Antonin Scalia is dead party thread

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Scalia was against Affirmative Action type programs based on Constitutional law. The drafters of the Constitution never intended to promote stupid racist based programs such as Affirmative Action. They believed and ratified the Constitution such that "all are created equal". That was Scalia's premise.

Spin in any way you wish.


Well-Known Member
RIU - Christians 1, Lions 10

Relish your juvenile RIU appetizers cause you're gonna surely throw it all up when the new conservative president nominates someone as noble as the only Constitutional Originalist, or true purveyor of the Constitution as it was ratified - Scalia. And these are the dorks you have left. have to hope you win first. Not looking good.
That fat fuck Scalia died in fucked up Texas...ALONE. Fuck Scalia and fuck Texas
Might have been that cow shit smell that done him in.



Well-Known Member
Scalia was against Affirmative Action type programs based on Constitutional law. The drafters of the Constitution never intended to promote stupid racist based programs such as Affirmative Action. They believed and ratified the Constitution such that "all are created equal". That was Scalia's premise.

Spin in any way you wish.
You mean the drafters that all owned slaves?....."all are created equal".....


Well-Known Member
Scalia was against Affirmative Action type programs based on Constitutional law. The drafters of the Constitution never intended to promote stupid racist based programs such as Affirmative Action. They believed and ratified the Constitution such that "all are created equal". That was Scalia's premise.

Spin in any way you wish.
Scalia was a piece of shit who thought lesser of people of a different color than him. Glad he's dead. Now if only we can get Thomas to follow.

Here is an interesting article about cold blue DEAD Scalia
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Well-Known Member
Nothing to be said but, congratulations fellas.

Can't begrudge you the morbid celebration as we would react the same way if Ginsburg had croaked during Bush's presidency.

Advantage libs.
THANK YOU. Feel free to party as well.
Fuck Scalia. Our nation will be better without.


Well-Known Member
Scalia was against Affirmative Action type programs based on Constitutional law. The drafters of the Constitution never intended to promote stupid racist based programs such as Affirmative Action. They believed and ratified the Constitution such that "all are created equal". That was Scalia's premise.

Spin in any way you wish.
If Negroes like Ben Carson couldn't afford college they should of never attended

What's a black man Like Obama doing in the White house?

How come many of the founding fathers didn't think blacks were equal?


Well-Known Member
Yea, well I know more than a few black people that I know, that would say the same thing (actually they would use another word to describe him). Do you know any blacks? Just ask the one you know, what their opinion is of Clarence (sexual predator) Thomas. He's a butt/ball licker, who hasn't done a fucking thing since he was appointed by HW Bush, but sit on his ass, and vote with that dead prick, Scalia.