Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


Well-Known Member
More law blatantly broken by this illegitimate regime ... anyone that supports these war criminals are blind as well as stupid ... :spew:

Countdown: Torture, Lies and Videotape

On Friday’s Countdown, Keith Olbermann spoke with Georgetown Law professor, Neal Katyal, who successfully argued the Hamdan case before the Supreme Court about the CIA obstructing justice by destroying interrogation video tapes depicting torture. Keith brings up what are basically multiple levels of crimes at play here.
Katyal condemns Attorney General Michael Mukasey for not immediately putting out a Preservation Order to ensure that nothing else is destroyed in light of these revelations, as Ed Meese did during the Iran Contra scandal. Considering the Bush administration’s habit of illegally destroying millions of e-mails and covering up or withholding other evidence and documents — that should be the bare minimum.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna use this thread to record the crimes of the illegitimate bush regime ... two scandals tonight ... one on torture ....

CIA Agent Involved In Torture Tapes Now Says Waterboarding Is Torture

The #5 story on Monday’s Countdown delivered a bombshell - John Kiriakou, a former CIA agent who actually led the team of agents who appeared on the destroyed torture tapes has come forward in an interview with ABC to confirm the tapes DID show waterboarding and that while he believes the technique was effective, he now believes it is torture and is wrong. It’s becoming more and more difficult for President Bush to convince the world that he hasn’t committed war crimes.
Keith spoke with Richard Wolffe and Jonathan Turley about this revelation and the enormous damage it does to the CIA’s claim that the tapes were destroyed purely to protect the identities of the agents involved. They also give hell to Senator Jay Rockefeller and other Democratic leaders who knew that Bush was illegally torturing as far back as 2002, but did not speak out against it.

WMP 10 mins

The other on racism ... a division of government meant to protect the rights of blacks has been corrupted by the racist illegitimate bush regime.

Bush League Justice

Dan Abrams began a new series Monday chronicling the politicization of the Civil Rights Department of the DOJ under George W. Bush. Politicization would be a polite euphemism for turning the very basis for the creation of a Civil Rights Department inside out. And like everything else about the Bush Administration, it appears its sole focus is to operate on a strictly partisan basis and without regard to competency.

WMP 8 mins

... and lets not forget the past crimes of this regime ... especially the fired attorney that reveal casing which is a federal crime ... of course the congress did nothing about it ...

New Countdown Segment:Bushed!

Keith Olbermann has a new segment on Countdown called Bushed! that keeps track of past Bush scandals you may have forgotten about — because of all the new Bush scandals.
WMP 30 sec


New Member
Olberman, I try and watch him nightly. I've jumped off the Lou Dobbs band wagon since he's been championing the right lately. His single minded immigration policy has lead him into the fold of the hard core repukes, sad.


Well-Known Member
No lost for illegitimate bush scandals ....

Bushed! on Habeas Corpus, 9/11 Air and the NIE on Iran

Keeping track of all the Bush administration scandals so we don’t have to, today’s edition of Bushed! recounts recent events regarding Habeas Corpus, Christie Todd Whitman’s statements on the safety of the air surrounding Ground Zero after 9/11 and President Bush’s continued ignoring of the intelligence from the NIE report on Iran.

WMP 40 sec

.... and let's not forget this ....

Bush League Justice: Signing Statements

Dan Abrams continues his fantastic series started yesterday by looking how Bush has effectively subverted the system of government and eliminated any controls or oversight of the executive branch by the use of signing statements. Jonathan Turley and Charlie Savage join in to assess the damage done.
WMP 7mins
This asshole is already the absolute worst ... he's not even the president ... so illegitimate president that ever stole or won office ... no doubt about it ... :roll:

... and remember you bushie smucks these are FACTS of crimes that have been committed by this illegitimate regime. :spew:


