Another story that proves guns make people safer

This is the 15 yo kid that did the shooting, I'm thinking he was picked on and snapped if he doesn't have some sort of mental illness, kids can be just as cruel as adults. They are considering charging his parents too, the kid had 3-15 round clips.

This is the 15 yo kid that did the shooting, I'm thinking he was picked on and snapped if he doesn't have some sort of mental illness, kids can be just as cruel as adults. They are considering charging his parents too, the kid had 3-15 round clips.

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See any similarities?
Dad bought the gun Friday and the kid posted pictures of himself with the gun online. There were kids that stayed away from school that day because they were scared that something was going to happen, to bad they didn't warn the school staff.
Turns out the mother is a real piece of work. She likes to tell immigrants to go back to their shit hole country, big on the second amendment, tRUmp is the greatest president ever, all the regular batshit crazy stuff. Maybe this kid wasn't bullied at all and was really the aggressor. You know how tRUmptards are,always the victim in everything, she may have brainwashed her own kid. Since the kid has refused to talk,we may never know the full story.