab? Using that reason I have nothing to worry about. If you want to keep digging be my guest, thats my story and I am sticking to it. Sucks for them but, I didnt do it to them, they did it to themselves.
I guess you will continue the evasive path so I'll just surmise that you approve of renditioning, the most sinister and evel new process to come out of the bush regime. Yeah I doubt it will happen to me either but it is surely a scary scenario to think it could. After all, I post some pretty anti government shit on the web.


New Member
GR ...

If Bush and Cheney were impeached, and removed from office, Nancy Pelosi would become president. That would be really great ... wouldn't it? :roll:



Well-Known Member
GR ...

If Bush and Cheney were impeached, and removed from office, Nancy Pelosi would become president. That would be really great ... wouldn't it? :roll:

I don't give a damn about who would be president ... uphold the friggin constitution ... and in order to do that they MUST be impeached ...

... those MF's swore an oath to uphold the constitution ... and that's what they need to do ... :neutral:


New Member
[URL=""]White House Quietly Admits Bush Lied About When He Learned That Iran Had Suspended Its Nuclear Program[/URL]
Admission Was Reported by ABC News But Has Largely Been Ignored by Corporate Media.

Absolute proof these asshole are liars and working to start another illegal war ... but do the bushies care ... hell no!:roll:
Yup, my sentiment exactly. Bushies are retarded idiots that guzzel the bullshit spewn from their idols mouth like ambrosia, pure idiots. When God passed out the brains these guys were out of the room.


Well-Known Member
... and notice none of the bushies have been able to come up with anything to explain this away ... why ... they can't ... just like with the election fraud ... when they know they are wrong and can't get around it ... they ignore ... well I wanted to put this in for the record ... cause when those assholes stage another terror attack and blame it on Iran ... I will be bringing this up again. :neutral:
