Any other gym rats out there?

Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)
Hey hey! I'm very new to this site and love this thread! I used to go to the gym 5-6 days a week. I have a 3 year old daughter, work full time, and go to school, so I made my basement into a gym. All free weights but I have a pulley for lat pulls and rows on the way. I love working out! I do a lot of compound lifts with some isolation work sprinkled in every workout. I'm 37 and feel better than I ever have. I burn it down before, during, and after my workouts. I used to hate doing legs because I'm 6"4' and my legs are super long but now deadlifts are my favorite exercise. Once again, I love this thread and would love to hear other peoples workout routines!
I do the same. I do alot of position changes to target different parts of the muscles I'm working. I don't diet. I eat really well in general. Lots of protein and lots of veggies. My goal has always been to put good weight on as I am naturally lean.
Wide grip overhands are toughest for me. I like to do weighted sets with a belt now. I use to do 5 sets of 20 in 3 different positions(underhand, overhand, palms facing)before I got a belt until I started having weird headaches from them. Now I limit my reps but with the weighted belt it makes up for it and I feel light(210lbs) without it.

Side note I put up 205lb standing military press first time today!
205 SMP is very impressive!
205 SMP is very impressive!
Thanks! Since that posts time period I've lost alittle strength with life getting in the way but still can put up 190 clean. I've always had strong round shoulders. Recently I've only been able to hit the weights a few times a week but once I sell a house I've been remodeling I'll get my gym(basement gym like you) time back.

I too concentrate on compounds. Mainly deads, squats, rows, bench and shoulder presses. I only do isolates for tris, bis, and traps.

You a wrestling fan? Burn it down is a Seth Rollins line is why I ask?
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Just something I've always said, lol. I've been getting back on presses after a recent separation and tear. Was nervous to do much overhead but its getting back to form.
Hey hey! I'm very new to this site and love this thread! I used to go to the gym 5-6 days a week. I have a 3 year old daughter, work full time, and go to school, so I made my basement into a gym. All free weights but I have a pulley for lat pulls and rows on the way. I love working out! I do a lot of compound lifts with some isolation work sprinkled in every workout. I'm 37 and feel better than I ever have. I burn it down before, during, and after my workouts. I used to hate doing legs because I'm 6"4' and my legs are super long but now deadlifts are my favorite exercise. Once again, I love this thread and would love to hear other peoples workout routines!
Good on ya mate =) =) keep up the hard work and dedication amirite =)
Man I haven’t hit the gym for a couple years I just do light weight curls and triceps. I use to do double days at the gym about 5 or 6 years ago when I was playing semi pro football. Did a shit load of CrossFit and explosion workouts. My gym had a nice sled you hook up to your waste and pull that shit. Quick feet workouts and a lot of box jumping.
Ended up getting planter fasciitis and tweeked my back from someone tackling me (I was a tight end/wr) and my shoulder still killing me till this day so I don’t play anymore. Plus I’m a UPS driver and work 9-12 hours a day now
Hamstrings today for me
U ever summo deadlift? I like to use it on leg day. I usually do standard on back day. I like to do ATG squats and summo deadlift along w standard squats, close leg, and wide leg. When u break the parallel plane it really activates your glutes and hamstrings. Quads are easy to target w free weights but u have to work on positions and range of motion on the lift to really get at the hamstrings. I like to focus on the legs as a whole rather than isolate because it is such a large muscle group and if u break it down it would fill up several workouts. Plus a solid leg workout gives a great T boost.
Has anyone ever come back from a disk injury? Herniated my l5s1 like 3 months ago and lb squats make it act up. I can R deadlift near the weight that I injured myself with no pain which has been a big win for me. I built a reverse hyperextention machine, hanging L sits and general constant decompression and movements like cobra and glute bridges has really been the key for me if anyone has been dealing with this.
Has anyone ever come back from a disk injury? Herniated my l5s1 like 3 months ago and lb squats make it act up. I can R deadlift near the weight that I injured myself with no pain which has been a big win for me. I built a reverse hyperextention machine, hanging L sits and general constant decompression and movements like cobra and glute bridges has really been the key for me if anyone has been dealing with this.

I injured my back in a car accident in 2015. Crushed my c-6 and c-7 completely.

. Don't listen to the bullshit-emg-hippies who say your back is something that needs to be coddled. It is literally the most strongest group of muscles in your body (besides the legs) and responds excellent to intelligent training.

IMO you need to go back to a linear style full body EOD, or if that is too hard, try an undulating periodization. Do not stop training your back.

You can definitely get through this. After my accident i took my deadlift from 3 plates to 405 within 9 months on concurrent periodization.
