Any Tilray Reviews?

Well Rusher you seem to have braved the worst and I see you have learned something as well. You are welcome here.
As has been stated, buy as little LP weed as possible. Get setup with a few CC's and you'll be good to go.
LP's charge way too much.
As exampled by the 6400.00lb pricing...outrageous greed demonstrated as we say they do...don't participate.

Thanks Hippy. I have been reviewing previous posts, and doing some research online, but still haven't found a definitive answer to a few questions.

Do CCs ship? Would they accept my LP card / script to accept me as a patient? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Spell Syllables
adjective, shriller, shrillest.
high-pitched and piercing in sound quality:
a shrill cry.
producing such a sound.
full of or characterized by such a sound:
shrill music.
betraying some strong emotion or attitude in an exaggerated amount,as antagonism or defensiveness.
marked by great intensity; keen:
the shrill, incandescent light of the exploding bomb.
verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
to cry shrilly.
a shrill sound.
in a shrill manner; shrilly.
Origin of shrillExpand
Thanks Hippy. I have been reviewing previous posts, and doing some research online, but still haven't found a definitive answer to a few questions.

Do CCs ship? Would they accept my LP card / script to accept me as a patient? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

1: = Yes
2: = Some do, some don't
3: = 27.6369 mph
I like LCS London Compassion Society...Other here know better than I do on this subject. They do ship as well. Check out the site. I'll pm you the password for the menu. Contact them and ask to's free.

I'm on the website right now. Checking out the applications. Maybe after I speak to someone I'll take you up on the password offer. Again, I appreciate the help.
I'm on the website right now. Checking out the applications. Maybe after I speak to someone I'll take you up on the password offer. Again, I appreciate the help.

The password isn't any sort of commitment - it's the same password for everyone and lets you see their kickass selection.
Company name? I would love to have a look.
A few folks here use medpotnow, there is the BC Compassion Club Society ( there is an annual fee here) The Dispensary is Dana Larsens deal I believe with 2 locations....Thrulow and Hastings...
A few folks here use medpotnow, there is the BC Compassion Club Society ( there is an annual fee here) The Dispensary is Dana Larsens deal I believe with 2 locations....Thrulow and Hastings...

Thanks, I'll have a look.
Hey rusher...I'm glad you found relief, but I will be curious to see what happens when you go to get your next order....this seems to be where the crux is...they lure patients in with big promises and then fail miserably with low supply, no supply or "blends" of shit they otherwise wouldn't be able to sell...was it Tilray that shipped moldy shit? And if you think it will be easy to switch lps, think again. There are folks here who have been through every single LP and not found what they need...there are others who are barely getting enough meds because it's cost prohibitive. Then there are others that simply will not support this program no way no how.

Because you asked, and because this will likely be my last Tilray order after speaking with some nice folks at BC Compassion Society, here is my order I got today.

cheese1 - Copy.jpg
cheese2 - Copy.jpg

Vaporizes very nicely, and kind of like what getting punched in the face with a bag of cheesy nachos would feel like. You can feel the Indica qualities after about 10 minutes. Great relief for the pain in my hips.

And yes, they shorted me. :-)