Any Tilray Reviews?

BudBuddy used to sell Headband online - was $10 a gram at one point, then went up to $15 a gram.
+ $20 shipping on all orders.

Never seen it anywhere else, but not really sure I would care since it didn't stack up that well against the haze variants we got.
$14 a gram! That's insane. I've been happy with my LP, but I've been enjoying the services of local CC's much more. Not all will accept mmpr patients without the dr filling out their forms but I've found 2 that accept the patient card for membership.
$14 a gram! That's insane. I've been happy with my LP, but I've been enjoying the services of local CC's much more. Not all will accept mmpr patients without the dr filling out their forms but I've found 2 that accept the patient card for membership.
Really what two are those?
Most of the cc's ive called have told me that i would need to get my dr to write a new script and theres no way my dr will do it.
Do the ccs charge for memberships?
Hey rusher...I'm glad you found relief, but I will be curious to see what happens when you go to get your next order....this seems to be where the crux is...they lure patients in with big promises and then fail miserably with low supply, no supply or "blends" of shit they otherwise wouldn't be able to sell...was it Tilray that shipped moldy shit? And if you think it will be easy to switch lps, think again. There are folks here who have been through every single LP and not found what they need...there are others who are barely getting enough meds because it's cost prohibitive. Then there are others that simply will not support this program no way no how.
Really what two are those?
Most of the cc's ive called have told me that i would need to get my dr to write a new script and theres no way my dr will do it.
Do the ccs charge for memberships?

CCs don't charge for memberships.
Most of them accept the LP prescription if you copy it before sending it in, but the actual member cards from the LP are not official or legal documents, they're just vanity cards.
CALM and CannDo accepted my LP card and patient sticker for membership. The membership is free but you have to pay if you loose your ID card. I'm pretty sure the card is valid for life, I don't see any expiry date on it. CannDo is awesome, I have nothing but good things to say about them. Calm is great too but prices are higher but they have a return policy which is kinda cool. After visiting CannDo multiple times now it's easy to see why they were voted #1 dispensary in toronto.
Docs send you to an LP, then you get your bag and go to the CC.
Since they can now fill out legal paperwork they're leaning towards that, but some may still sign "grey area" papers if you wanted to go straight to the CC.
I just sent LCS my Tilray prescription and it was allll good.

I'm just wondering what I should ask of my brand new family doctor.

I don't want to scare the poor man off by asking him to do something out of his comfort zone. Ill bring it up all casual like.
Hey rusher...I'm glad you found relief, but I will be curious to see what happens when you go to get your next order....this seems to be where the crux is...they lure patients in with big promises and then fail miserably with low supply, no supply or "blends" of shit they otherwise wouldn't be able to sell...was it Tilray that shipped moldy shit? And if you think it will be easy to switch lps, think again. There are folks here who have been through every single LP and not found what they need...there are others who are barely getting enough meds because it's cost prohibitive. Then there are others that simply will not support this program no way no how.

Yeah, I get it. I guess I'll just wait for the inevitable, and Tilray will screw up. Given their track record, it's just a matter of time. I guess I'll enjoy the relief until things go sideways.

And to answer your previous post, I was a rec smoker in my 20s, and had fun with it. I only realized the possibility for medicinal application when a friend offered to smoke with me at a card game one night (15 years after quitting), and I enjoyed almost 3hrs of relief. The next day I made an appointment with my doc.
it's nice you can say that you'll enjoy it until it goes sideways...

sick people cant wait for that..
Well Rusher you seem to have braved the worst and I see you have learned something as well. You are welcome here.
As has been stated, buy as little LP weed as possible. Get setup with a few CC's and you'll be good to go.
LP's charge way too much.
As exampled by the 6400.00lb pricing...outrageous greed demonstrated as we say they do...don't participate.