anyone else smoke alone?

Ya, another lone smoker here. Had a couple of friends in past location who I trusted. I'm almost invisible here but can't smoke inside and have to sneak one out on patio. Better to go to the park. Still very paranoid about it all. Find sanctuary in obscurity.
I used to smoke alone.
My ex wife didn't like me doing it so would have to have it sneakily. When we were first together it wasn't an issue but became one.
Luckily my new partner is totally into it so we get stoned together.
But I still like to bike out to the beach/forest and get stoned by myself
Being a guy of advancing years--I'm just in my 60s man--I live a secret life toking up and growing a bit on the sly--but putting on the cuddly old Grampa routine to all outsiders. Needless to say Smokin da weed is a solitary pastime for me, although my good Lady don't mind. I miss having a laugh with mates like the old times--Sigh
I've been smoking mostly alone since I was 17 (37now) Most of my friends drink and that's never really been my thing. I'm just as happy without alcohol. Most of the people in my life (other than friends) have no idea I prob even smoke lol. I like it that way!! Just goes to show you that people can be functioning members of society while excelling at their job and still be blazed outta their minds!! bongsmilie
My name is Tim and I smoke alone? Anyone else smoke alone or keep it secret

I have to smoke alone because none of my friends or my wife can keep up with me. o_O

I do not mind smoking with my friends though, as long as they roll their own.
Hey Tim. I started smoking again after a 23 year hiatus. I've been smoking the last 3 plus years. Growing 3. I'm 60 and it helps with the joint pain. I smoke when I'm by myself or with somebody.
Hey nice to meet you I hope you're still here yeah I'm 60 years old now myself and I'm still smoking alone here I had some people living with me for a little while about a year and it was nice they smoked too but they moved out and now it's just me again I'm going to start growing again this winter as well so hopefully that works out too so what's up
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I started growing in 2015 and mostly smoke alone,I like good ol fashioned joints. I use all day medically mostly for ptsd. I'm 54 this month woo-hoo! Everyone I know normally is looking at me to supply the buzz. It gets old, I wish I knew people like myself who are passionate about cannabis as a lifestyle