Any Tilray Reviews?

Kinda wondering why there are no other tilray reviews besides mine.... Has anyone seen any? Finding it a little weird that there are literally NONE as its one of the very few LLPs shipping...
Kinda wondering why there are no other tilray reviews besides mine.... Has anyone seen any? Finding it a little weird that there are literally NONE as its one of the very few LLPs shipping...

Not everyone really visits forums or wants to do reviews. Not everyone knows about the review sites. Also possible they don't ship that much. I'm surprised that with all the 40K possible patients numbers the LP"s where pushing a few months ago not of them are stating how many customers they have.
There are 5,200 odd patients in the MMPR program

5,200/13 = 400 customers per LP. Now there's no way most of them are spending $700+ per month on meds. Even if one company had 400 (customers)*$15 (grams per day @3* $5) thats $180000 per month. That is very little to run indoor grows + CEO's + employees + lawyers + accountants+ etc. Thats if 5200 of them actually average out $15 per day. Most likely that is way smaller amount of money spent. Probably a big chunk of those where transferred over from people who bought med's from the gov during MMAR.

You can see what will happen as the list of LP's grows. Seems to me the gov is going to have to halt the licenses on any new LP's pretty soon. That will be interesting to see ...
Going to have to halt? Seems like they have halted it since almost 2 months now haha. Anyone that is saying they're "pre-licensed now" and just waiting for HC, has another AT LEAST 1-1.5 years before they will be shipping product, and thats the cold hard truth.

Most of the LP's right now are making losses and just sitting it out because they know things will kick in soon enough. All this capital investment is for future potential, not necessarily immediate gains.
5,200/13 = 400 customers per LP. Now there's no way most of them are spending $700+ per month on meds. Even if one company had 400 (customers)*$15 (grams per day @3* $5) thats $180000 per month. That is very little to run indoor grows + CEO's + employees + lawyers + accountants+ etc. Thats if 5200 of them actually average out $15 per day. Most likely that is way smaller amount of money spent. Probably a big chunk of those where transferred over from people who bought med's from the gov during MMAR.

You can see what will happen as the list of LP's grows. Seems to me the gov is going to have to halt the licenses on any new LP's pretty soon. That will be interesting to see ...

The 5200 patient average from the LPs is 1.2g/day
The 5200 patient average from the LPs is 1.2g/day
That is not a lot of pot to supply (notice I didn't call it medicine?!)Especially when it CAN be diveed up between 13. The fact that it isn't is irrelevant. Did the gov. really think that we wouldn't win that injunction? Obviously there are not enough patients to float the market and with docs not signing....well ain't that a pretty picture.
Some of these LPs have less/more than 400 patients. Also there may be 13 LPs but only like 9 are actually shipping product right now (the rest won't have crops til after July). I've read that Bedrocan alone has over 1000 patients. So that makes me think how many of these 5200 supposed patients are just single patients signed up with more than one LP? I'm sure to get the 5200 number they just asked each LP how many people they have signed up, so I'm guessing the actual number of patients is a lot smaller than they think since it's mostly the same patients with multiple "medical documents". Even if docs are signing 5000 totally new people every year it's going to take a long time to get to that 400,000 number HC keeps saying, not the 5-10 years they think.
Doesn't look to promising for any LP's really. Doctors will not sign enough to fill LP's lists and their product will comes down in price.
That alone should leave them tits up!
I bet they start going under before they ever get started.
I wonder when the Law Suits start?
:) Should be real soon Id think.
Canadian patients are not the only market for LPs. The regulations are quite clear on that.
Ah yes the import/export clauses of the regulations. The more I think about that the more I'm wondering how that's going to work. If LPs import there's nobody to unload product on, and they can only export to other medical marijuana countries which I'm assuming already have their own breeders/growers to supply the market, so there is very little demand/need for Canadian grown cannabis afar. Not to mention all the UN red tape and extra permits and whatever else is needed. Besides the LPs can't even provide for 5200 patients consistently let alone opening up their production to import/export markets. Sounds to me these LPs better be pushing for legalization real soon because they sure aren't making any returns on the 10's of millions they've invested in the "medical" market.
That is not a lot of pot to supply (notice I didn't call it medicine?!)Especially when it CAN be diveed up between 13. The fact that it isn't is irrelevant. Did the gov. really think that we wouldn't win that injunction? Obviously there are not enough patients to float the market and with docs not signing....well ain't that a pretty picture.

I'm sure the government was praying we would win the injunction.
The import/export is actually a bit easier than expected.
On the Canadian side, you just have to be able to do the paperwork and prove that they have a valid import license. It's a few steps past due diligence but not much more than that.

On the UN side I haven't heard of any issues and this is already happening. One of the current LPs is importing 100% of their product as well.

Also, it needs to be taken into consideration that Canadian product has a certain reputation (deserved or not) and brands like BC Bud are internationally recognized as quality product. What us Canadians know about those brands doesn't tend to matter to those overseas. There's already Canadian seed being sold to various countries and more than one LP looking into crossing borders with product.
Ya they are upto big business shenanigans , could be a pump and dump, i.e. go public, sell shares so the inside players at the LPs get millions then dump the shares before it all flies flat, like the tech boom,
For people like Phil loucas to have sold his soul to the devil Tilray to sell patients weed with questionable provenance at 10 bucks a gram
He must have got paid a big salary\stock options that the greedy pigs hope to cash in on...
I'm sure the parent company don't care if they lose money or make money as they make money either way on the backs of the shareholders, patients
Export: Unless the Can gov put on an export tax/duty there is no "sales tax" on selling products from Canada to a customer in a different country. So any PST/GST is not collected so there goes the "tax revenue" generation.

The 5200 customers, well like Leaffan said those could be one time buyers or even customers with multiple LP's hell if I counted all the customers that came through my store each year I would have a big number too which on paper would make me quite rich lol.
The guy who is a head of the LP association said in his speech at the Expo that they have 3800 patients signed up so far. I heard him say that personally. That was like 3 weeks ago.
The import/export is actually a bit easier than expected.
On the Canadian side, you just have to be able to do the paperwork and prove that they have a valid import license. It's a few steps past due diligence but not much more than that.

On the UN side I haven't heard of any issues and this is already happening. One of the current LPs is importing 100% of their product as well.

Also, it needs to be taken into consideration that Canadian product has a certain reputation (deserved or not) and brands like BC Bud are internationally recognized as quality product. What us Canadians know about those brands doesn't tend to matter to those overseas. There's already Canadian seed being sold to various countries and more than one LP looking into crossing borders with product.
Kind of a misuse of the word "producer" don't ya think? Whoever this LP is, is just a middleman for the guy who's really producing the product. A better term for this particular "LP" would be a retailer. What a fucked up system!
Why do you say that?

HC needed Conroy to win because they were not ready to handle all the MMAR on April 1. I don't have the stats handy, but there were too few LPs producing to handle everything. So we would have had patients with no source of medicine. We would have probably had legalization, or at least a full court ordered re-implementation of the MMAR.
Conroy saved HC's ass, and in reality screwed us...imo