Well-Known Member
Bush League Justice: Partisan Corruption of the DoJ


Dan Abrams continues his series on how the Bush administration (in particular, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove) has wreaked havoc on the Department of Justice with a look today at how corrupted and nastily partisan prosecutions have become, with the DoJ going after more than five times the number of Democrats as Republicans and using party and Bush loyalty as the overriding criteria for hiring attorneys.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse:
The Bush administration forgot that the sign outside says “United States Department of Justice” not “Bush Administration Department of Justice”. And the cost to us has been as a country and the cost to the department in particular has been terribly high.
I've said it once and I will say it many, many times ... you have got to be a complete stone cold idiot to support this illegitimate and criminal regime ... :spew:



Well-Known Member
Bushed! on Blackwater, Commutation & Gonzo

Countdown’s Bushed! segment takes a look back at Blackwater (look for future Blackwater scandals, there are many), Commutation, where White House Press Secretary Dana Perino refused to comment on the Scooter Libby case even though he’s dropped his appeal, after suddenly remembering that Valerie Plame has a pending civil suit, and of course Gonzo — what’s up with that ABA lawyer of the year award anyway?

Bushed! on Lunatics, Contempt & More Blackwater

The latest installment of Bushed! on Countdown takes us back to a happier time when there were only one or two scandals per week. First, the White House pressured the EPA to reduce the number of times companies had to report that they had released toxic chemicals into the environment, which, according to the GAO, will lead to 22,000 fewer reports per year and a lot less oversight. Next, it was onto today’s vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee to issue contempt citations for Karl Rove and Josh Bolten for their refusal to testify on the US Attorney purge scandal and finally more Blackwater. Secretary of State Condi Rice stood up and accepted responsibility for Blackwater’s slaughter of 17 unarmed Iraqi citizens — she may have taken responsibility, but she has yet to take the fall:

[URL=""]Bush League Justice: Using The DoJ To Disappear Your Rivals[/URL]

In the final installment of Dan Abrams’ Bush League Justice which looks at the infuriating case of Don Siegelman. A credible Democratic rival to Republican Rob Riley’s race for the governorship of Alabama, it appears that Karl Rove pulled strings with the DoJ to have Siegelman charged not once, but twice, with corruption and using loyal Republican US Attorneys and judges (some of whom actually worked on Riley’s campaign and refused to recuse themselves), convicted and imprisoned Don Siegelman on shaky evidence and even now prevent Don from speaking to anyone. Law professor and Harper’s contributer Scott Horton, who has been following Siegelman’s case, calls him literally The Man In The Iron Mask. Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL) and Horton paint a horrifying picture of depraved partisanship and corruption where nothing is off limits, not even unfairly jailing your opponent.

So many crimes ... yet nothing being done to stop it ... :spew:


Well-Known Member
Well people looks like the contempt charges file against Rove and company by the JC will mean nothing ... the committed knows damn well that the DOJ is corrupt and they will not pursue any of the cases ... think of what would happen if you or I refuse to answer a subpoena ...
If they really meant business they could bypass the DOJ and file inherent contempt charges ... they sent out the Sargent-at-arms and have the assholes arrested and brought before congress ... but will they do that? Hell no ... they just play the for show bullshit ... well they are not fooling me ...
This is all bullshit ... the JC has no intentions what so ever of carrying out the law ...
... one good thing though ... Abrams say he will continue to report on the case ... at least he will let those that wish to be informed of the crimes being committed by this illegitimate regime will know exactly what is happening ... he claims the high up have to be on notice ... well see ...


New Member
We can only hope. I wonder if the current players are culpable when a new administration comes aboard. It may take a couple of years to get the bastards, but hopefully, for the sake of preserving constitutional government, the new boys will pursue these crooks.


Well-Known Member
We can only hope. I wonder if the current players are culpable when a new administration comes aboard. It may take a couple of years to get the bastards, but hopefully, for the sake of preserving constitutional government, the new boys will pursue these crooks.
Gee med your a good buddy, GR is here masturbating and you step in to lend a hand with his self abuse.


Well-Known Member
Bush Derangement Syndrome...a textbook example is provided by med and GR in this truly wacky thread!

Oh, and BTW, Olbermann and Abrams and Matthews are carriers of BDS!!!
It is a good idea to use a brain condom when reading this thread!


