Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


New Member
Ha Ha, you guys think that the Govt just started spying on it citizens? Ha Ha.
Remember J. Edgar Hoover? What about the LBJ years? Or Nixons? How about Lincoln? Silly wabbits.
And, why no mention of the IRS? You too are a silly wabbit. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Ack, the IRS. You are right. I am a silly wabbit to leave out the economic storm troopers. The government within a government. How sweet it must be just to make up your own rules, wait, what about the DEA, ATF, FBI and god knows who else. Homeland security? Am I being monitored right now? I was just kidding, really I was.
Please don't taze me dude.


New Member
~lol~ ... I got audited last year. Its not fun facing one of those crusty old bureaucrats while sharing his dusty pigeon hole of an office.



New Member
~lol~ ... I got audited last year. Its not fun facing one of those crusty old bureaucrats while sharing his dusty pigeon hole of an office.

Finally caught up with you, eh. It's about time. Pay up you old geezer. My entitlement pool is running low,~LOL~.


New Member
Why ... is he planing on firing you?
Nope. You're the one who wants to be subservient to a World Court. Putin is all about world domination, so I just felt that you'd fit right into his scheme of things.

By the way, I honestly think that questioning your government is a good thing. I just think you're asking the wrong questions.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
If it's the U.S responsibility for world domination, why are they dicking around the bush? just take it all already!


Well-Known Member
Nope. You're the one who wants to be subservient to a World Court. Putin is all about world domination, so I just felt that you'd fit right into his scheme of things.

By the way, I honestly think that questioning your government is a good thing. I just think you're asking the wrong questions.:blsmoke:

No ... I'm the one for upholding the constitution which is not being done by congress ... if they can't perhaps the ICC can ... and save that Putin world domination shit ... so is the illegitimate bush regime working for world domination ... it's my job as a patriotic American to work to stop it on this end ...

... naw ... it's you with the wrong answers ... :-|


Well-Known Member
Poly...... want a cracker......
No polly ... it's .... "polly want a cracker" ... close ... but no cigar ... and since you got it wrong ... like you usually do ... you don't get one ... sorry polly ...:-|

I'm afraid inforwars is far too complicated for the bushie mind ... see how they prove it time and time again?:spew:


Well-Known Member
Now ... now ... you didn't think I've forgotten about the illegitimate bush regime have you? ... Just think ... after 4 years of writing illegitimate next to the illegitimate bush's name will soon be a passing mention ... :mrgreen:
Of course I haven't forgotten ... here are some interesting reports concerning them ... administration delays release of prisoner abuse photos
The Bush administration is doing everything it can to delay compliance with a court's order that the Pentagon turn over pictures of prisoners abused in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new court filing.
A three-judge appeals court panel in September ordered the administration to turn over 87 photographs depicting abuses at Abu Ghraib prison and other sites. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the photos in 2005.
Let's hope that these photos get released as quickly as possible, per the ruling of the 12 appeals court judges. US taxpayers should see precisely what has been done with their tax dollars, and in their names.
There are some real, gritty problems with the use of torture, not the least of which is, by doing it, the Bush administration has, de facto, removed the US as a signatory from any human human rights treaty it has ever signed, including the Geneva Conventions.
Second, as we know from the times of the Inquisition, torture isn't about getting the truth: it's about getting the person tortured to say precisely what the torturers want them to say.
And thirdly, torturing prisoners under American control means that if our soldiers are captured in a military confrontation, there will be no qualms from their capturers about torturing them.
Let that one sink in for a moment.

FLASHBACK, Bush could face probe at The Hague
TONY Blair could face the prospect of an International Criminal Court investigation for alleged coalition war crimes in Iraq.
The court's chief prosecutor said at the weekend that he would be willing to launch an inquiry and could envisage a scenario in which the British Prime Minister and US President George Bush could one day face charges at The Hague. prosecutor says Bush-Blair could face war crimes charges: 1 million Iraqis killed
International Criminal Court prosecutor announced on Sunday that US President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair could face war crimes charges at the Hague, after it emerged that up to one million Iraqis have been killed since the illegal invasion.
This might explain the palpable fear over the restoration of the fairness doctrine. The Bush cronies are afraid of the American people finding out "what really happened." :) Torture Tape Fingering Bush As a War Criminal
President George Bush claimed Zubaydah was critical in identifying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as the mastermind behind 9/11.
Zubaydah was waterboarded. That much we know - it was confirmed recently by a former CIA agent, John Kiriakou, who even used the plain English word "torture" to describe what was done. But we know little else for sure. We do know there was deep division within the American government about Zubaydah's interrogation, and considerable debate about his reliability.

Back to the present ... Administration Committed War Crimes Against Prisoners, Reveals Physicians for Human Rights
The Bush administration has committed war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay in its practice of torturing prisoners, according to the conclusions of a medical examination conducted by the organization Physicians for Human Rights.

I certainly hope these war criminals are brought before justice ... it's long over due ... :clap: