Another story that proves guns make people safer

the joke was "hot load"

I just wanted to clarify the lethal weapon gripe is all.
Who is griping? I'm laughing at you guys claiming that guns are for safety.

Also your dumbass dystopian gun nut fantasies.

Do you call your neighborhood, "the hood"?

Yeah you can but not without a licence, which includes undergoing training in most states. An AR-15? Forget about it. Proving you need one is extremely difficult and they cost a small fortune.
i think that's the difference b/t US and Oz. shooting was/is a way of life for most rural kids.

i had the pleasure of working for a few weeks in Brisbane: lovely city.
i think that's the difference b/t US and Oz. shooting was/is a way of life for most rural kids.

i had the pleasure of working for a few weeks in Brisbane: lovely city.
Indeed. Farmers and the like have rifles. Handguns practically dont exist in Australia except for competitive shooting and criminals. Incidentally the penalties for unlicensed hand guns is far more severe even than for shot guns because they much more concealable.