Tim Fox
Well-Known Member
All my old buddies are spread far and wide and mostif they smoke it's all hidden like in my life my job would fire me in a heartbeat if they knewI'd smoke with someone. If they cared to come round for it.
All my old buddies are spread far and wide and mostif they smoke it's all hidden like in my life my job would fire me in a heartbeat if they knewI'd smoke with someone. If they cared to come round for it.
i live in a tourist town, most of the people here are either non smoking rednecks, or low life pill heads. so i don't make a lot of friends here. theres a lot of people that smoke weed here, but most of them would rob my house the first time i stepped out of it if they had any idea what i did.
so i smoke alone most of the time. would be happy to share, if there was anyone around here that i trusted with my back turned for 10 seconds
Still smoking alone over here,,
outside family would never approve,, wife is ok with it,, she doesnt smoke,,
so here i sit, watching the beauty of Oregon,, hitting the bong,,
anyone want to join me?
My name is Brad and I'm smoking alone right now. I only keep it secret from strangers.My name is Tim and I smoke alone? Anyone else smoke alone or keep it secret
i work with seniors,, and its strange how much they are all over the electricity,, "turn off that light",,, is the oven off,,, dont turn on the ac or heater,,, hahaha,,, most of us learned the hard way years ago to keep our grows secretmy name is alex..24yrs...i smoke mostly alone but sometimes i hang out with friends to give it a "pass" or give me a "pass"
Only familiar people know about me.... And Noone except from dad know about my grow...Dad aint smoking...All he cares is about electricity...That 600 watt hps facking scared him...
since i smoke alone,, i have gotten really good at just being chill,, i can go out into the big city and be high as a kite on my edibles and nobody knows,, just ijust chill and cruise around,, maybe some visine first,, lolI pretty much only smoke alone, but I hate being in small groups, like how some people get that crushing anxiety from being in large crowds, I get that from being in a small group of acquaintances, no matter if anyone is smoking, could just be discussing 17th century literature lol
i have heard they effect people differantly for sure,, i make my own out of weed i grow here at the house, i have made changes,, i think some stores make it out of older weed that has changed its make up to more of a medicated state,, instead of the thc high we want,, i think i will harvest a plant a bit early so its crazy weed,, and make some edibles out of that,, should do the trick , hahaha,,i wish i could do that, edibles don't seem to do much to me. i've made my own, and bought from stores, all it seems to do is make me sleep real good.
i made fudge that had a 1/4 of good kief in it, the hash i made out of the rest of the kief fucked me up, but the fudge not so much.
i decarbed it in a 250 degree oven for an hour (to allow time for the dish to heat up, all that good stuff, so i know the kief had to be at 225 for at least a half hour. other people i gave the fudge to said it kicked ass.
my neighbors just brought me back a container of candy from Denver, which is supposed to have 10 mg of thc per piece. i ate 3 pieces, same thing, didn't really feel much, just slept like a log.