Another story that proves guns make people safer

Those are the peat bombs I leave for folks like you. Pour me Glenlivet Nadurra.

I would be quite curious to try that liquor. If you recall the brand, let me know.
definitely a peat lover.

i'll get it for you. it was a green bottle but not a label iv'e seen before.
my 100-year old grandma is a scotch drinker and i bought her a $100 bottle a few years ago..i wanted to give her the real deal because i know she'd never buy it for herself but i can only imagine the smoothness of it. Forgot the name though guy told me it will be nirvana for a true scotch drinker.

It was oban that did it for me. Nice all around.
The parent’s defense attorney is tying her tongue in knots trying to explain away her clients’ behavior. Crap about it being a misunderstanding and they just needed time to get their finances in order. They knew there were warrants for their arrest but they ran and hid. Now their bail is set at a combined $1M. Can’t fix stupid.
Can't wait for Stinky to make the Crumbleys into rightwing royalty, they are such fine people.
They already started out blaming the media for their hiding out in a commercial warehouse and missing their arraignment with the $4000 they withdrew form the bank, and laughed (and shook head no) when the prosecutor said that they could have prevented their kid from killing other kids.

I will not be surprised if the right wing propaganda circus friends a way to use this to 'own the libs'.
They already started out blaming the media for their hiding out in a commercial warehouse and missing their arraignment with the $4000 they withdrew form the bank, and laughed (and shook head no) when the prosecutor said that they could have prevented their kid from killing other kids.

I will not be surprised if the right wing propaganda circus friends a way to use this to 'own the libs'.
A guy I know through work who has drunk the Q Kool-Aid shared part of his alternate reality view of this Thursday. In that alternate reality, this shooting has been overblown by the leftist media and the same media is ignoring “all the gun violence” in Chicago. Not really sure where that narrative was going, I changed the subject before we got too far down that road.

I really don’t know how one can spin the facts that a kid shot and killed four classmates, shot and wounded several more, had parents who immediately refused to cooperate with the investigation, then those parents ran off and hid, into a narrative where those parents are victims of the evil deep state. But, at this point I believe a not insignificant part of the country will do some mental gymnastics to somehow convince themselves of just that.
A guy I know through work who has drunk the Q Kool-Aid shared part of his alternate reality view of this Thursday. In that alternate reality, this shooting has been overblown by the leftist media and the same media is ignoring “all the gun violence” in Chicago. Not really sure where that narrative was going, I changed the subject before we got too far down that road.

I really don’t know how one can spin the facts that a kid shot and killed four classmates, shot and wounded several more, had parents who immediately refused to cooperate with the investigation, then those parents ran off and hid, into a narrative where those parents are victims of the evil deep state. But, at this point I believe a not insignificant part of the country will do some mental gymnastics to somehow convince themselves of just that.
The good old 'what about-ism'. Decades of propaganda spam for the go-to troll is very difficult to overcome.

It would be interesting to ask how they feel about the 'statistics' in Chicago being at the highest levels since Biden's crime bill went into effect. I really doubt they would like to give him credit for the decades of lower crime though.