Well-Known Member
Only a dummy like you would think crimes are wacky ... When face with facts your feeble mind can only come up with bullshit ... but I really didn't expect anything more than that from some truly dumb ass bushies ... especially may ... that asshole has her/his head so far up their ass it's truly funny ...


Well-Known Member
There are NO crimes....where is ANY proof? you really believe that proof is available that is not being used by the rabid maniacal frenzied Bush Haters...?
If any real evidence or proof were available it would have been used!
History will judge with greater objectivity!


New Member
There are NO crimes....where is ANY proof? you really believe that proof is available that is not being used by the rabid maniacal frenzied Bush Haters...?
If any real evidence or proof were available it would have been used!
History will judge with greater objectivity!
They are all on corporate payrolls. The corporations won't allow the crimes to be exposed as the real criminals would come out. As far as history, history is written with the blood of the innocent by the guilty and never intends to be true. It is only as true as those writing it, so Wavels, you may be right that Bush will be written as a good president, the facts though will not support that contention and it would be a terrible travesty of American justice if the crowd that has been controlling the country for the past 7 years comes off as heros.


Well-Known Member
There are NO crimes....where is ANY proof? you really believe that proof is available that is not being used by the rabid maniacal frenzied Bush Haters...?
If any real evidence or proof were available it would have been used!
History will judge with greater objectivity!
If you're too stupid to watch the videos that list the crimes that's not my problem.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... we all knew crimes and truth are boring to bushies ... nothing new there ... but don't pull that bullshit about no crimes ... like I said ... if you're too stupid to watch the videos ... that's not my problem ...

This is ....

Ted Kennedy on Retroactive Immunity for the Telecoms

I thank The Force that there are people out there that understand and abide the constitution. The good news is only dummy bushies can't see the crimes ... the rest of us can.

Chris Dodd Does It. Reid pulls Telecom Immunity bill off the table

—-Congratulations to Senator Dodd for showing what a little backbone can do. Harry Reid tabled the FISA bill just a few minutes ago. Thanks to the many C&Lers and the entire Progressive blogosphere for all the emails, comments and phone calls that helped put the pressure on when it was needed most.



New Member
After watching Dodd in the debates, I'll assure you we could do a lot worse for a presidential candidate. I'd rather have him ten times over Hillary who votes with Bush most of the time. How anyone can see a real change happening with her is unknown to me. Chris Dodd reminds me of an Honest individual. Too bad the MSM doesn't give him more ink.


Well-Known Member
I agree ... Clinton is definitely not for the people. Her bread is buttered by the military complex ... she will remain loyal to them.

Here are more reports of crimes committed by the illegitimate bush regime ...

More Than 250 Iraqi Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for Participating in Conspiracy to Torture, According to Legal Team

Here's some interesting news ... looks like William the Bloody Kristol's shit is no longer selling ... so Time dumb his war mongering ass ... I never understood why anyone would listen to that asshole anyway ... :spew:

TIME MAGAZINE-DUMPS War Mongers - Kristol & Krauthammer

Democracy Now! A Rendition Victim Tells His Story

Heather mashed up this clip from DemocracyNow!’s Amy Goodman interviewing Mohamed Bashmilah, a Yemeni citizen who found himself renditioned to one of the CIA’s black sites, tortured for days and forced to sign a false confession. It should be noted for all the torture apologists who buy into the ridiculous notion that it is better to torture a terrorist than to potentially allow Americans to die in some attack, that Mr. Bashmilah was released and NEVER charged with anything. These were violent, criminal acts committed upon an innocent man by our government.

Of course the bushie apologists will come up with some stupid shit to ignore this too ... :roll:



New Member
I'm so glad you brought up Amy Goodman and Democracy ,now (Link Channel), this one of the finest news reporting programs on air. They go behind the facade of the MSM and give the real happenings by talking with the people actually involved in these stories, not the MSM reporters views. Kudos to Amy Goodman and Democracy now, without these independent news outlets we would all be brainwashed into oblivion, like some on this site that actually believe the mindwash by the MSM, like FOX and Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck, ,Mind blowing that they can take these opinion doctors (spin) and actually live by their dictates. Link TV is the shit.