I haven't read back a lot - but I'm a Tilray patient. And I have gotten all my meds for the last 6 months from a Compassion Club in London because Tilray shat the bed so hard with their medication.
But, I did get an e-mail the other day that said they were getting new stuff. They weren't too bad in August. But then they just went doooooown hill.
London Compassion Society is better, and they do mail order too.
In my opinion.
I'll check out what is actually currently available at tilray and see if I can find that e-mail...

Expanding Our Strain Selection
Dear Yessica...
We are pleased to inform you of the 8 AM PT/ 11 AM ET release of:
- Black Tuna (Hybrid) @ THC: 18.9% CBD: 0.0% - $10/g
- Watermelon (Indica) @ THC: 12.7% CBD: 0.0% - $8/g
- White Widow (Hybrid) @ THC: 21.5% CBD 0.0$ - $11/g
- +CBD House Blend @ THC: 4.5% CBD: 8.1% - $90/jar
On Wednesday, April 22th at 8 AM PT/ 11 AM ET, we will release:
- Afghani (Indica) @ THC: 21.9% CBD: 0.0% - $11/g
- Barbara Bud (Indica) @ THC: 10.2 - 10.7% CBD: 0.0% - $8/g
- Green Cush (Sativa) @ THC: 12.2 - 14.5% CBD: 0.0% - $8/g
- Headband (Sativa) Limited release @ THC: 29.3% CBD: 0.4% - $14/g
As new strains become available, we will keep you informed. Thank you for choosing Tilray and for being a valued Tilray patient.
Buuuut, for the longest time they only had "milled" weed, that literally looked and burnt like floor clippings.
If you go to the LCS, or another compassion clue - you can get extracts. I have a buddy that goes to one in Toronto, and he got his like 100 gram prescription all in hash and oil. He loves it.
I'm not sure exact how they do the "x gram a day" thing when they're using extracts.
But - there you go.
I'll check the site and see if they're sold out of the new strains yet. Before they would release a strain and it would be sold out within minutes.
Because patients needed their medicine and they didn't have it available. Fuckers.
EDIT AGAIN: Just checked the site. Looks like they still have meds. That's surprising, but a good sign.