Any Tilray Reviews?

Hey welcome man. Theres lots of good peeps here and a few hateful nut jobs. If you dont know..there is an ignore feature that makes this site much more tolerable.
Just click on the user name you want to ignore and a window pops up.
Not all us go bat shit crazy every time someone types 'LP'

I appreciate you saying that.

Alot of the lp meds are irradiated. They use gamma irradiation, supposedly for patients with weak immune systems.
They have to say on the ordering site if it is or not.
They sometimes call it cold pasterized or something.
Some do it on all their meds some only do a few.

Alot of the people on here are more pissed with the system itself and hate the mmpr. Dont take it personal, i try not to.
I just read an interview with one of tilrays co owners saying that they dont irradiate anything and hand trim and use third party testing facilities that they are currently expanding.
So looks like your in the clear on hulking out lol
Like i said whether most of us on here like lps or not im sure everyone is glad your getting the help an relief you need man.
I just read an interview with one of tilrays co owners saying that they dont irradiate anything and hand trim and use third party testing facilities that they are currently expanding.
So looks like your in the clear on hulking out lol
Like i said whether most of us on here like lps or not im sure everyone is glad your getting the help an relief you need man.

Yay! Won't turn green anytime soon. Just found a load of videos on Youtube about Tilray, but only a :17 second clip from the company itself, 4 days ago... Interesting.
Is it that you feel safer because you have a prescription from a government authorized source? How long have you been legal and how much is your script for if I may?
Is it that you feel safer because you have a prescription from a government authorized source? How long have you been legal and how much is your script for if I may?

I suppose it does make me feel safer. I don't know if it's a misconception on my part, as that I haven't had to deal with the situation yet. But if it happens, I think having my doctor's prescription would help me,no?

I became legal the last week of March of this year. Less than a calendar month. I do not speak from a position of knowledge of mmj.

I'm unclear what you mean by 'how much is your script for', but there was no cost at my doctor's office, and he filled out paperwork twice because his assistant screwed the first one up somehow. If you mean the amount per day, it is for 2g. I medicate 4 times in a 16 hour day, and it keeps me mobile for the most part.
I haven't read back a lot - but I'm a Tilray patient. And I have gotten all my meds for the last 6 months from a Compassion Club in London because Tilray shat the bed so hard with their medication.

But, I did get an e-mail the other day that said they were getting new stuff. They weren't too bad in August. But then they just went doooooown hill.

London Compassion Society is better, and they do mail order too.

In my opinion.

I'll check out what is actually currently available at tilray and see if I can find that e-mail...

Expanding Our Strain Selection
Dear Yessica...

We are pleased to inform you of the 8 AM PT/ 11 AM ET release of:

  • Black Tuna (Hybrid) @ THC: 18.9% CBD: 0.0% - $10/g
  • Watermelon (Indica) @ THC: 12.7% CBD: 0.0% - $8/g
  • White Widow (Hybrid) @ THC: 21.5% CBD 0.0$ - $11/g
  • +CBD House Blend @ THC: 4.5% CBD: 8.1% - $90/jar
On Wednesday, April 22th at 8 AM PT/ 11 AM ET, we will release:
  • Afghani (Indica) @ THC: 21.9% CBD: 0.0% - $11/g
  • Barbara Bud (Indica) @ THC: 10.2 - 10.7% CBD: 0.0% - $8/g
  • Green Cush (Sativa) @ THC: 12.2 - 14.5% CBD: 0.0% - $8/g
  • Headband (Sativa) Limited release @ THC: 29.3% CBD: 0.4% - $14/g
As new strains become available, we will keep you informed. Thank you for choosing Tilray and for being a valued Tilray patient.


Buuuut, for the longest time they only had "milled" weed, that literally looked and burnt like floor clippings.

If you go to the LCS, or another compassion clue - you can get extracts. I have a buddy that goes to one in Toronto, and he got his like 100 gram prescription all in hash and oil. He loves it.

I'm not sure exact how they do the "x gram a day" thing when they're using extracts.

But - there you go.

I'll check the site and see if they're sold out of the new strains yet. Before they would release a strain and it would be sold out within minutes.

Because patients needed their medicine and they didn't have it available. Fuckers.

EDIT AGAIN: Just checked the site. Looks like they still have meds. That's surprising, but a good sign.
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$6400/lb for the headband.. ouch
Oh it's disgusting. The prices are outrageous.

But if you're getting a doctor to write you a prescription, what's the alternative?

My buds doctor in Toronto wrote his prescription for a CC down there, but that was in September. Are docs still sending patients to CC's, or is it 100% LP referral now?
I suppose it does make me feel safer. I don't know if it's a misconception on my part, as that I haven't had to deal with the situation yet. But if it happens, I think having my doctor's prescription would help me,no?

I became legal the last week of March of this year. Less than a calendar month. I do not speak from a position of knowledge of mmj.

I'm unclear what you mean by 'how much is your script for', but there was no cost at my doctor's office, and he filled out paperwork twice because his assistant screwed the first one up somehow. If you mean the amount per day, it is for 2g. I medicate 4 times in a 16 hour day, and it keeps me mobile for the most part.
So you are a new recreational use? No judgements just trying to get a fix...can I ask a few questions about Dr and work? Does your work know you use? Did your doc pick a LP for you or did you go in with Tilray in mind? How difficult was it to find a doc to support you? How long have you lived in Whitehorse?
Our lovely Government ...they like to tax the sick eh:)
They like you sick.
They like you to break the law too and they make new laws in order to do just that.
They like it when you're bad :)
I believe this is referred to as "the finer things in life!!"
Which explains why i could never afford it. But even if i could how does someone justify spending that.
lol...thats the real joke.

You can. Seeds are cheap and you to can have some headbang as early as this fall ;)
or shatter or bubble or oil or budder etc :lol: but I wouldnt buy this shit from anyone I didnt know.
lol...thats the real joke.

You can. Seeds are cheap and you to can have some headbang as early as this fall ;)
or shatter or bubble or oil or budder etc :lol: but I wouldnt buy this shit from anyone I didnt know.
6400 a pound would make a person want to take up selling weeds....a 5 to 10 dollar investment
is all that's required,,,,and it would be so so easy to be the cheap guy in Tilrays market...
you'd just have to sell for a meager 5900.00 a pound.
My buds doctor in Toronto wrote his prescription for a CC down there, but that was in September. Are docs still sending patients to CC's, or is it 100% LP referral now?

Docs send you to an LP, then you get your bag and go to the CC.
Since they can now fill out legal paperwork they're leaning towards that, but some may still sign "grey area" papers if you wanted to go straight to the CC.